< 历代志下 23 >

1 第七年,耶何耶大奋勇自强,将百夫长耶罗罕的儿子亚撒利雅,约哈难的儿子以实玛利,俄备得的儿子亚撒利雅,亚大雅的儿子玛西雅,细基利的儿子以利沙法召来,与他们立约。
And, in the seventh year, Jehoiada strengthened himself, and took the rulers of hundreds—even Azariah son of Jeroham, and Ishmael son of Jehohanan, and Azariah son of Obed, and Maaseiah son of Adaiah and Elishaphat son of Zichri—unto himself, in covenant.
2 他们走遍犹大,从犹大各城里招聚利未人和以色列的众族长到耶路撒冷来。
And they went round throughout Judah, and gathered together the Levites out of all the cities of Judah, and the ancestral chiefs of Israel, —and they came into Jerusalem.
3 会众在 神殿里与王立约。耶何耶大对他们说:“看哪,王的儿子必当作王,正如耶和华指着大卫子孙所应许的话”;
And all the convocation solemnised a covenant in the house of God, with the king, —and he said to them, Lo! the king’s son must reign, as spake Yahweh concerning the sons of David.
4 又说:“你们当这样行:祭司和利未人凡安息日进班的,三分之一要把守各门,
This, is the thing that ye shall do, —A third of you entering on the sabbath, both of the priests and of the Levites, as doorkeepers of the porch;
5 三分之一要在王宫,三分之一要在基址门;众百姓要在耶和华殿的院内。
and a third, being in the house of the king, and a third, at the foundation gate, —and all the people, being in the courts of the house of Yahweh,
6 除了祭司和供职的利未人之外,不准别人进耶和华的殿;惟独他们可以进去,因为他们圣洁。众百姓要遵守耶和华所吩咐的。
then let no one enter the house of Yahweh, save only the priests, and they who are in attendance of the Levites, they, may enter, for, holy, they are, -but, all the people, shall keep the watch of Yahweh.
7 利未人要手中各拿兵器,四围护卫王;凡擅入殿宇的,必当治死。王出入的时候,你们当跟随他。”
So shall the Levites encompass the king round about, every man with his weapons in his hand, and, he that entereth into the house, shall be put to death. Thus be ye with the king, when he cometh in and when he goeth out.
8 利未人和犹大众人都照着祭司耶何耶大一切所吩咐的去行,各带所管安息日进班出班的人来,因为祭司耶何耶大不许他们下班。
So the Levites and all Judah did according to all that Jehoiada the priest commanded, and they took every man his men, who were coming in on the sabbath, with them who were going out on the sabbath, —for Jehoiada the priest dismissed not the courses.
9 祭司耶何耶大便将 神殿里所藏大卫王的枪、盾牌、挡牌交给百夫长,
And Jehoiada the priest gave unto the captains of hundreds, the spears and the bucklers and the shields, which belonged to King David, —which were in the house of God.
10 又分派众民手中各拿兵器,在坛和殿那里,从殿右直到殿左,站在王子的四围;
And be caused all the people to stand, even every man with his weapon in his hand, from the right corner of the house as far as the left corner of the house, by the altar and the house, —near the king round about.
11 于是领王子出来,给他戴上冠冕,将律法书交给他,立他作王。耶何耶大和众子膏他,众人说:“愿王万岁!”
Then brought they forth the king’s son, and set upon him the crown and the testimony, and made him king, —and Jehoiada and his sons anointed him, and said, May the king live!
12 亚她利雅听见民奔走赞美王的声音,就到民那里,进耶和华的殿,
Now, when Athaliah heard the noise of the people who were running, and those who were praising the king, —then came she unto the people in the house of Yahweh;
13 看见王站在殿门的柱旁,百夫长和吹号的人侍立在王左右,国民都欢乐吹号,又有歌唱的,用各样的乐器领人歌唱赞美;亚她利雅就撕裂衣服,喊叫说:“反了!反了!”
and looked, and lo! the king, standing by his pillar at the entrance, and the captains and the trumpets by the king, and all the people of the land rejoicing, and blowing with trumpets, and the singers, with instruments of song, and such as led the offering of praise, then Athaliah rent her garments, and said, Conspiracy! conspiracy!
14 祭司耶何耶大带管辖军兵的百夫长出来,吩咐他们说:“将她赶到班外,凡跟随她的必用刀杀死!”因为祭司说:“不可在耶和华殿里杀她。”
Then Jehoiada the priest commanded the captains of hundreds, officers of the force, and said unto them, Take her forth within the ranks, and he that cometh in after her let him be slain with the sword, —for, said the priest, Ye must not slay her in the house of Yahweh!
15 众兵就闪开,让她去;她走到王宫的马门,便在那里把她杀了。
So they made way for her, and she came into the entrance of the horse-gate of the house of the king, —and they slew her there.
16 耶何耶大与众民和王立约,都要作耶和华的民。
And Jehoiada solemnised a covenant, between himself and all the people, and the king, —that they should become a people unto Yahweh.
17 于是众民都到巴力庙,拆毁了庙,打碎坛和像,又在坛前将巴力的祭司玛坦杀了。
Then all the people entered into the house of Baal and brake it down, and, his altars and his images, brake they in pieces, —and, Mattan the priest of Baal, they slew, before the altars.
18 耶何耶大派官看守耶和华的殿,是在祭司利未人手下。这祭司利未人是大卫分派在耶和华殿中、照摩西律法上所写的,给耶和华献燔祭,又按大卫所定的例,欢乐歌唱;
And Jehoiada put the oversight of the house of Yahweh into the hand of the priests and the Levites, whom David set by courses over the house of Yahweh, that they might offer up the ascending-sacrifices of Yahweh, as it is written in the law of Moses, with rejoicing and with song, —under the direction of David.
19 且设立守门的把守耶和华殿的各门,无论为何事,不洁净的人都不准进去。
And he caused gatekeepers to stand, at the gates of the house of Yahweh, —that no one who was unclean should, on any account, enter.
20 又率领百夫长和贵胄,与民间的官长,并国中的众民,请王从耶和华殿下来,由上门进入王宫,立王坐在国位上。
Then took he the captains of hundreds—and the nobles—and the rulers over the people—and all the people of the land, and brought down the king out of the house of Yahweh, and they entered, through the midst of the upper gate, into the house of the king, —and they seated the king, upon the throne of the kingdom.
21 国民都欢乐,合城都安静。众人已将亚她利雅用刀杀了。
And all the people of the land rejoiced, and, the city, was quiet, —when, Athaliah, they had slain with the sword.

< 历代志下 23 >