< 历代志下 18 >

1 约沙法大有尊荣资财,就与亚哈结亲。
and to be to/for Jehoshaphat riches and glory to/for abundance and be related to/for Ahab
2 过了几年,他下到撒马利亚去见亚哈;亚哈为他和跟从他的人宰了许多牛羊,劝他与自己同去攻取基列的拉末。
and to go down to/for end year to(wards) Ahab to/for Samaria and to sacrifice to/for him Ahab flock and cattle to/for abundance and to/for people which with him and to incite him to/for to ascend: rise to(wards) Ramoth (Ramoth)-gilead
3 以色列王亚哈问犹大王约沙法说:“你肯同我去攻取基列的拉末吗?”他回答说:“你我不分彼此,我的民与你的民一样,必与你同去争战。”
and to say Ahab king Israel to(wards) Jehoshaphat king Judah to go: went with me Ramoth (Ramoth)-gilead and to say to/for him like me like you and like/as people your people my and with you in/on/with battle
4 约沙法对以色列王说:“请你先求问耶和华。”
and to say Jehoshaphat to(wards) king Israel to seek please like/as day: today [obj] word LORD
5 于是以色列王招聚先知四百人,问他们说:“我们上去攻取基列的拉末可以不可以?”他们说:“可以上去,因为 神必将那城交在王的手里。”
and to gather king Israel [obj] [the] prophet four hundred man and to say to(wards) them to go: went to(wards) Ramoth (Ramoth)-gilead to/for battle if to cease and to say to ascend: rise and to give: give [the] God in/on/with hand: power [the] king
6 约沙法说:“这里不是还有耶和华的先知,我们可以求问他吗?”
and to say Jehoshaphat nothing here prophet to/for LORD still and to seek from [obj] him
7 以色列王对约沙法说:“还有一个人,是音拉的儿子米该雅。我们可以托他求问耶和华,只是我恨他;因为他指着我所说的预言,不说吉语,常说凶言。”约沙法说:“王不必这样说。”
and to say king Israel to(wards) Jehoshaphat still man one to/for to seek [obj] LORD from [obj] him and I to hate him for nothing he to prophesy upon me to/for welfare for all day: always his to/for bad: evil he/she/it Micaiah son: child Imlah and to say Jehoshaphat not to say [the] king so
8 以色列王就召了一个太监来,说:“你快去将音拉的儿子米该雅召来。”
and to call: call to king Israel to(wards) eunuch one and to say to hasten (Micaiah *Q(K)*) son: child Imlah
9 以色列王和犹大王约沙法在撒马利亚城门前的空场上,各穿朝服坐在位上,所有的先知都在他们面前说预言。
and king Israel and Jehoshaphat king Judah to dwell man: anyone upon throne his to clothe garment and to dwell in/on/with threshing floor entrance gate Samaria and all [the] prophet to prophesy to/for face: before their
10 基拿拿的儿子西底家造了两个铁角,说:“耶和华如此说:‘你要用这角抵触亚兰人,直到将他们灭尽。’”
and to make to/for him Zedekiah son: child Chenaanah horn iron and to say thus to say LORD in/on/with these to gore [obj] Syria till to end: destroy them
11 所有的先知也都这样预言说:“可以上基列的拉末去,必然得胜,因为耶和华必将那城交在王的手中。”
and all [the] prophet to prophesy so to/for to say to ascend: rise Ramoth (Ramoth)-gilead and to prosper and to give: give LORD in/on/with hand: power [the] king
12 那去召米该雅的使者对米该雅说:“众先知一口同音地都向王说吉言,你不如与他们说一样的话,也说吉言。”
and [the] messenger which to go: went to/for to call: call to to/for Micaiah to speak: speak to(wards) him to/for to say behold word [the] prophet lip: according one pleasant to(wards) [the] king and to be please word your like/as one from them and to speak: speak pleasant
13 米该雅说:“我指着永生的耶和华起誓,我的 神说什么,我就说什么。”
and to say Micaiah alive LORD for [obj] which to say God my [obj] him to speak: speak
14 米该雅到王面前,王问他说:“米该雅啊,我们上去攻取基列的拉末可以不可以?”他说:“可以上去,必然得胜,敌人必交在你们手里。”
and to come (in): come to(wards) [the] king and to say [the] king to(wards) him Micaiah to go: went to(wards) Ramoth (Ramoth)-gilead to/for battle if to cease and to say to ascend: rise and to prosper and to give: give in/on/with hand: power your
15 王对他说:“我当嘱咐你几次,你才奉耶和华的名向我说实话呢?”
and to say to(wards) him [the] king till like/as what? beat I to swear you which not to speak: speak to(wards) me except truth: true in/on/with name LORD
16 米该雅说:“我看见以色列众民散在山上,如同没有牧人的羊群一般。耶和华说:‘这民没有主人,他们可以平平安安地各归各家去。’”
and to say to see: see [obj] all Israel to scatter upon [the] mountain: mount like/as flock which nothing to/for them to pasture and to say LORD not lord to/for these to return: return man: anyone to/for house: home his in/on/with peace
17 以色列王对约沙法说:“我岂没有告诉你,这人指着我所说的预言,不说吉语,单说凶言吗?”
and to say king Israel to(wards) Jehoshaphat not to say to(wards) you not to prophesy upon me pleasant that if: except if: except to/for bad: evil
18 米该雅说:“你们要听耶和华的话。我看见耶和华坐在宝座上,天上的万军侍立在他左右。
and to say to/for so to hear: hear word LORD to see: see [obj] LORD to dwell upon throne his and all army [the] heaven to stand: stand upon right his and left his
19 耶和华说:‘谁去引诱以色列王亚哈上基列的拉末去阵亡呢?’这个就这样说,那个就那样说。
and to say LORD who? to entice [obj] Ahab king Israel and to ascend: rise and to fall: fall in/on/with Ramoth (Ramoth)-gilead and to say this to say thus and this to say thus
20 随后,有一个神灵出来,站在耶和华面前说:‘我去引诱他。’耶和华问他说:‘你用何法呢?’
and to come out: come [the] spirit and to stand: stand to/for face: before LORD and to say I to entice him and to say LORD to(wards) him in/on/with what?
21 他说:‘我去,要在他众先知口中作谎言的灵。’耶和华说:‘这样,你必能引诱他,你去如此行吧!’
and to say to come out: come and to be to/for spirit deception in/on/with lip all prophet his and to say to entice and also be able to come out: come and to make: do so
22 现在耶和华使谎言的灵入了你这些先知的口,并且耶和华已经命定降祸与你。”
and now behold to give: put LORD spirit deception in/on/with lip prophet your these and LORD to speak: promise upon you distress: harm
23 基拿拿的儿子西底家前来打米该雅的脸,说:“耶和华的灵从哪里离开我与你说话呢?”
and to approach: approach Zedekiah son: child Chenaanah and to smite [obj] Micaiah upon [the] jaw and to say where? this [the] way: direction to pass spirit LORD from with me to/for to speak: speak with you
24 米该雅说:“你进严密的屋子藏躲的那日,就必看见了。”
and to say Micaiah look! you to see: see in/on/with day [the] he/she/it which to come (in): come chamber in/on/with chamber to/for to hide
25 以色列王说:“将米该雅带回,交给邑宰亚们和王的儿子约阿施,说:
and to say king Israel to take: take [obj] Micaiah and to return: return him to(wards) Amon ruler [the] city and to(wards) Joash son: child [the] king
26 ‘王如此说:把这个人下在监里,使他受苦,吃不饱喝不足,等候我平平安安地回来。’”
and to say thus to say [the] king to set: put this house: home [the] prison and to eat him food: bread oppression and water oppression till to return: return I in/on/with peace
27 米该雅说:“你若能平安回来,那就是耶和华没有借我说这话了”;又说:“众民哪,你们都要听!”
and to say Micaiah if to return: return to return: return in/on/with peace not to speak: speak LORD in/on/with me and to say to hear: hear people all their
28 以色列王和犹大王约沙法上基列的拉末去了。
and to ascend: rise king Israel and Jehoshaphat king Judah to(wards) Ramoth (Ramoth)-gilead
29 以色列王对约沙法说:“我要改装上阵,你可以仍穿王服。”于是以色列王改装,他们就上阵去了。
and to say king Israel to(wards) Jehoshaphat to search and to come (in): come in/on/with battle and you(m. s.) to clothe garment your and to search king Israel and to come (in): come in/on/with battle
30 先是亚兰王吩咐车兵长说:“他们的兵将,无论大小,你们都不可与他们争战,只要与以色列王争战。”
and king Syria to command [obj] ruler [the] chariot which to/for him to/for to say not to fight with [the] small with [the] great: large that if: except if: except with king Israel to/for alone him
31 车兵长看见约沙法便说,这必是以色列王,就转过去与他争战。约沙法一呼喊,耶和华就帮助他, 神又感动他们离开他。
and to be like/as to see: see ruler [the] chariot [obj] Jehoshaphat and they(masc.) to say king Israel he/she/it and to turn: turn upon him to/for to fight and to cry out Jehoshaphat and LORD to help him and to incite them God from him
32 车兵长见不是以色列王,就转去不追他了。
and to be like/as to see: see ruler [the] chariot for not to be king Israel and to return: return from after him
33 有一人随便开弓,恰巧射入以色列王的甲缝里。王对赶车的说:“我受了重伤,你转过车来,拉我出阵吧!”
and man: anyone to draw in/on/with bow to/for integrity his and to smite [obj] king Israel between [the] joint and between [the] armor and to say to/for charioteer to overturn (hand: themselves your *Q(K)*) and to come out: send me from [the] camp for be weak: ill
34 那日阵势越战越猛,以色列王勉强站在车上抵挡亚兰人,直到晚上。约在日落的时候,王就死了。
and to ascend: rise [the] battle in/on/with day [the] he/she/it and king Israel to be to stand: stand in/on/with chariot before Syria till [the] evening and to die to/for time to come (in): (sun)set [the] sun

< 历代志下 18 >