< 撒母耳记上 6 >

1 耶和华的约柜在非利士人之地七个月。
and to be ark LORD in/on/with land: country Philistine seven month
2 非利士人将祭司和占卜的聚了来,问他们说:“我们向耶和华的约柜应当怎样行?请指示我们用何法将约柜送回原处。”
and to call: call to Philistine to/for priest and to/for to divine to/for to say what? to make: do to/for ark LORD to know us in/on/with what? to send: depart him to/for place his
3 他们说:“若要将以色列 神的约柜送回去,不可空空地送去,必要给他献赔罪的礼物,然后你们可得痊愈,并知道他的手为何不离开你们。”
and to say if to send: depart [obj] ark God Israel not to send: depart [obj] him emptily for to return: return to return: return to/for him guilt (offering) then to heal and to know to/for you to/for what? not to turn aside: turn aside hand: power his from you
4 非利士人说:“应当用什么献为赔罪的礼物呢?”他们回答说:“当照非利士首领的数目,用五个金痔疮,五个金老鼠,因为在你们众人和你们首领的身上都是一样的灾。
and to say what? [the] guilt (offering) which to return: return to/for him and to say number lord Philistine five (tumor *Q(K)*) gold and five mouse gold for plague one to/for all their and to/for lord your
5 所以当制造你们痔疮的像和毁坏你们田地老鼠的像,并要归荣耀给以色列的 神,或者他向你们和你们的神,并你们的田地,把手放轻些。
and to make image (tumor your *Q(K)*) and image mouse your [the] to ruin [obj] [the] land: country/planet and to give: give to/for God Israel glory perhaps to lighten [obj] hand: power his from upon you and from upon God your and from upon land: country/planet your
6 你们为何硬着心像埃及人和法老一样呢? 神在埃及人中间行奇事,埃及人岂不释放以色列人,他们就去了吗?
and to/for what? to honor: heavy [obj] heart your like/as as which to honor: heavy Egyptian and Pharaoh [obj] heart their not like/as as which to abuse in/on/with them and to send: depart them and to go: went
7 现在你们应当造一辆新车,将两只未曾负轭有乳的母牛套在车上,使牛犊回家去,离开母牛。
and now to take: take and to make cart new one and two heifer to nurse which not to ascend: rise upon them yoke and to bind [obj] [the] heifer in/on/with cart and to return: return son: young animal their from after them [the] house: home [to]
8 把耶和华的约柜放在车上,将所献赔罪的金物装在匣子里,放在柜旁,将柜送去。
and to take: take [obj] ark LORD and to give: put [obj] him to(wards) [the] cart and [obj] article/utensil [the] gold which to return: return to/for him guilt (offering) to set: put in/on/with box from side his and to send: depart [obj] him and to go: went
9 你们要看看:车若直行以色列的境界到伯·示麦去,这大灾就是耶和华降在我们身上的;若不然,便可以知道不是他的手击打我们,是我们偶然遇见的。”
and to see: see if way: road border: area his to ascend: rise Beth-shemesh Beth-shemesh he/she/it to make: do to/for us [obj] [the] distress: harm [the] great: large [the] this and if not and to know for not hand: power his to touch in/on/with us accident he/she/it to be to/for us
10 非利士人就这样行:将两只有乳的母牛套在车上,将牛犊关在家里,
and to make: do [the] human so and to take: take two heifer to nurse and to bind them in/on/with cart and [obj] son: young animal their to restrain in/on/with house: home
11 把耶和华的约柜和装金老鼠并金痔疮像的匣子都放在车上。
and to set: put [obj] ark LORD to(wards) [the] cart and [obj] [the] box and [obj] mouse [the] gold and [obj] image tumor their
12 牛直行大道,往伯·示麦去,一面走一面叫,不偏左右。非利士的首领跟在后面,直到伯·示麦的境界。
and to smooth [the] heifer in/on/with way: journey upon way: direction Beth-shemesh Beth-shemesh in/on/with highway one to go: walk to go: journey and to low and not to turn aside: turn aside right and left and lord Philistine to go: follow after them till border: boundary Beth-shemesh Beth-shemesh
13 伯·示麦人正在平原收割麦子,举目看见约柜,就欢喜了。
and Beth-shemesh Beth-shemesh to reap harvest wheat in/on/with valley and to lift: look [obj] eye their and to see: see [obj] [the] ark and to rejoice to/for to see: see
14 车到了伯·示麦人约书亚的田间,就站住了。在那里有一块大磐石,他们把车劈了,将两只母牛献给耶和华为燔祭。
and [the] cart to come (in): come to(wards) land: country Joshua Bethshemite [the] Bethshemite and to stand: stand there and there stone great: large and to break up/open [obj] tree: wood [the] cart and [obj] [the] heifer to ascend: offer up burnt offering to/for LORD
15 利未人将耶和华的约柜和装金物的匣子拿下来,放在大磐石上。当日伯·示麦人将燔祭和平安祭献给耶和华。
and [the] Levi to go down [obj] ark LORD and [obj] [the] box which with him which in/on/with him article/utensil gold and to set: make to(wards) [the] stone [the] great: large and human Beth-shemesh Beth-shemesh to ascend: offer up burnt offering and to sacrifice sacrifice in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to/for LORD
16 非利士人的五个首领看见,当日就回以革伦去了。
and five lord Philistine to see: see and to return: return Ekron in/on/with day [the] he/she/it
17 非利士人献给耶和华作赔罪的金痔疮像,就是这些:一个是为亚实突,一个是为迦萨,一个是为亚实基伦,一个是为迦特,一个是为以革伦。
and these tumor [the] gold which to return: return Philistine guilt (offering) to/for LORD to/for Ashdod one to/for Gaza one to/for Ashkelon one to/for Gath one to/for Ekron one
18 金老鼠的数目是照非利士五个首领的城邑,就是坚固的城邑和乡村,以及大磐石。这磐石是放耶和华约柜的,到今日还在伯·示麦人约书亚的田间。
and mouse [the] gold number all city Philistine to/for five [the] lord from city fortification and till village [the] villager and till Abel [the] great: large which to rest upon her [obj] ark LORD till [the] day: today [the] this in/on/with land: country Joshua Bethshemite [the] Bethshemite
19 耶和华因伯·示麦人擅观他的约柜,就击杀了他们七十人;那时有五万人在那里。百姓因耶和华大大击杀他们,就哀哭了。
and to smite in/on/with human Beth-shemesh Beth-shemesh for to see: see in/on/with ark LORD and to smite in/on/with people seventy man fifty thousand man and to mourn [the] people for to smite LORD in/on/with people wound (great: large *LB(ah)*)
20 伯·示麦人说:“谁能在耶和华这圣洁的 神面前侍立呢?这约柜可以从我们这里送到谁那里去呢?”
and to say human Beth-shemesh Beth-shemesh who? be able to/for to stand: stand to/for face: before LORD [the] God [the] holy [the] this and to(wards) who? to ascend: rise from upon us
21 于是打发人去见基列·耶琳的居民,说:“非利士人将耶和华的约柜送回来了,你们下来将约柜接到你们那里去吧!”
and to send: depart messenger to(wards) to dwell Kiriath-jearim Kiriath-jearim to/for to say to return: return Philistine [obj] ark LORD to go down to ascend: establish [obj] him to(wards) you

< 撒母耳记上 6 >