< 撒母耳记上 30 >

1 第三日,大卫和跟随他的人到了洗革拉。亚玛力人已经侵夺南地,攻破洗革拉,用火焚烧,
and to be in/on/with to come (in): come David and human his Ziklag in/on/with day [the] third and Amalekite to strip to(wards) Negeb and to(wards) Ziklag and to smite [obj] Ziklag and to burn [obj] her in/on/with fire
2 掳了城内的妇女和其中的大小人口,却没有杀一个,都带着走了。
and to take captive [obj] [the] woman which in/on/with her from small and till great: large not to die man: anyone and to lead and to go: went to/for way: journey their
3 大卫和跟随他的人到了那城,不料,城已烧毁,他们的妻子儿女都被掳去了。
and to come (in): come David and human his to(wards) [the] city and behold to burn in/on/with fire and woman: wife their and son: child their and daughter their to take captive
4 大卫和跟随他的人就放声大哭,直哭得没有气力。
and to lift: loud David and [the] people which with him [obj] voice their and to weep till which nothing in/on/with them strength to/for to weep
5 大卫的两个妻—耶斯列人亚希暖和作过拿八妻的迦密人亚比该,也被掳去了。
and two woman: wife David to take captive Ahinoam [the] Jezreel and Abigail woman: wife Nabal [the] Carmelite
6 大卫甚是焦急,因众人为自己的儿女苦恼,说:“要用石头打死他。”大卫却倚靠耶和华—他的 神,心里坚固。
and be distressed to/for David much for to say [the] people to/for to stone him for to rebel soul all [the] people man: anyone upon (son: child his *Q(K)*) and upon daughter his and to strengthen: strengthen David in/on/with LORD God his
7 大卫对亚希米勒的儿子祭司亚比亚他说:“请你将以弗得拿过来。”亚比亚他就将以弗得拿到大卫面前。
and to say David to(wards) Abiathar [the] priest son: child Ahimelech to approach: bring [emph?] please to/for me [the] ephod and to approach: bring Abiathar [obj] [the] ephod to(wards) David
8 大卫求问耶和华说:“我追赶敌军,追得上追不上呢?”耶和华说:“你可以追,必追得上,都救得回来。”
and to ask David in/on/with LORD to/for to say to pursue after [the] band [the] this to overtake him and to say to/for him to pursue for to overtake to overtake and to rescue to rescue
9 于是,大卫和跟随他的六百人来到比梭溪;有不能前去的就留在那里。
and to go: went David he/she/it and six hundred man which with him and to come (in): come till torrent: valley [the] Besor and [the] to remain to stand: stand
10 大卫却带着四百人往前追赶,有二百人疲乏,不能过比梭溪,所以留在那里。
and to pursue David he/she/it and four hundred man and to stand: stand hundred man which to faint from to pass [obj] torrent: valley [the] Besor
11 这四百人在田野遇见一个埃及人,就带他到大卫面前,给他饼吃,给他水喝,
and to find man Egyptian in/on/with land: country and to take: bring [obj] him to(wards) David and to give: give to/for him food: bread and to eat and to water: drink him water
12 又给他一块无花果饼,两个葡萄饼。他吃了,就精神复原;因为他三日三夜没有吃饼,没有喝水。
and to give: give to/for him millstone fig cake and two cluster and to eat and to return: rescue spirit his to(wards) him for not to eat food: bread and not to drink water three day and three night
13 大卫问他说:“你是属谁的?你是哪里的人?”他回答说:“我是埃及的少年人,是亚玛力人的奴仆;因我三日前患病,我主人就把我撇弃了。
and to say to/for him David to/for who? you(m. s.) and where? from this you(m. s.) and to say youth Egyptian I servant/slave to/for man Amalekite and to leave: forsake me lord my for be weak: ill [the] day three
14 我们侵夺了基利提的南方和属犹大的地,并迦勒地的南方,又用火烧了洗革拉。”
we to strip Negeb [the] Cherethite and upon which to/for Judah and upon Negeb Caleb and [obj] Ziklag to burn in/on/with fire
15 大卫问他说:“你肯领我们到敌军那里不肯?”他回答说:“你要向我指着 神起誓,不杀我,也不将我交在我主人手里,我就领你下到敌军那里。”
and to say to(wards) him David to go down me to(wards) [the] band [the] this and to say to swear [emph?] to/for me in/on/with God if: surely no to die me and if: surely no to shut me in/on/with hand: power lord my and to go down you to(wards) [the] band [the] this
16 那人领大卫下去,见他们散在地上,吃喝跳舞,因为从非利士地和犹大地所掳来的财物甚多。
and to go down him and behold to leave upon face: surface all [the] land: country/planet to eat and to drink and to celebrate in/on/with all [the] spoil [the] great: large which to take: take from land: country/planet Philistine and from land: country/planet Judah
17 大卫从黎明直到次日晚上,击杀他们,除了四百骑骆驼的少年人之外,没有一个逃脱的。
and to smite them David from [the] twilight and till [the] evening to/for morrow their and not to escape from them man: anyone that if: except if: except four hundred man youth which to ride upon [the] camel and to flee
18 亚玛力人所掳去的财物,大卫全都夺回,并救回他的两个妻来。
and to rescue David [obj] all which to take: take Amalek and [obj] two woman: wife his to rescue David
19 凡亚玛力人所掳去的,无论大小、儿女、财物,大卫都夺回来,没有失落一个。
and not to lack to/for them from [the] small and till [the] great: large and till son: child and daughter and from spoil and till all which to take: take to/for them [the] all to return: return David
20 大卫所夺来的牛群羊群,跟随他的人赶在原有的群畜前边,说:“这是大卫的掠物。”
and to take: take David [obj] all [the] flock and [the] cattle to lead to/for face: before [the] livestock [the] he/she/it and to say this spoil David
21 大卫到了那疲乏不能跟随、留在比梭溪的二百人那里。他们出来迎接大卫并跟随的人。大卫前来问他们安。
and to come (in): come David to(wards) hundred [the] human which to faint from to go: follow after David and to dwell them in/on/with torrent: valley [the] Besor and to come out: come to/for to encounter: meet David and to/for to encounter: meet [the] people which with him and to approach: approach David [obj] [the] people and to ask to/for them to/for peace: greeting
22 跟随大卫人中的恶人和匪类说:“这些人既然没有和我们同去,我们所夺的财物就不分给他们,只将他们各人的妻子儿女给他们,使他们带去就是了。”
and to answer all man bad: evil and Belial from [the] human which to go: went with David and to say because which not to go: went with me not to give: give to/for them from [the] spoil which to rescue for if: except man: anyone [obj] woman: wife his and [obj] son: child his and to lead and to go: went
23 大卫说:“弟兄们,耶和华所赐给我们的,不可不分给他们;因为他保佑我们,将那攻击我们的敌军交在我们手里。
and to say David not to make: do so brother: male-sibling my [obj] which to give: give LORD to/for us and to keep: guard [obj] us and to give: give [obj] [the] band [the] to come (in): come upon us in/on/with hand: power our
24 这事谁肯依从你们呢?上阵的得多少,看守器具的也得多少;应当大家平分。”
and who? to hear: hear to/for you to/for word: thing [the] this for like/as portion [the] to go down in/on/with battle and like/as portion [the] to dwell upon [the] article/utensil together to divide
25 大卫定此为以色列的律例典章,从那日直到今日。
and to be from [the] day: today [the] he/she/it and above [to] and to set: make her to/for statute: decree and to/for justice: judgement to/for Israel till [the] day: today [the] this
26 大卫到了洗革拉,从掠物中取些送给他朋友犹大的长老,说:“这是从耶和华仇敌那里夺来的,送你们为礼物。”
and to come (in): come David to(wards) Ziklag and to send: depart from [the] spoil to/for old: elder Judah to/for neighbor his to/for to say behold to/for you blessing from spoil enemy LORD
27 他送礼物给住伯特利的,南地拉末的,雅提珥的;
to/for which in/on/with Bethel Bethel and to/for which in/on/with Ramoth Negeb and to/for which in/on/with Jattir
28 住亚罗珥的,息末的,以实提莫的;
and to/for which in/on/with Aroer and to/for which in/on/with Siphmoth and to/for which in/on/with Eshtemoa
29 住拉哈勒的,耶拉篾各城的,基尼各城的;
and to/for which in/on/with Racal and to/for which in/on/with city [the] Jerahmeelite and to/for which in/on/with city [the] Kenite
30 住何珥玛的,歌拉珊的,亚挞的;
and to/for which in/on/with Hormah and to/for which in/on/with Bor-ashan Bor-ashan and to/for which (in/on/with Athach *LA(bh)*)
31 住希伯 的,并大卫和跟随他的人素来所到之处的人。
and to/for which in/on/with Hebron and to/for all [the] place which to go: walk there David he/she/it and human his

< 撒母耳记上 30 >