< 撒母耳记上 3 >

1 童子撒母耳在以利面前事奉耶和华。当那些日子,耶和华的言语稀少,不常有默示。
[While he was still a] boy, Samuel was working for Yahweh while Eli supervised him. At that time there were very few messages [that anyone received] from Yahweh, and very few people saw visions [that Yahweh gave them].
2 一日,以利睡卧在自己的地方;他眼目昏花,看不分明。
By that time Eli’s eyes were very weak; he was almost blind. [One night] he was sleeping in his room,
3 神的灯在 神耶和华殿内约柜那里,还没有熄灭,撒母耳已经睡了。
and Samuel was sleeping in the sacred tent, where the chest that contained the Ten Commandments was kept. While the sacred lamp was still burning,
4 耶和华呼唤撒母耳。撒母耳说:“我在这里!”
Yahweh called, “Samuel! Samuel!” Samuel replied, “I’m here!”
5 就跑到以利那里,说:“你呼唤我?我在这里。”以利回答说:“我没有呼唤你,你去睡吧。”他就去睡了。
Then he [got up and] ran to Eli. He said to him, “I am here, because you called me!” But Eli replied, “No, I did not call you. Go back to your bed.” So Samuel went and lay down again.
6 耶和华又呼唤撒母耳。撒母耳起来,到以利那里,说:“你呼唤我?我在这里。”以利回答说:“我的儿,我没有呼唤你,你去睡吧。”
Then Yahweh called again, “Samuel!” So Samuel got up again and went to Eli and said, “I am here, because you called me!” But Eli said, “No, my son, I did not call you. Go back and lie down.”
7 那时撒母耳还未认识耶和华,也未得耶和华的默示。
At that time Samuel did not yet know [that] Yahweh [could speak to him], because Yahweh had not previously revealed anything to him.
8 耶和华第三次呼唤撒母耳。撒母耳起来,到以利那里,说:“你又呼唤我?我在这里。”以利才明白是耶和华呼唤童子。
[After Samuel lay down again], Yahweh called him a third time. So again Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, “I am here, because you called me!” Then Eli realized that it was Yahweh who was calling the boy.
9 因此以利对撒母耳说:“你仍去睡吧;若再呼唤你,你就说:‘耶和华啊,请说,仆人敬听!’”撒母耳就去,仍睡在原处。
So he said to Samuel, “Go and lie down again. If someone calls you again, say ‘Speak to me, Yahweh, because I am listening!’” So Samuel went and lay down again.
10 耶和华又来站着,像前三次呼唤说:“撒母耳啊!撒母耳啊!”撒母耳回答说:“请说,仆人敬听!”
Then Yahweh came and stood there and called as he had done the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” Then Samuel said, “Speak to me, because I am listening!”
11 耶和华对撒母耳说:“我在以色列中必行一件事,叫听见的人都必耳鸣。
Then Yahweh said to Samuel, “Listen carefully. I am about to do something here in Israel that will shock/horrify [IDM] everyone who hears about it.
12 我指着以利家所说的话,到了时候,我必始终应验在以利身上。
When that happens, I will punish Eli and his family. I will do to them everything that I said that I would do.
13 我曾告诉他必永远降罚与他的家,因他知道儿子作孽,自招咒诅,却不禁止他们。
His sons have shown great disrespect for me by the disgraceful things they have done, and Eli did not restrain them. So I told him that I would punish his family forever.
14 所以我向以利家起誓说:‘以利家的罪孽,虽献祭奉礼物,永不能得赎去。’”
I solemnly promised to Eli’s family, ‘You will never be able to avoid the consequences for your sin, even if you give me sacrifices or offerings.’”
15 撒母耳睡到天亮,就开了耶和华的殿门,不敢将默示告诉以利。
Samuel lay down again until morning. Then he got up and opened the doors of the Sacred Tent [as usual]. He was afraid to tell Eli about the vision [that Yahweh had given him].
16 以利呼唤撒母耳说:“我儿撒母耳啊!”撒母耳回答说:“我在这里!”
But Eli called him and said, “Samuel, my son!” Samuel answered, “I am here!”
17 以利说:“耶和华对你说什么,你不要向我隐瞒;你若将 神对你所说的隐瞒一句,愿他重重地降罚与你。”
Eli asked him, “What was it that Yahweh told you? Do not conceal it! I want God to punish you severely if you do not tell me everything that he said to you.”
18 撒母耳就把一切话都告诉了以利,并没有隐瞒。以利说:“这是出于耶和华,愿他凭自己的意旨而行。”
So Samuel told him everything. He did not refuse to tell him anything. Then Eli said, “He is Yahweh. I am willing for him to do what he thinks is best.”
19 撒母耳长大了,耶和华与他同在,使他所说的话一句都不落空。
As Samuel grew up, Yahweh helped him, and caused everything to (come true/happen) that Samuel predicted.
20 从但到别是巴所有的以色列人都知道耶和华立撒母耳为先知。
So all the people of Israel, from the northern end of the country to the southern end, realized that Samuel was truly a prophet of Yahweh.
21 耶和华又在示罗显现;因为耶和华将自己的话默示撒母耳,撒母耳就把这话传遍以色列地。
Yahweh continued to appear to Samuel in Shiloh and give messages to him.

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