< 撒母耳记上 26 >
1 西弗人到基比亚见扫罗,说:“大卫不是在旷野前的哈基拉山藏着吗?”
And the Ziphites come out of the dry country to Saul to the hill, saying, Behold, David hides himself with us in the hill Echela, opposite Jessemon.
2 扫罗就起身,带领以色列人中挑选的三千精兵下到西弗的旷野,要在那里寻索大卫。
And Saul arose, and went down to the wilderness of Ziph, and with him [went] three thousand men chosen out of Israel, to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph.
3 扫罗在旷野前的哈基拉山,在道路上安营。大卫住在旷野,听说扫罗到旷野来追寻他,
And Saul encamped in the hill of Echela in front of Jessemon, by the way, and David lived in the wilderness: and David saw that Saul came after him into the wilderness.
And David sent spies, and ascertained that Saul was come prepared out of Keila.
5 大卫起来,到扫罗安营的地方,看见扫罗和他的元帅尼珥的儿子押尼珥睡卧之处;扫罗睡在辎重营里,百姓安营在他周围。
And David arose secretly, and goes into the place where Saul was sleeping, and there [was] Abenner the son of Ner, the captain of his host: and Saul was sleeping in a chariot, and the people had encamped along round about him.
6 大卫对赫人亚希米勒和洗鲁雅的儿子约押的兄弟亚比筛说:“谁同我下到扫罗营里去?”亚比筛说:“我同你下去。”
And David answered and spoke to Abimelech the Chettite, and to Abessa the son Saruia the brother of Joab, saying, Who will go in with me to Saul into the camp? And Abessa said, I will go in with you.
7 于是大卫和亚比筛夜间到了百姓那里,见扫罗睡在辎重营里;他的枪在头旁,插在地上。押尼珥和百姓睡在他周围。
So David and Abessa go in amongst the people by night: and behold, Saul was fast asleep in the chariot, and his spear was stuck in the ground near his head, and Abenner and his people slept round about him.
8 亚比筛对大卫说:“现在 神将你的仇敌交在你手里,求你容我拿枪将他刺透在地,一刺就成,不用再刺。”
And Abessa said to David, The Lord has this day shut up your enemy into your hands, and now I will strike him to the earth with the spear to the ground once [for all], and I will not strike him again.
9 大卫对亚比筛说:“不可害死他。有谁伸手害耶和华的受膏者而无罪呢?”
And David said to Abessa, Do not lay him low, for who shall lift up his hand against the anointed of the Lord, and be guiltless?
10 大卫又说:“我指着永生的耶和华起誓,他或被耶和华击打,或是死期到了,或是出战阵亡;
And David said, [As] the Lord lives, if the Lord strike him not, or his day come and he die, or he go down to battle and be added [to his fathers, do not so].
11 我在耶和华面前,万不敢伸手害耶和华的受膏者。现在你可以将他头旁的枪和水瓶拿来,我们就走。”
The Lord forbid it me that I should lift up my hand against the anointed of the Lord: and now take, I pray you, the spear from his bolster, and the pitcher of water, and let us return home.
12 大卫从扫罗的头旁拿了枪和水瓶,二人就走了,没有人看见,没有人知道,也没有人醒起,都睡着了,因为耶和华使他们沉沉地睡了。
So David took the spear, and the pitcher of water from his bolster, and they went home: and there was no one that saw, and no one that knew, and there was no one that awoke, all being asleep, for a stupor from the Lord had fallen upon them.
13 大卫过到那边去,远远地站在山顶上,与他们相离甚远。
So David went over to the other side, and stood on the top of a hill afar off, and [there was] a good distance between them.
14 大卫呼叫百姓和尼珥的儿子押尼珥说:“押尼珥啊,你为何不答应呢?”押尼珥说:“你是谁?竟敢呼叫王呢?”
And David called to the people, and spoke to Abenner, saying, Will you not answer, Abenner? and Abenner answered and said, Who are you that call?
15 大卫对押尼珥说:“你不是个勇士吗?以色列中谁能比你呢?民中有人进来要害死王—你的主,你为何没有保护王—你的主呢?
And David said to Abenner, [Are] not you a man? and who [is] like you in Israel? Why then do you not guard your lord the king? for one out of the people went in to destroy your lord the king.
16 你这样是不好的!我指着永生的耶和华起誓,你们都是该死的;因为没有保护你们的主,就是耶和华的受膏者。现在你看看王头旁的枪和水瓶在哪里。”
And this thing [is] not good which you have done. [As] the Lord lives, you are worthy of death, you who guard your lord the king, the anointed of the Lord: and now behold, I pray you, the spear of the king, and the cruse of water: where are the articles that should be at his head?
17 扫罗听出是大卫的声音,就说:“我儿大卫,这是你的声音吗?”大卫说:“主—我的王啊,是我的声音”;
And Saul recognised the voice of David, and said, [Is] this your voice, son David? and David said, I [am] your servant, [my] lord, O king.
18 又说:“我做了什么?我手里有什么恶事?我主竟追赶仆人呢?
And he said, Why does my lord thus pursue after his servant? for in what have I sinned? and what unrighteousness has been found in me?
19 求我主我王听仆人的话:若是耶和华激发你攻击我,愿耶和华收纳祭物;若是人激发你,愿他在耶和华面前受咒诅;因为他现今赶逐我,不容我在耶和华的产业上有分,说:‘你去事奉别神吧!’
And now let my lord the king hear the word of his servant. If God stirs you up against me, let your offering be acceptable: but if the sons of men, they [are] cursed before the Lord, for they have cast me out this day so that I should not be established in the inheritance of the Lord, saying, Go, serve other Gods.
20 现在求王不要使我的血流在离耶和华远的地方。以色列王出来是寻找一个虼蚤,如同人在山上猎取一个鹧鸪一般。”
And now let not my blood fall to the ground before the Lord, for the king of Israel has come forth to seek your life, as the night hawk pursues [its prey] in the mountains.
21 扫罗说:“我有罪了!我儿大卫,你可以回来,因你今日看我的性命为宝贵;我必不再加害于你。我是糊涂人,大大错了。”
And Saul said, I have sinned: turn, son David, for I will not hurt you, because my life was precious in your eyes; and today I have been foolish and have erred exceedingly.
22 大卫说:“王的枪在这里,可以吩咐一个仆人过来拿去。
And David answered and said, Behold, the spear of the king: let one of the servants come over and take it.
23 今日耶和华将王交在我手里,我却不肯伸手害耶和华的受膏者。耶和华必照各人的公义诚实报应他。
And the Lord shall recompense each according to his righteousness and his truth, since the Lord delivered you this day into my hands, and I would not lift my hand against the Lord's anointed.
24 我今日重看你的性命,愿耶和华也重看我的性命,并且拯救我脱离一切患难。”
And, behold, as your life has been precious this very day in my eyes, so let my life be precious before the Lord, and may he protect me, and deliver me out of all affliction.
25 扫罗对大卫说:“我儿大卫,愿你得福!你必做大事,也必得胜。”于是大卫起行,扫罗回他的本处去了。
And Saul said to David, Blessed [be] you, [my] son; and you shall surely do valiantly, and surely prevail. And David went on his way, and Saul returned to his place.