< 撒母耳记上 20 >

1 大卫从拉玛的拿约逃跑,来到约拿单那里,对他说:“我做了什么?有什么罪孽呢?在你父亲面前犯了什么罪,他竟寻索我的性命呢?”
And David flees from Naioth in Ramah, and comes, and says before Jonathan, “What have I done? What [is] my iniquity? And what [is] my sin before your father, that he is seeking my life?”
2 约拿单回答说:“断然不是!你必不致死。我父做事,无论大小,没有不叫我知道的。怎么独有这事隐瞒我呢?决不如此。”
And he says to him, “Far be it! You do not die; behold, my father does not do anything great or small and does not uncover my ear; and why does my father hide this thing from me? This [thing] is not.”
3 大卫又起誓说:“你父亲准知我在你眼前蒙恩。他心里说,不如不叫约拿单知道,恐怕他愁烦。我指着永生的耶和华,又敢在你面前起誓,我离死不过一步。”
And David swears again and says, “Your father has certainly known that I have found grace in your eyes, and he says, Do not let Jonathan know this, lest he is grieved; and yet, YHWH lives, and your soul lives, but—as a step between me and death.”
4 约拿单对大卫说:“你心里所求的,我必为你成就。”
And Jonathan says to David, “What does your soul [desire]? Command and I do it for you.”
5 大卫对约拿单说:“明日是初一,我当与王同席,求你容我去藏在田野,直到第三日晚上。
And David says to Jonathan, “Behold, the new moon [is] tomorrow; and I certainly sit with the king to eat; and you have sent me away, and I have been hidden in a field until the third evening;
6 你父亲若见我不在席上,你就说:‘大卫切求我许他回本城伯利恒去,因为他全家在那里献年祭。’
if your father looks after me at all, then you have said, David earnestly asked of me to run to his city of Beth-Lehem, for there [is] a sacrifice of the days for all the family.
7 你父亲若说好,仆人就平安了;他若发怒,你就知道他决意要害我。
If thus he says: Good; [there is] peace for your servant; and if it is very displeasing to him—know that the evil has been determined by him;
8 求你施恩与仆人,因你在耶和华面前曾与仆人结盟。我若有罪,不如你自己杀我,何必将我交给你父亲呢?”
and you have done kindness to your servant, for you have brought your servant into a covenant of YHWH with you—and if there is iniquity in me, put me to death yourself; for why [is] this [that] you bring me to your father?”
9 约拿单说:“断无此事!我若知道我父亲决意害你,我岂不告诉你呢?”
And Jonathan says, “Far be it from you! For I certainly do not know that the evil has been determined by my father to come on you, and I do not declare it to you.”
10 大卫对约拿单说:“你父亲若用厉言回答你,谁来告诉我呢?”
And David says to Jonathan, “Who declares [it] to me? Or what [if] your father answers you sharply?”
11 约拿单对大卫说:“你我且往田野去。”二人就往田野去了。
And Jonathan says to David, “Come, and we go out into the field”; and both of them go out into the field.
12 约拿单对大卫说:“愿耶和华—以色列的 神为证。明日约在这时候,或第三日,我探我父亲的意思,若向你有好意,我岂不打发人告诉你吗?
And Jonathan says to David, “YHWH, God of Israel, [is my witness]—when I search out my father about [this] time tomorrow [or] the third [day], and behold, [there is] good toward David, and I do not then send to you, and have uncovered your ear—
13 我父亲若有意害你,我不告诉你使你平平安安地走,愿耶和华重重地降罚与我。愿耶和华与你同在,如同从前与我父亲同在一样。
thus YHWH does to Jonathan, and thus He adds; when the evil concerning you is good to my father, then I have uncovered your ear, and sent you away, and you have gone in peace, and YHWH is with you, as he was with my father;
14 你要照耶和华的慈爱恩待我,不但我活着的时候免我死亡,
and not only while I am alive do you do the kindness of YHWH with me, and I do not die,
15 就是我死后,耶和华从地上剪除你仇敌的时候,你也永不可向我家绝了恩惠。”
but you do not cut off your kindness from my house for all time, nor in YHWH’s cutting off the enemies of David, each one from off the face of the ground.”
16 于是约拿单与大卫家结盟,说:“愿耶和华借大卫的仇敌追讨背约的罪。”
So Jonathan cuts [a covenant] with the house of David, and YHWH has sought [it] from the hand of the enemies of David;
17 约拿单因爱大卫如同爱自己的性命,就使他再起誓。
and Jonathan adds to cause David to swear, because he loves him, for he has loved him [as] the love [for] his own soul.
18 约拿单对他说:“明日是初一,你的座位空设,人必理会你不在那里。
And Jonathan says to him, “Tomorrow [is] the new moon, and you have been looked after, for your seat is looked after;
19 你等三日,就要速速下去,到你从前遇事所藏的地方,在以色磐石那里等候。
and on the third day you certainly come down, and have come to the place where you were hidden in the day of the work, and have remained near the stone of Ezel.
20 我要向磐石旁边射三箭,如同射箭靶一样。
And I shoot three of the arrows at the side, sending out at a mark for myself;
21 我要打发童子,说:‘去把箭找来。’我若对童子说:‘箭在后头,把箭拿来’,你就可以回来;我指着永生的耶和华起誓,你必平安无事。
and behold, I send the youth, [saying], Go, find the arrows. If I say to the youth at all, Behold, the arrows [are] on this side of you—take them and come, for [there is] peace for you, and there is no [adverse] word—[as] YHWH lives.
22 我若对童子说:‘箭在前头’,你就要去,因为是耶和华打发你去的。
And if thus I say to the young man, Behold, the arrows [are] beyond you—go, for YHWH has sent you away;
23 至于你我今日所说的话,有耶和华在你我中间为证,直到永远。”
as for the thing which you and I have spoken, behold, YHWH [is] between me and you for all time.”
24 大卫就去藏在田野。到了初一日,王坐席要吃饭。
And David is hidden in the field, and it is the new moon, and the king sits down by the food to eat,
25 王照常坐在靠墙的位上,约拿单侍立,押尼珥坐在扫罗旁边,大卫的座位空设。
and the king sits on his seat, as time by time, on a seat by the wall, and Jonathan rises, and Abner sits at the side of Saul, and David’s place is looked after.
26 然而这日扫罗没有说什么,他想大卫遇事,偶染不洁,他必定是不洁。
And Saul has not spoken anything on that day, for he said, “It [is] an accident; he is not clean—surely not clean.”
27 初二日大卫的座位还空设。扫罗问他儿子约拿单说:“耶西的儿子为何昨日、今日没有来吃饭呢?”
And it comes to pass on the second day of the new moon, that David’s place is looked after, and Saul says to his son Jonathan, “Why has the son of Jesse not come in, either yesterday or today, to the food?”
28 约拿单回答扫罗说:“大卫切求我容他往伯利恒去。
And Jonathan answers Saul, “David has earnestly asked [permission] from me [to go] to Beth-Lehem,
29 他说:‘求你容我去,因为我家在城里有献祭的事;我长兄吩咐我去。如今我若在你眼前蒙恩,求你容我去见我的弟兄’;所以大卫没有赴王的席。”
and he says, Please send me away, for we have a family sacrifice in the city, and my brother has given command to me himself, and now, if I have found grace in your eyes, please let me go away and see my brothers; therefore he has not come to the table of the king.”
30 扫罗向约拿单发怒,对他说:“你这顽梗背逆之妇人所生的,我岂不知道你喜悦耶西的儿子,自取羞辱,以致你母亲露体蒙羞吗?
And the anger of Saul burns against Jonathan, and he says to him, “Son of a perverse [woman] of rebellion! Have I not known that you are fixing on the son of Jesse to your own shame, and to the shame of the nakedness of your mother?
31 耶西的儿子若在世间活着,你和你的国位必站立不住。现在你要打发人去,将他捉拿交给我;他是该死的。”
For all the days that the son of Jesse lives on the ground you are not established, you and your kingdom; and now, send and bring him to me, for he [is] a son of death.”
32 约拿单对父亲扫罗说:“他为什么该死呢?他做了什么呢?”
And Jonathan answers his father Saul and says to him, “Why is he put to death? What has he done?”
33 扫罗向约拿单抡枪要刺他,约拿单就知道他父亲决意要杀大卫。
And Saul casts the javelin at him to strike him, and Jonathan knows that it has been determined by his father to put David to death.
34 于是约拿单气忿忿地从席上起来,在这初二日没有吃饭。他因见父亲羞辱大卫,就为大卫愁烦。
And Jonathan rises from the table in the heat of anger, and has not eaten food on the second day of the new moon, for he has been grieved for David, for his father put him to shame.
35 次日早晨,约拿单按着与大卫约会的时候出到田野,有一个童子跟随。
And it comes to pass in the morning, that Jonathan goes out into the field for the appointment with David, and a little youth [is] with him.
36 约拿单对童子说:“你跑去,把我所射的箭找来。”童子跑去,约拿单就把箭射在童子前头。
And he says to his youth, “Now run, find the arrows which I am shooting”; the youth is running, and he has shot the arrow, causing [it] to pass over him.
37 童子到了约拿单落箭之地,约拿单呼叫童子说:“箭不是在你前头吗?”
And the youth comes to the place of the arrow which Jonathan has shot, and Jonathan calls after the youth, and says, “Is the arrow not beyond you?”
38 约拿单又呼叫童子说:“速速地去,不要迟延!”童子就拾起箭来,回到主人那里。
And Jonathan calls after the youth, “Speed, hurry, do not stand”; and Jonathan’s youth gathers the arrows, and comes to his lord.
39 童子却不知道这是什么意思,只有约拿单和大卫知道。
And the youth has not known anything, only Jonathan and David knew the word.
40 约拿单将弓箭交给童子,吩咐说:“你拿到城里去。”
And Jonathan gives his weapons to the youth whom he has and says to him, “Go, carry into the city.”
41 童子一去,大卫就从磐石的南边出来,俯伏在地,拜了三拜;二人亲嘴,彼此哭泣,大卫哭得更恸。
The youth has gone, and David has risen from Ezel, at the south, and falls on his face to the earth, and bows himself three times, and they kiss one another, and they weep with one another, until David exerted himself;
42 约拿单对大卫说:“我们二人曾指着耶和华的名起誓说:‘愿耶和华在你我中间,并你我后裔中间为证,直到永远。’如今你平平安安地去吧!”大卫就起身走了;约拿单也回城里去了。
and Jonathan says to David, “Go in peace, in that we have sworn—the two of us—in the Name of YHWH, saying, YHWH is between me and you, and between my seed and your seed—for all time”; and he rises and goes; and Jonathan has gone into the city.

< 撒母耳记上 20 >