< 撒母耳记上 17 >

1 非利士人招聚他们的军旅,要来争战;聚集在属犹大的梭哥,安营在梭哥和亚西加中间的以弗·大悯。
and to gather Philistine [obj] camp their to/for battle and to gather Socoh which to/for Judah and to camp between Socoh and between Azekah in/on/with Ephes-dammim Ephes-dammim
2 扫罗和以色列人也聚集,在以拉谷安营,摆列队伍,要与非利士人打仗。
and Saul and man Israel to gather and to camp in/on/with Valley (of Elah) [the] (Valley of) Elah and to arrange battle to/for to encounter: toward Philistine
3 非利士人站在这边山上,以色列人站在那边山上,当中有谷。
and Philistine to stand: stand to(wards) [the] mountain: mount from this and Israel to stand: stand to(wards) [the] mountain: mount from this and [the] valley between them
4 从非利士营中出来一个讨战的人,名叫歌利亚,是迦特人,身高六肘零一虎口;
and to come out: come man [the] champion from camp Philistine Goliath name his from Gath height his six cubit and span
5 头戴铜盔,身穿铠甲,甲重五千舍客勒;
and helmet bronze upon head his and armor scale he/she/it to clothe and weight [the] armor five thousand shekel bronze
6 腿上有铜护膝,两肩之中背负铜戟;
and greave bronze upon foot his and javelin bronze between shoulder his
7 枪杆粗如织布的机轴,铁枪头重六百舍客勒。有一个拿盾牌的人在他前面走。
(and tree: wood *Q(K)*) spear his like/as loom-beam to weave and flame spear his six hundred shekel iron and to lift: bearing(armour) [the] shield to go: went to/for face: before his
8 歌利亚对着以色列的军队站立,呼叫说:“你们出来摆列队伍做什么呢?我不是非利士人吗?你们不是扫罗的仆人吗?可以从你们中间拣选一人,使他下到我这里来。
and to stand: stand and to call: call out to(wards) rank Israel and to say to/for them to/for what? to come out: come to/for to arrange battle not I [the] Philistine and you(m. p.) servant/slave to/for Saul to eat to/for you man and to go down to(wards) me
9 他若能与我战斗,将我杀死,我们就作你们的仆人;我若胜了他,将他杀死,你们就作我们的仆人,服事我们。”
if be able to/for to fight with me and to smite me and to be to/for you to/for servant/slave and if I be able to/for him and to smite him and to be to/for us to/for servant/slave and to serve [obj] us
10 那非利士人又说:“我今日向以色列人的军队骂阵。你们叫一个人出来,与我战斗。”
and to say [the] Philistine I to taunt [obj] rank Israel [the] day: today [the] this to give: give to/for me man and to fight unitedness
11 扫罗和以色列众人听见非利士人的这些话,就惊惶,极其害怕。
and to hear: hear Saul and all Israel [obj] word [the] Philistine [the] these and to to be dismayed and to fear much
12 大卫是犹大伯利恒的以法他人耶西的儿子。耶西有八个儿子。当扫罗的时候,耶西已经老迈。
and David son: child man Ephrathite [the] this from Bethlehem Bethlehem Judah and name his Jesse and to/for him eight son: child and [the] man in/on/with day Saul be old to come (in): advanced in/on/with human
13 耶西的三个大儿子跟随扫罗出征。这出征的三个儿子:长子名叫以利押,次子名叫亚比拿达,三子名叫沙玛。
and to go: follow three son: child Jesse [the] great: old to go: follow after Saul to/for battle and name three son: child his which to go: went in/on/with battle Eliab [the] firstborn and second his Abinadab and [the] third Shammah
14 大卫是最小的;那三个大儿子跟随扫罗。
and David he/she/it [the] small and three [the] great: old to go: follow after Saul
15 大卫有时离开扫罗,回伯利恒放他父亲的羊。
and David to go: went and to return: return from upon Saul to/for to pasture [obj] flock father his Bethlehem Bethlehem
16 那非利士人早晚都出来站着,如此四十日。
and to approach: approach [the] Philistine to rise and to grow dark and to stand forty day
17 一日,耶西对他儿子大卫说:“你拿一伊法烘了的穗子和十个饼,速速地送到营里去,交给你哥哥们;
and to say Jesse to/for David son: child his to take: take please to/for brother: male-sibling your ephah [the] roasted [the] this and ten food: bread [the] this and to run: run [the] camp to/for brother: male-sibling your
18 再拿这十块奶饼,送给他们的千夫长,且问你哥哥们好,向他们要一封信来。”
and [obj] ten incision [the] milk [the] these to come (in): bring to/for ruler [the] thousand and [obj] brother: male-sibling your to reckon: visit to/for peace: well-being and [obj] pledge their to take: bring
19 扫罗与大卫的三个哥哥和以色列众人,在以拉谷与非利士人打仗。
and Saul and they(masc.) and all man Israel in/on/with Valley (of Elah) [the] (Valley of) Elah to fight with Philistine
20 大卫早晨起来,将羊交托一个看守的人,照着他父亲所吩咐的话,带着食物去了。到了辎重营,军兵刚出到战场,呐喊要战。
and to rise David in/on/with morning and to leave [obj] [the] flock upon to keep: guard and to lift: raise and to go: went like/as as which to command him Jesse and to come (in): come [the] track [to] and [the] strength: soldiers [the] to come out: come to(wards) [the] rank and to shout in/on/with battle
21 以色列人和非利士人都摆列队伍,彼此相对。
and to arrange Israel and Philistine rank to/for to encounter: toward rank
22 大卫把他带来的食物留在看守物件人的手下,跑到战场,问他哥哥们安。
and to leave David [obj] [the] article/utensil from upon him upon hand: power to keep: guard [the] article/utensil and to run: run [the] rank and to come (in): come and to ask to/for brother: male-sibling his to/for peace: greeting
23 与他们说话的时候,那讨战的,就是属迦特的非利士人歌利亚,从非利士队中出来,说从前所说的话;大卫都听见了。
and he/she/it to speak: speak with them and behold man [the] champion to ascend: rise Goliath [the] Philistine name his from Gath (from rank *Q(K)*) Philistine and to speak: speak like/as word [the] these and to hear: hear David
24 以色列众人看见那人,就逃跑,极其害怕。
and all man Israel in/on/with to see: see they [obj] [the] man and to flee from face: before his and to fear much
25 以色列人彼此说:“这上来的人你看见了吗?他上来是要向以色列人骂阵。若有能杀他的,王必赏赐他大财,将自己的女儿给他为妻,并在以色列人中免他父家纳粮当差。”
and to say man Israel to see: see [the] man [the] to ascend: rise [the] this for to/for to taunt [obj] Israel to ascend: rise and to be [the] man which to smite him to enrich him [the] king riches great: large and [obj] daughter his to give: give(marriage) to/for him and [obj] house: household father his to make free in/on/with Israel
26 大卫问站在旁边的人说:“有人杀这非利士人,除掉以色列人的耻辱,怎样待他呢?这未受割礼的非利士人是谁呢?竟敢向永生 神的军队骂阵吗?”
and to say David to(wards) [the] human [the] to stand: stand with him to/for to say what? to make: do to/for man which to smite [obj] [the] Philistine this and to turn aside: remove reproach from upon Israel for who? [the] Philistine [the] uncircumcised [the] this for to taunt rank God alive
27 百姓照先前的话回答他说:“有人能杀这非利士人,必如此如此待他。”
and to say to/for him [the] people like/as Chronicles [the] this to/for to say thus to make: do to/for man which to smite him
28 大卫的长兄以利押听见大卫与他们所说的话,就向他发怒,说:“你下来做什么呢?在旷野的那几只羊,你交托了谁呢?我知道你的骄傲和你心里的恶意,你下来特为要看争战!”
and to hear: hear Eliab brother: male-sibling his [the] great: old in/on/with to speak: speak he to(wards) [the] human and to be incensed face: anger Eliab in/on/with David and to say to/for what? this to go down and upon who? to leave little [the] flock [the] they(fem.) in/on/with wilderness I to know [obj] arrogance your and [obj] evil heart your for because to see: see [the] battle to go down
29 大卫说:“我做了什么呢?我来岂没有缘故吗?”
and to say David what? to make: do now not word he/she/it
30 大卫就离开他转向别人,照先前的话而问;百姓仍照先前的话回答他。
and to turn: turn from beside him to(wards) opposite another and to say like/as Chronicles [the] this and to return: again him [the] people word: speaking like/as Chronicles [the] first
31 有人听见大卫所说的话,就告诉了扫罗;扫罗便打发人叫他来。
and to hear: hear [the] word which to speak: speak David and to tell to/for face: before Saul and to take: recieve him
32 大卫对扫罗说:“人都不必因那非利士人胆怯。你的仆人要去与那非利士人战斗。”
and to say David to(wards) Saul not to fall: fail heart man upon him servant/slave your to go: went and to fight with [the] Philistine [the] this
33 扫罗对大卫说:“你不能去与那非利士人战斗;因为你年纪太轻,他自幼就作战士。”
and to say Saul to(wards) David not be able to/for to go: went to(wards) [the] Philistine [the] this to/for to fight with him for youth you(m. s.) and he/she/it man battle from youth his
34 大卫对扫罗说:“你仆人为父亲放羊,有时来了狮子,有时来了熊,从群中衔一只羊羔去。
and to say David to(wards) Saul to pasture to be servant/slave your to/for father his in/on/with flock and to come (in): come [the] lion and with [the] bear and to lift: raise sheep from [the] flock
35 我就追赶它,击打它,将羊羔从它口中救出来。它起来要害我,我就揪着它的胡子,将它打死。
and to come out: come after him and to smite him and to rescue from lip his and to arise: rise upon me and to strengthen: hold in/on/with beard his and to smite him and to die him
36 你仆人曾打死狮子和熊,这未受割礼的非利士人向永生 神的军队骂阵,也必像狮子和熊一般。”
also [obj] [the] lion also [the] bear to smite servant/slave your and to be [the] Philistine [the] uncircumcised [the] this like/as one from them for to taunt rank God alive
37 大卫又说:“耶和华救我脱离狮子和熊的爪,也必救我脱离这非利士人的手。”扫罗对大卫说:“你可以去吧!耶和华必与你同在。”
and to say David LORD which to rescue me from hand [the] lion and from hand [the] bear he/she/it to rescue me from hand: power [the] Philistine [the] this and to say Saul to(wards) David to go: went and LORD to be with you
38 扫罗就把自己的战衣给大卫穿上,将铜盔给他戴上,又给他穿上铠甲。
and to clothe Saul [obj] David garment his and to give: put helmet bronze upon head his and to clothe [obj] him armor
39 大卫把刀跨在战衣外,试试能走不能走;因为素来没有穿惯,就对扫罗说:“我穿戴这些不能走,因为素来没有穿惯。”于是摘脱了。
and to gird David [obj] sword his from upon to/for garment his and be willing to/for to go: went for not to test and to say David to(wards) Saul not be able to/for to go: went in/on/with these for not to test and to turn aside: remove them David from upon him
40 他手中拿杖,又在溪中挑选了五块光滑石子,放在袋里,就是牧人带的囊里;手中拿着甩石的机弦,就去迎那非利士人。
and to take: take rod his in/on/with hand his and to choose to/for him five smooth stone from [the] torrent: river and to set: put [obj] them in/on/with article/utensil [the] to pasture which to/for him and in/on/with pouch and sling his in/on/with hand his and to approach: approach to(wards) [the] Philistine
41 非利士人也渐渐地迎着大卫来,拿盾牌的走在前头。
and to go: come [the] Philistine to go: come and approaching to(wards) David and [the] man to lift: bearing(armour) [the] shield to/for face: before his
42 非利士人观看,见了大卫,就藐视他;因为他年轻,面色光红,容貌俊美。
and to look [the] Philistine and to see: see [obj] David and to despise him for to be youth and red with beautiful appearance
43 非利士人对大卫说:“你拿杖到我这里来,我岂是狗呢?”非利士人就指着自己的神咒诅大卫。
and to say [the] Philistine to(wards) David dog I for you(m. s.) to come (in): come to(wards) me in/on/with rod and to lighten [the] Philistine [obj] David in/on/with God his
44 非利士人又对大卫说:“来吧!我将你的肉给空中的飞鸟、田野的走兽吃。”
and to say [the] Philistine to(wards) David to go: come [emph?] to(wards) me and to give: give [obj] flesh your to/for bird [the] heaven and to/for animal [the] land: country
45 大卫对非利士人说:“你来攻击我,是靠着刀枪和铜戟;我来攻击你,是靠着万军之耶和华的名,就是你所怒骂带领以色列军队的 神。
and to say David to(wards) [the] Philistine you(m. s.) to come (in): come to(wards) me in/on/with sword and in/on/with spear and in/on/with javelin and I to come (in): come to(wards) you in/on/with name LORD Hosts God rank Israel which to taunt
46 今日耶和华必将你交在我手里。我必杀你,斩你的头,又将非利士军兵的尸首给空中的飞鸟、地上的野兽吃,使普天下的人都知道以色列中有 神;
[the] day: today [the] this to shut you LORD in/on/with hand: power my and to smite you and to turn aside: remove [obj] head your from upon you and to give: give corpse camp Philistine [the] day: today [the] this to/for bird [the] heaven and to/for living thing [the] land: soil and to know all [the] land: country/planet for there God to/for Israel
47 又使这众人知道耶和华使人得胜,不是用刀用枪,因为争战的胜败全在乎耶和华。他必将你们交在我们手里。”
and to know all [the] assembly [the] this for not in/on/with sword and in/on/with spear to save LORD for to/for LORD [the] battle and to give: give [obj] you in/on/with hand: power our
48 非利士人起身,迎着大卫前来。大卫急忙迎着非利士人,往战场跑去。
and to be for to arise: rise [the] Philistine and to go: come and to present: come to/for to encounter: meet David and to hasten David and to run: run [the] rank to/for to encounter: meet [the] Philistine
49 大卫用手从囊中掏出一块石子来,用机弦甩去,打中非利士人的额,石子进入额内,他就仆倒,面伏于地。
and to send: reach David [obj] hand his to(wards) [the] article/utensil and to take: take from there stone and to sling and to smite [obj] [the] Philistine to(wards) forehead his and to sink [the] stone in/on/with forehead his and to fall: fall upon face his land: soil [to]
50 这样,大卫用机弦甩石,胜了那非利士人,打死他;大卫手中却没有刀。
and to strengthen: prevail over David from [the] Philistine in/on/with sling and in/on/with stone and to smite [obj] [the] Philistine and to die him and sword nothing in/on/with hand David
51 大卫跑去,站在非利士人身旁,将他的刀从鞘中拔出来,杀死他,割了他的头。非利士众人看见他们讨战的勇士死了,就都逃跑。
and to run: run David and to stand: stand to(wards) [the] Philistine and to take: take [obj] sword his and to draw her from razor her and to die him and to cut: eliminate in/on/with her [obj] head his and to see: see [the] Philistine for to die mighty man their and to flee
52 以色列人和犹大人便起身呐喊,追赶非利士人,直到迦特和以革伦的城门。被杀的非利士人倒在沙拉音的路上,直到迦特和以革伦。
and to arise: rise human Israel and Judah and to shout and to pursue [obj] [the] Philistine till to come (in): towards you Gath and till gate Ekron and to fall: fall slain: killed Philistine in/on/with way: journey Shaaraim and till Gath and till Ekron
53 以色列人追赶非利士人回来,就夺了他们的营盘。
and to return: return son: descendant/people Israel from to burn/pursue after Philistine and to plunder [obj] camp their
54 大卫将那非利士人的头拿到耶路撒冷,却将他军装放在自己的帐棚里。
and to take: take David [obj] head [the] Philistine and to come (in): bring him Jerusalem and [obj] article/utensil his to set: put in/on/with tent his
55 扫罗看见大卫去攻击非利士人,就问元帅押尼珥说:“押尼珥啊,那少年人是谁的儿子?”押尼珥说:“我敢在王面前起誓,我不知道。”
and like/as to see: see Saul [obj] David to come out: come to/for to encounter: toward [the] Philistine to say to(wards) Abner ruler [the] army son: child who? this [the] youth Abner and to say Abner alive soul your [the] king if: surely no to know
56 王说:“你可以问问那幼年人是谁的儿子。”
and to say [the] king to ask you(m. s.) son: child who? this [the] youth
57 大卫打死非利士人回来,押尼珥领他到扫罗面前,他手中拿着非利士人的头。
and like/as to return: return David from to smite [obj] [the] Philistine and to take: take [obj] him Abner and to come (in): bring him to/for face: before Saul and head [the] Philistine in/on/with hand his
58 扫罗问他说:“少年人哪,你是谁的儿子?”大卫说:“我是你仆人伯利恒人耶西的儿子。”
and to say to(wards) him Saul son: child who? you(m. s.) [the] youth and to say David son: child servant/slave your Jesse Bethlehemite [the] Bethlehemite

< 撒母耳记上 17 >