< 撒母耳记上 13 >

1 扫罗登基年四十岁;作以色列王二年的时候,
son: aged (thirty *X*) year Saul in/on/with to reign he (and forty *X*) and two year to reign upon Israel
2 就从以色列中拣选了三千人:二千跟随扫罗在密抹和伯特利山,一千跟随约拿单在便雅悯的基比亚;其余的人扫罗都打发各回各家去了。
and to choose to/for him Saul three thousand from Israel and to be with Saul thousand in/on/with Michmash and in/on/with mountain: hill country Bethel Bethel and thousand to be with Jonathan in/on/with Gibeah Benjamin and remainder [the] people to send: depart man: anyone to/for tent his
3 约拿单攻击在迦巴的非利士人的防营,非利士人听见了。扫罗就在遍地吹角,意思说,要使希伯来人听见。
and to smite Jonathan [obj] garrison Philistine which in/on/with Geba and to hear: hear Philistine and Saul to blow in/on/with trumpet in/on/with all [the] land: country/planet to/for to say to hear: hear [the] Hebrew
4 以色列众人听见扫罗攻击非利士人的防营,又听见以色列人为非利士人所憎恶,就跟随扫罗聚集在吉甲。
and all Israel to hear: hear to/for to say to smite Saul [obj] garrison Philistine and also to stink Israel in/on/with Philistine and to cry [the] people after Saul [the] Gilgal
5 非利士人聚集,要与以色列人争战,有车三万辆,马兵六千,步兵像海边的沙那样多,就上来在伯·亚文东边的密抹安营。
and Philistine to gather to/for to fight with Israel thirty thousand chariot and six thousand horseman and people: soldiers like/as sand which upon lip: shore [the] sea to/for abundance and to ascend: rise and to camp in/on/with Michmash east Beth-aven Beth-aven
6 以色列百姓见自己危急窘迫,就藏在山洞、丛林、石穴、隐密处,和坑中。
and man: anyone Israel to see: see for distress to/for him for to oppress [the] people and to hide [the] people in/on/with cave and in/on/with thistle and in/on/with crag and in/on/with stronghold and in/on/with pit
7 有些希伯来人过了约旦河,逃到迦得和基列地。扫罗还是在吉甲,百姓都战战兢兢地跟随他。
and Hebrew to pass [obj] [the] Jordan land: country/planet Gad and Gilead and Saul still he in/on/with Gilgal and all [the] people to tremble after him
8 扫罗照着撒母耳所定的日期等了七日。撒母耳还没有来到吉甲,百姓也离开扫罗散去了。
(and to wait: wait *Q(K)*) seven day to/for meeting: time appointed which Samuel and not to come (in): come Samuel [the] Gilgal and to scatter [the] people from upon him
9 扫罗说:“把燔祭和平安祭带到我这里来。”扫罗就献上燔祭。
and to say Saul to approach: bring to(wards) me [the] burnt offering and [the] peace offering and to ascend: offer up [the] burnt offering
10 刚献完燔祭,撒母耳就到了。扫罗出去迎接他,要问他好。
and to be like/as to end: finish he to/for to ascend: offer up [the] burnt offering and behold Samuel to come (in): come and to come out: come Saul to/for to encounter: meet him to/for to bless him
11 撒母耳说:“你做的是什么事呢?”扫罗说:“因为我见百姓离开我散去,你也不照所定的日期来到,而且非利士人聚集在密抹。
and to say Samuel what? to make: do and to say Saul for to see: see for to disperse [the] people from upon me and you(m. s.) not to come (in): come to/for meeting: time appointed [the] day and Philistine to gather Michmash
12 所以我心里说:恐怕我没有祷告耶和华。非利士人下到吉甲攻击我,我就勉强献上燔祭。”
and to say now to go down Philistine to(wards) me [the] Gilgal and face of LORD not to beg and to refrain and to ascend: offer up [the] burnt offering
13 撒母耳对扫罗说:“你做了糊涂事了,没有遵守耶和华—你 神所吩咐你的命令。若遵守,耶和华必在以色列中坚立你的王位,直到永远。
and to say Samuel to(wards) Saul be foolish not to keep: obey [obj] commandment LORD God your which to command you for now to establish: establish LORD [obj] kingdom your to(wards) Israel till forever: enduring
14 现在你的王位必不长久。耶和华已经寻着一个合他心意的人,立他作百姓的君,因为你没有遵守耶和华所吩咐你的。”
and now kingdom your not to arise: establish to seek LORD to/for him man like/as heart his and to command him LORD to/for leader upon people his for not to keep: obey [obj] which to command you LORD
15 撒母耳就起来,从吉甲上到便雅悯的基比亚。 扫罗数点跟随他的,约有六百人。
and to arise: rise Samuel and to ascend: rise from [the] Gilgal (and to go: went to/for way: journey his and remainder [the] people to ascend: rise after Saul to/for to encounter: meet people [the] battle and to come (in): come from [the] Gilgal *X*) Gibeah Benjamin and to reckon: list Saul [obj] [the] people [the] to find with him like/as six hundred man
16 扫罗和他儿子约拿单,并跟随他们的人,都住在便雅悯的迦巴;但非利士人安营在密抹。
and Saul and Jonathan son: child his and [the] people [the] to find with them to dwell in/on/with Geba Benjamin and Philistine to camp in/on/with Michmash
17 有掠兵从非利士营中出来,分为三队:一队往俄弗拉向书亚地去,
and to come out: come [the] to ruin from camp Philistine three head: group [the] head: group one to turn to(wards) way: direction Ophrah to(wards) land: country/planet Shual
18 一队往伯·和 去,一队往洗波音谷对面的地境向旷野去。
and [the] head: group one to turn way: direction Beth-horon Beth-horon and [the] head: group one to turn way: direction [the] border: boundary [the] to look upon (Zeboim) Valley [the] (Valley of) Zeboim [the] wilderness [to]
19 那时,以色列全地没有一个铁匠;因为非利士人说,恐怕希伯来人制造刀枪。
and artificer not to find in/on/with all land: country/planet Israel for (to say *Q(K)*) Philistine lest to make [the] Hebrew sword or spear
20 以色列人要磨锄、犁、斧、铲,就下到非利士人那里去磨。
and to go down all Israel [the] Philistine to/for to sharpen man: anyone [obj] plowshare his and [obj] plowshare his and [obj] axe his and [obj] plowshare his
21 但有锉可以锉铲、犁、三齿叉、斧子,并赶牛锥。
and to be [the] bluntness lip: one third to/for plowshare and to/for plowshare and to/for three fork and to/for [the] axe and to/for to stand [the] goad
22 所以到了争战的日子,跟随扫罗和约拿单的人没有一个手里有刀有枪的,惟独扫罗和他儿子约拿单有。
and to be in/on/with day battle and not to find sword and spear in/on/with hand all [the] people which with Saul and with Jonathan and to find to/for Saul and to/for Jonathan son: child his
23 非利士人的一队防兵到了密抹的隘口。
and to come out: come station Philistine to(wards) ford Michmash

< 撒母耳记上 13 >