< 列王纪上 8 >

1 那时,所罗门将以色列的长老和各支派的首领,并以色列的族长,招聚到耶路撒冷,要把耶和华的约柜从大卫城—就是锡安—运上来。
then to gather Solomon [obj] old: elder Israel [obj] all head: leader [the] tribe leader [the] father to/for son: descendant/people Israel to(wards) [the] king Solomon Jerusalem to/for to ascend: establish [obj] ark covenant LORD from city David he/she/it Zion
2 以他念月,就是七月,在节前,以色列人都聚集到所罗门王那里。
and to gather to(wards) [the] king Solomon all man Israel in/on/with month [the] Ethanim in/on/with feast he/she/it [the] month [the] seventh
3 以色列长老来到,祭司便抬起约柜,
and to come (in): come all old: elder Israel and to lift: raise [the] priest [obj] [the] ark
4 祭司和利未人将耶和华的约柜运上来,又将会幕和会幕的一切圣器具都带上来。
and to ascend: establish [obj] ark LORD and [obj] tent meeting and [obj] all article/utensil [the] holiness which in/on/with tent and to ascend: establish [obj] them [the] priest and [the] Levi
5 所罗门王和聚集到他那里的以色列全会众,一同在约柜前献牛羊为祭,多得不可胜数。
and [the] king Solomon and all congregation Israel [the] to appoint upon him with him to/for face: before [the] ark to sacrifice flock and cattle which not to recount and not to count from abundance
6 祭司将耶和华的约柜抬进内殿,就是至圣所,放在两个基路伯的翅膀底下。
and to come (in): bring [the] priest [obj] ark covenant LORD to(wards) place his to(wards) sanctuary [the] house: home to(wards) Most Holy Place [the] Most Holy Place to(wards) underneath: under wing [the] cherub
7 基路伯张着翅膀在约柜之上,遮掩约柜和抬柜的杠。
for [the] cherub to spread wing to(wards) place [the] ark and to cover [the] cherub upon [the] ark and upon alone: pole his from to/for above [to]
8 这杠甚长,杠头在内殿前的圣所可以看见,在殿外却不能看见,直到如今还在那里。
and to prolong [the] alone: pole and to see: see head: top [the] alone: pole from [the] Holy Place upon face: before [the] sanctuary and not to see: see [the] outside [to] and to be there till [the] day [the] this
9 约柜里惟有两块石版,就是以色列人出埃及地后,耶和华与他们立约的时候摩西在何烈山所放的。除此以外,并无别物。
nothing in/on/with ark except two tablet [the] stone which to rest there Moses in/on/with Horeb which to cut: make(covenant) LORD with son: descendant/people Israel in/on/with to come out: come they from land: country/planet Egypt
10 祭司从圣所出来的时候,有云充满耶和华的殿;
and to be in/on/with to come out: come [the] priest from [the] Holy Place and [the] cloud to fill [obj] house: temple LORD
11 甚至祭司不能站立供职,因为耶和华的荣光充满了殿。
and not be able [the] priest to/for to stand: stand to/for to minister from face: because [the] cloud for to fill glory LORD [obj] house: temple LORD
12 那时所罗门说: 耶和华曾说, 他必住在幽暗之处。
then to say Solomon LORD to say to/for to dwell in/on/with cloud
13 我已经建造殿宇作你的居所, 为你永远的住处。
to build to build house: home elevation to/for you foundation to/for to dwell you forever: enduring
14 王转脸为以色列会众祝福,以色列会众就都站立。
and to turn: turn [the] king [obj] face his and to bless [obj] all assembly Israel and all assembly Israel to stand: stand
15 所罗门说:“耶和华—以色列的 神是应当称颂的!因他亲口向我父大卫所应许的,也亲手成就了。
and to say to bless LORD God Israel which to speak: speak in/on/with lip his with David father my and in/on/with hand: power his to fill to/for to say
16 他说:‘自从我领我民以色列出埃及以来,我未曾在以色列各支派中选择一城建造殿宇—为我名的居所,但拣选大卫治理我民以色列。’”
from [the] day which to come out: send [obj] people my [obj] Israel from Egypt not to choose in/on/with city from all tribe Israel to/for to build house: home to/for to be name my there and to choose in/on/with David to/for to be upon people my Israel
17 所罗门说:“我父大卫曾立意,要为耶和华—以色列 神的名建殿。
and to be with heart David father my to/for to build house: home to/for name LORD God Israel
18 耶和华却对我父大卫说:‘你立意为我的名建殿,这意思甚好。
and to say LORD to(wards) David father my because which to be with heart your to/for to build house: home to/for name my be pleasing for to be with heart your
19 只是你不可建殿,惟你所生的儿子必为我名建殿。’
except you(m. s.) not to build [the] house: home that if: except if: except son: child your [the] to come out: produce from loin your he/she/it to build [the] house: home to/for name my
20 现在耶和华成就了他所应许的话,使我接续我父大卫坐以色列的国位,又为耶和华—以色列 神的名建造了殿。
and to arise: establish LORD [obj] word: promised his which to speak: promise and to arise: rise underneath: instead David father my and to dwell upon throne Israel like/as as which to speak: promise LORD and to build [the] house: home to/for name LORD God Israel
21 我也在其中为约柜预备一处。约柜内有耶和华的约,就是他领我们列祖出埃及地的时候,与他们所立的约。”
and to set: put there place to/for ark which there covenant LORD which to cut: make(covenant) with father our in/on/with to come out: send he [obj] them from land: country/planet Egypt
22 所罗门当着以色列会众,站在耶和华的坛前,向天举手说:
and to stand: stand Solomon to/for face: before altar LORD before all assembly Israel and to spread palm his [the] heaven
23 “耶和华—以色列的 神啊,天上地下没有神可比你的!你向那尽心行在你面前的仆人守约施慈爱;
and to say LORD God Israel nothing like you God in/on/with heaven from above and upon [the] land: country/planet from underneath: under to keep: obey [the] covenant and [the] kindness to/for servant/slave your [the] to go: walk to/for face: before your in/on/with all heart their
24 向你仆人—我父大卫所应许的话现在应验了。你亲口应许,亲手成就,正如今日一样。
which to keep: obey to/for servant/slave your David father my [obj] which to speak: promise to/for him and to speak: speak in/on/with lip your and in/on/with hand: power your to fill like/as day: today [the] this
25 耶和华—以色列的 神啊,你所应许你仆人—我父大卫的话说:‘你的子孙若谨慎自己的行为,在我面前行事像你所行的一样,就不断人坐以色列的国位。’现在求你应验这话。
and now LORD God Israel to keep: guard to/for servant/slave your David father my [obj] which to speak: promise to/for him to/for to say not to cut: lack to/for you man from to/for face: before my to dwell upon throne Israel except if to keep: careful son: descendant/people your [obj] way: conduct their to/for to go: walk to/for face: before my like/as as which to go: walk to/for face: before my
26 以色列的 神啊,求你成就向你仆人—我父大卫所应许的话。
and now God Israel be faithful please (word your *Q(K)*) which to speak: speak to/for servant/slave your David father my
27 “神果真住在地上吗?看哪,天和天上的天尚且不足你居住的,何况我所建的这殿呢?
for truly to dwell God upon [the] land: country/planet behold [the] heaven and heaven [the] heaven not to sustain you also for [the] house: home [the] this which to build
28 惟求耶和华—我的 神垂顾仆人的祷告祈求,俯听仆人今日在你面前的祈祷呼吁。
and to turn to(wards) prayer servant/slave your and to(wards) supplication his LORD God my to/for to hear: hear to(wards) [the] cry and to(wards) [the] prayer which servant/slave your to pray to/for face: before your [the] day: today
29 愿你昼夜看顾这殿,就是你应许立为你名的居所;求你垂听仆人向此处祷告的话。
to/for to be eye your to open to(wards) [the] house: home [the] this night and day to(wards) [the] place which to say to be name my there to/for to hear: hear to(wards) [the] prayer which to pray servant/slave your to(wards) [the] place [the] this
30 你仆人和你民以色列向此处祈祷的时候,求你在天上你的居所垂听,垂听而赦免。
and to hear: hear to(wards) supplication servant/slave your and people your Israel which to pray to(wards) [the] place [the] this and you(m. s.) to hear: hear to(wards) place to dwell you to(wards) [the] heaven and to hear: hear and to forgive
31 “人若得罪邻舍,有人叫他起誓,他来到这殿在你的坛前起誓,
[obj] which to sin man: anyone to/for neighbor his and to exact in/on/with him oath to/for to swear him and to come (in): come to swear to/for face: before altar your in/on/with house: home [the] this
32 求你在天上垂听,判断你的仆人:定恶人有罪,照他所行的报应在他头上;定义人有理,照他的义赏赐他。
and you(m. s.) to hear: hear [the] heaven and to make: do and to judge [obj] servant/slave your to/for be wicked wicked to/for to give: give way: conduct his in/on/with head his and to/for to justify righteous to/for to give: give to/for him like/as righteousness his
33 “你的民以色列若得罪你,败在仇敌面前,又归向你,承认你的名,在这殿里祈求祷告,
in/on/with to strike people your Israel to/for face: before enemy which to sin to/for you and to return: again to(wards) you and to give thanks [obj] name your and to pray and be gracious to(wards) you in/on/with house: home [the] this
34 求你在天上垂听,赦免你民以色列的罪,使他们归回你赐给他们列祖之地。
and you(m. s.) to hear: hear [the] heaven and to forgive to/for sin people your Israel and to return: return them to(wards) [the] land: soil which to give: give to/for father their
35 “你的民因得罪你,你惩罚他们,使天闭塞不下雨;他们若向此处祷告,承认你的名,离开他们的罪,
in/on/with to restrain heaven and not to be rain for to sin to/for you and to pray to(wards) [the] place [the] this and to give thanks [obj] name your and from sin their to return: repent [emph?] for to afflict them
36 求你在天上垂听,赦免你仆人以色列民的罪,将当行的善道指教他们,且降雨在你的地,就是你赐给你民为业之地。
and you(m. s.) to hear: hear [the] heaven and to forgive to/for sin servant/slave your and people your Israel for to show them [obj] [the] way: conduct [the] pleasant which to go: walk in/on/with her and to give: give rain upon land: country/planet your which to give: give to/for people your to/for inheritance
37 “国中若有饥荒、瘟疫、旱风、霉烂、蝗虫、蚂蚱,或有仇敌犯境围困城邑,无论遭遇什么灾祸疾病,
famine for to be in/on/with land: country/planet pestilence for to be blight mildew locust locust for to be for to constrain to/for him enemy his in/on/with land: country/planet gate his all plague all sickness
38 你的民以色列,或是众人,或是一人,自觉有罪,向这殿举手,无论祈求什么,祷告什么,
all prayer all supplication which to be to/for all [the] man to/for all people your Israel which to know [emph?] man: anyone plague heart his and to spread palm his to(wards) [the] house: home [the] this
39 求你在天上你的居所垂听赦免。你是知道人心的,要照各人所行的待他们(惟有你知道世人的心),
and you(m. s.) to hear: hear [the] heaven foundation to dwell you and to forgive and to make: do and to give: give to/for man like/as all way: journey his which to know [obj] heart his for you(m. s.) to know to/for alone you [obj] heart all son: child [the] man
40 使他们在你赐给我们列祖之地上一生一世敬畏你。
because to fear you all [the] day which they(masc.) alive upon face: surface [the] land: soil which to give: give to/for father our
41 “论到不属你民以色列的外邦人,为你名从远方而来,
and also to(wards) [the] foreign which not from people your Israel he/she/it and to come (in): come from land: country/planet distant because name your
42 (他们听人论说你的大名和大能的手,并伸出来的膀臂)向这殿祷告,
for to hear: hear [emph?] [obj] name your [the] great: large and [obj] hand: power your [the] strong and arm your [the] to stretch and to come (in): come and to pray to(wards) [the] house: home [the] this
43 求你在天上你的居所垂听,照着外邦人所祈求的而行,使天下万民都认识你的名,敬畏你像你的民以色列一样;又使他们知道我建造的这殿是称为你名下的。
you(m. s.) to hear: hear [the] heaven foundation to dwell you and to make: do like/as all which to call: call to to(wards) you [the] foreign because to know [emph?] all people [the] land: country/planet [obj] name your to/for to fear [obj] you like/as people your Israel and to/for to know for name your to call: call by upon [the] house: home [the] this which to build
44 “你的民若奉你的差遣,无论往何处去与仇敌争战,向耶和华所选择的城与我为你名所建造的殿祷告,
for to come out: come people your to/for battle upon enemy his in/on/with way: journey which to send: depart them and to pray to(wards) LORD way: direction [the] city which to choose in/on/with her and [the] house: home which to build to/for name your
45 求你在天上垂听他们的祷告祈求,使他们得胜。
and to hear: hear [the] heaven [obj] prayer their and [obj] supplication their and to make: do justice their
46 “你的民若得罪你(世上没有不犯罪的人),你向他们发怒,将他们交给仇敌掳到仇敌之地,或远或近,
for to sin to/for you for nothing man which not to sin and be angry in/on/with them and to give: give them to/for face: before enemy and to take captive them to take captive them to(wards) land: country/planet [the] enemy distant or near
47 他们若在掳到之地想起罪来,回心转意,恳求你说:‘我们有罪了,我们悖逆了,我们作恶了’;
and to return: recall to(wards) heart their in/on/with land: country/planet which to take captive there and to return: repent and be gracious to(wards) you in/on/with land: country/planet to take captive them to/for to say to sin and to pervert be wicked
48 他们若在掳到之地尽心尽性归服你,又向自己的地,就是你赐给他们列祖之地和你所选择的城,并我为你名所建造的殿祷告,
and to return: repent to(wards) you in/on/with all heart their and in/on/with all soul their in/on/with land: country/planet enemy their which to take captive [obj] them and to pray to(wards) you way: direction land: country/planet their which to give: give to/for father their [the] city which to choose and [the] house: home which (to build *Q(K)*) to/for name your
49 求你在天上你的居所垂听他们的祷告祈求,为他们伸冤;
and to hear: hear [the] heaven foundation to dwell you [obj] prayer their and [obj] supplication their and to make: do justice their
50 饶恕得罪你的民,赦免他们的一切过犯,使他们在掳他们的人面前蒙怜恤。
and to forgive to/for people your which to sin to/for you and to/for all transgression their which to transgress in/on/with you and to give: give them to/for compassion to/for face: before to take captive them and to have compassion them
51 因为他们是你的子民,你的产业,是你从埃及领出来脱离铁炉的。
for people your and inheritance your they(masc.) which to come out: send from Egypt from midst furnace [the] iron
52 愿你的眼目看顾仆人,听你民以色列的祈求,无论何时向你祈求,愿你垂听。
to/for to be eye your to open to(wards) supplication servant/slave your and to(wards) supplication people your Israel to/for to hear: hear to(wards) them in/on/with all to call: call to they to(wards) you
53 主耶和华啊,你将他们从地上的万民中分别出来作你的产业,是照你领我们列祖出埃及的时候,借你仆人摩西所应许的话。”
for you(m. s.) to separate them to/for you to/for inheritance from all people [the] land: country/planet like/as as which to speak: promise in/on/with hand: by Moses servant/slave your in/on/with to come out: send you [obj] father our from Egypt Lord YHWH/God
54 所罗门在耶和华的坛前屈膝跪着,向天举手,在耶和华面前祷告祈求已毕,就起来,
and to be like/as to end: finish Solomon to/for to pray to(wards) LORD [obj] all [the] prayer and [the] supplication [the] this to arise: rise from to/for face: before altar LORD from to bow upon knee his and palm his to spread [the] heaven
55 站着,大声为以色列全会众祝福,说:
and to stand: stand and to bless [obj] all assembly Israel voice great: large to/for to say
56 “耶和华是应当称颂的!因为他照着一切所应许的赐平安给他的民以色列人,凡借他仆人摩西应许赐福的话,一句都没有落空。
to bless LORD which to give: give resting to/for people his Israel like/as all which to speak: promise not to fall: fail word one from all word his [the] pleasant which to speak: promise in/on/with hand: by Moses servant/slave his
57 愿耶和华—我们的 神与我们同在,像与我们列祖同在一样,不撇下我们,不丢弃我们,
to be LORD God our with us like/as as which to be with father our not to leave: forsake us and not to leave us
58 使我们的心归向他,遵行他的道,谨守他吩咐我们列祖的诫命、律例、典章。
to/for to stretch heart our to(wards) him to/for to go: walk in/on/with all way: conduct his and to/for to keep: obey commandment his and statute: decree his and justice: judgement his which to command [obj] father our
59 我在耶和华面前祈求的这些话,愿耶和华—我们的 神昼夜垂念,每日为他仆人与他民以色列伸冤,
and to be word my these which be gracious to/for face: before LORD near to(wards) LORD God our by day and night to/for to make: do justice servant/slave his and justice people his Israel word: thing day: daily in/on/with day: daily his
60 使地上的万民都知道惟独耶和华是 神,并无别神。
because to know all people [the] land: country/planet for LORD he/she/it [the] God nothing still
61 所以你们当向耶和华—我们的 神存诚实的心,遵行他的律例,谨守他的诫命,至终如今日一样。”
and to be heart your complete with LORD God our to/for to go: walk in/on/with statute: decree his and to/for to keep: obey commandment his like/as day: today [the] this
62 王和以色列众民一同在耶和华面前献祭。
and [the] king and all Israel with him to sacrifice sacrifice to/for face: before LORD
63 所罗门向耶和华献平安祭,用牛二万二千,羊十二万。这样,王和以色列众民为耶和华的殿行奉献之礼。
and to sacrifice Solomon [obj] sacrifice [the] peace offering which to sacrifice to/for LORD cattle twenty and two thousand and flock hundred and twenty thousand and to dedicate [obj] house: temple LORD [the] king and all son: descendant/people Israel
64 当日,王因耶和华殿前的铜坛太小,容不下燔祭、素祭,和平安祭牲的脂油,便将耶和华殿前院子当中分别为圣,在那里献燔祭、素祭,和平安祭牲的脂油。
in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to consecrate: consecate [the] king [obj] midst [the] court which to/for face: before house: temple LORD for to make: offer there [obj] [the] burnt offering and [obj] [the] offering and [obj] fat [the] peace offering for altar [the] bronze which to/for face: before LORD small from to sustain [obj] [the] burnt offering and [obj] [the] offering and [obj] fat [the] peace offering
65 那时,所罗门和以色列众人,就是从哈马口直到埃及小河所有的以色列人,都聚集成为大会,在耶和华—我们的 神面前守节七日又七日,共十四日。
and to make: do Solomon in/on/with time [the] he/she/it [obj] [the] feast and all Israel with him assembly great: large from Lebo Hamath till Brook (Brook of) Egypt to/for face: before LORD God our seven day and seven day four ten day
66 第八日,王遣散众民;他们都为王祝福。因见耶和华向他仆人大卫和他民以色列所施的一切恩惠,就都心中喜乐,各归各家去了。
in/on/with day [the] eighth to send: depart [obj] [the] people and to bless [obj] [the] king and to go: went to/for tent: home their glad and pleasant heart upon all [the] welfare which to make: do LORD to/for David servant/slave his and to/for Israel people his

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