< 列王纪上 5 >

1 泰尔王希兰,平素爱大卫;他听见以色列人膏所罗门,接续他父亲作王,就差遣臣仆来见他。
and to send: depart Hiram king Tyre [obj] servant/slave his to(wards) Solomon for to hear: hear for [obj] him to anoint to/for king underneath: instead father his for to love: lover to be Hiram to/for David all [the] day: always
2 所罗门也差遣人去见希兰,说:
and to send: depart Solomon to(wards) Hiram to/for to say
3 “你知道我父亲大卫因四围的争战,不能为耶和华—他 神的名建殿,直等到耶和华使仇敌都服在他脚下。
you(m. s.) to know [obj] David father my for not be able to/for to build house: home to/for name LORD God his from face: because [the] battle which to turn: surround him till to give: put LORD [obj] them underneath: under palm: sole (foot my *Q(K)*)
4 现在耶和华—我的 神使我四围平安,没有仇敌,没有灾祸。
and now to rest LORD God my to/for me from around: side nothing Satan and nothing chance bad: evil
5 我定意要为耶和华—我 神的名建殿,是照耶和华应许我父亲大卫的话说:‘我必使你儿子接续你坐你的位,他必为我的名建殿。’
and look! I to say to/for to build house: home to/for name LORD God my like/as as which to speak: speak LORD to(wards) David father my to/for to say son: child your which to give: put underneath: instead you upon throne your he/she/it to build [the] house: home to/for name my
6 所以求你吩咐你的仆人在黎巴嫩为我砍伐香柏木,我的仆人也必帮助他们,我必照你所定的,给你仆人的工价;因为你知道,在我们中间没有人像西顿人善于砍伐树木。”
and now to command and to cut: cut to/for me cedar from [the] Lebanon and servant/slave my to be with servant/slave your and wages servant/slave your to give: pay to/for you like/as all which to say for you(m. s.) to know for nothing in/on/with us man: anyone to know to/for to cut: cut tree: wood like/as Sidonian
7 希兰听见所罗门的话,就甚喜悦,说:“今日应当称颂耶和华;因他赐给大卫一个有智慧的儿子,治理这众多的民。”
and to be like/as to hear: hear Hiram [obj] word Solomon and to rejoice much and to say to bless LORD [the] day: today which to give: give to/for David son: child wise upon [the] people [the] many [the] this
8 希兰打发人去见所罗门,说:“你差遣人向我所提的那事,我都听见了;论到香柏木和松木,我必照你的心愿而行。
and to send: depart Hiram to(wards) Solomon to/for to say to hear: hear [obj] which to send: depart to(wards) me I to make: do [obj] all pleasure your in/on/with tree: wood cedar and in/on/with tree: wood cypress
9 我的仆人必将这木料从黎巴嫩运到海里,扎成筏子,浮海运到你所指定我的地方,在那里拆开,你就可以收取;你也要成全我的心愿,将食物给我的家。”
servant/slave my to go down from [the] Lebanon sea [to] and I to set: make them raft in/on/with sea till [the] place which to send: depart to(wards) me and to shatter them there and you(m. s.) to lift: raise and you(m. s.) to make: do [obj] pleasure my to/for to give: give food house: household my
10 于是希兰照着所罗门所要的,给他香柏木和松木;
and to be Hiram to give: give to/for Solomon tree: wood cedar and tree: wood cypress all pleasure his
11 所罗门给希兰麦子二万歌珥,清油二十歌珥,作他家的食物。所罗门每年都是这样给希兰。
and Solomon to give: give to/for Hiram twenty thousand kor wheat food to/for house: household his and twenty kor oil beaten thus to give: give Solomon to/for Hiram year in/on/with year
12 耶和华照着所应许的赐智慧给所罗门。希兰与所罗门和好,彼此立约。
and LORD to give: give wisdom to/for Solomon like/as as which to speak: promise to/for him and to be peace between Hiram and between Solomon and to cut: make(covenant) covenant two their
13 所罗门王从以色列人中挑取服苦的人共有三万,
and to ascend: establish [the] king Solomon taskworker from all Israel and to be [the] taskworker thirty thousand man
14 派他们轮流每月一万人上黎巴嫩去;一个月在黎巴嫩,两个月在家里。亚多尼兰掌管他们。
and to send: depart them Lebanon [to] ten thousand in/on/with month change month to be in/on/with Lebanon two month in/on/with house: home his and Adoniram upon [the] taskworker
15 所罗门用七万扛抬的,八万在山上凿石头的。
and to be to/for Solomon seventy thousand to lift: bearing(armour) burden and eighty thousand to hew in/on/with mountain: hill country
16 此外,所罗门用三千三百督工的,监管工人。
to/for alone from ruler [the] to stand to/for Solomon which upon [the] work three thousand and three hundred [the] to rule in/on/with people [the] to make: do in/on/with work
17 王下令,人就凿出又大又宝贵的石头来,用以立殿的根基。
and to command [the] king and to set out stone great: large stone precious to/for to found [the] house: home stone cutting
18 所罗门的匠人和希兰的匠人,并迦巴勒人,都将石头凿好,预备木料和石头建殿。
and to hew to build Solomon and to build Hiram and [the] Gebalite and to establish: prepare [the] tree: wood and [the] stone to/for to build [the] house: home

< 列王纪上 5 >