< 列王纪上 1 >

1 大卫王年纪老迈,虽用被遮盖,仍不觉暖。
and [the] king David be old to come (in): advanced in/on/with day: year and to cover him in/on/with garment and not to warm to/for him
2 所以臣仆对他说:“不如为我主我王寻找一个处女,使她伺候王,奉养王,睡在王的怀中,好叫我主我王得暖。”
and to say to/for him servant/slave his to seek to/for lord my [the] king maiden virgin and to stand: stand to/for face: before [the] king and to be to/for him be useful and to lie down: lay down in/on/with bosom: embrace your and to warm to/for lord my [the] king
3 于是在以色列全境寻找美貌的童女,寻得书念的一个童女亚比煞,就带到王那里。
and to seek maiden beautiful in/on/with all border: area Israel and to find [obj] Abishag [the] Shunammites and to come (in): bring [obj] her to/for king
4 这童女极其美貌,她奉养王,伺候王,王却没有与她亲近。
and [the] maiden beautiful till much and to be to/for king be useful and to minister him and [the] king not to know her
5 那时,哈及的儿子亚多尼雅自尊,说:“我必作王”,就为自己预备车辆、马兵,又派五十人在他前头奔走。
and Adonijah son: child Haggith to lift: exalt to/for to say I to reign and to make to/for him chariot and horseman and fifty man to run: run to/for face: before his
6 他父亲素来没有使他忧闷,说:“你是做什么呢?”他甚俊美,生在押沙龙之后。
and not to hurt him father his from day his to/for to say why? thus to make: do and also he/she/it pleasant appearance much and [obj] him to beget after Absalom
7 亚多尼雅与洗鲁雅的儿子约押,和祭司亚比亚他商议;二人就顺从他,帮助他。
and to be word: thing his with Joab son: child Zeruiah and with Abiathar [the] priest and to help after Adonijah
8 但祭司撒督、耶何耶大的儿子比拿雅、先知拿单、示每、利以,并大卫的勇士都不顺从亚多尼雅。
and Zadok [the] priest and Benaiah son: child Jehoiada and Nathan [the] prophet and Shimei and Rei and [the] mighty man which to/for David not to be with Adonijah
9 一日,亚多尼雅在隐·罗结旁、琐希列磐石那里宰了牛羊、肥犊,请他的诸弟兄,就是王的众子,并所有作王臣仆的犹大人;
and to sacrifice Adonijah flock and cattle and fatling with (Zoheleth) Stone [the] Serpent's which beside En-rogel En-rogel and to call: call to [obj] all brother: male-sibling his son: child [the] king and to/for all human Judah servant/slave [the] king
10 惟独先知拿单和比拿雅并勇士,与他的兄弟所罗门,他都没有请。
and [obj] Nathan [the] prophet and Benaiah and [obj] [the] mighty man and [obj] Solomon brother: male-sibling his not to call: call to
11 拿单对所罗门的母亲拔示巴说:“哈及的儿子亚多尼雅作王了,你没有听见吗?我们的主大卫却不知道。
and to say Nathan to(wards) Bathsheba Bathsheba mother Solomon to/for to say not to hear: hear for to reign Adonijah son: child Haggith and lord our David not to know
12 现在我可以给你出个主意,好保全你和你儿子所罗门的性命。
and now to go: come! to advise you please counsel and to escape [obj] soul: life your and [obj] soul: life son: child your Solomon
13 你进去见大卫王,对他说:‘我主我王啊,你不曾向婢女起誓说:你儿子所罗门必接续我作王,坐在我的位上吗?现在亚多尼雅怎么作了王呢?’
to go: went and to come (in): come to(wards) [the] king David and to say to(wards) him not you(m. s.) lord my [the] king to swear to/for maidservant your to/for to say for Solomon son: child your to reign after me and he/she/it to dwell upon throne my and why? to reign Adonijah
14 你还与王说话的时候,我也随后进去,证实你的话。”
behold still you to speak: speak there with [the] king and I to come (in): come after you and to fill [obj] word your
15 拔示巴进入内室见王,王甚老迈,书念的童女亚比煞正伺候王。
and to come (in): come Bathsheba Bathsheba to(wards) [the] king [the] chamber [to] and [the] king be old much and Abishag [the] Shunammites to minister [obj] [the] king
16 拔示巴向王屈身下拜;王说:“你要什么?”
and to bow Bathsheba Bathsheba and to bow to/for king and to say [the] king what? to/for you
17 她说:“我主啊,你曾向婢女指着耶和华—你的 神起誓说:‘你儿子所罗门必接续我作王,坐在我的位上。’
and to say to/for him lord my you(m. s.) to swear in/on/with LORD God your to/for maidservant your for Solomon son: child your to reign after me and he/she/it to dwell upon throne my
18 现在亚多尼雅作王了,我主我王却不知道。
and now behold Adonijah to reign and now lord my [the] king not to know
19 他宰了许多牛羊、肥犊,请了王的众子和祭司亚比亚他,并元帅约押;惟独王的仆人所罗门,他没有请。
and to sacrifice cattle and fatling and flock to/for abundance and to call: call to to/for all son: child [the] king and to/for Abiathar [the] priest and to/for Joab ruler [the] army and to/for Solomon servant/slave your not to call: call to
20 我主我王啊,以色列众人的眼目都仰望你,等你晓谕他们,在我主我王之后谁坐你的位。
and you(m. s.) lord my [the] king eye all Israel upon you to/for to tell to/for them who? to dwell upon throne lord my [the] king after him
21 若不然,到我主我王与列祖同睡以后,我和我儿子所罗门必算为罪人了。”
and to be like/as to lie down: sleep lord my [the] king with father his and to be I and son: child my Solomon sinner
22 拔示巴还与王说话的时候,先知拿单也进来了。
and behold still she to speak: speak with [the] king and Nathan [the] prophet to come (in): come
23 有人奏告王说:“先知拿单来了。”拿单进到王前,脸伏于地。
and to tell to/for king to/for to say behold Nathan [the] prophet and to come (in): come to/for face: before [the] king and to bow to/for king upon face his land: soil [to]
24 拿单说:“我主我王果然应许亚多尼雅说‘你必接续我作王,坐在我的位上’吗?
and to say Nathan lord my [the] king you(m. s.) to say Adonijah to reign after me and he/she/it to dwell upon throne my
25 他今日下去,宰了许多牛羊、肥犊,请了王的众子和军长,并祭司亚比亚他;他们正在亚多尼雅面前吃喝,说:‘愿亚多尼雅王万岁!’
for to go down [the] day: today and to sacrifice cattle and fatling and flock to/for abundance and to call: call to to/for all son: child [the] king and to/for ruler [the] army and to/for Abiathar [the] priest and behold they to eat and to drink to/for face: before his and to say to live [the] king Adonijah
26 惟独我,就是你的仆人和祭司撒督,耶何耶大的儿子比拿雅,并王的仆人所罗门,他都没有请。
and to/for me I servant/slave your and to/for Zadok [the] priest and to/for Benaiah son: child Jehoiada and to/for Solomon servant/slave your not to call: call to
27 这事果然出乎我主我王吗?王却没有告诉仆人们,在我主我王之后谁坐你的位。”
if: surely no from with lord my [the] king to be [the] word: thing [the] this and not to know [obj] (servant/slave your *Q(K)*) who? to dwell upon throne lord my [the] king after him
28 大卫王吩咐说:“叫拔示巴来。”拔示巴就进来,站在王面前。
and to answer [the] king David and to say to call: call to to/for me to/for Bathsheba Bathsheba and to come (in): come to/for face: before [the] king and to stand: stand to/for face: before [the] king
29 王起誓说:“我指着救我性命脱离一切苦难、永生的耶和华起誓。
and to swear [the] king and to say alive LORD which to ransom [obj] soul my from all distress
30 我既然指着耶和华—以色列的 神向你起誓说:你儿子所罗门必接续我作王,坐在我的位上。我今日就必照这话而行。”
for like/as as which to swear to/for you in/on/with LORD God Israel to/for to say for Solomon son: child your to reign after me and he/she/it to dwell upon throne my underneath: instead me for so to make: do [the] day: today [the] this
31 于是,拔示巴脸伏于地,向王下拜,说:“愿我主大卫王万岁!”
and to bow Bathsheba Bathsheba face land: soil and to bow to/for king and to say to live lord my [the] king David to/for forever: enduring
32 大卫王又吩咐说:“将祭司撒督、先知拿单、耶何耶大的儿子比拿雅召来!”他们就都来到王面前。
and to say [the] king David to call: call to to/for me to/for Zadok [the] priest and to/for Nathan [the] prophet and to/for Benaiah son: child Jehoiada and to come (in): come to/for face: before [the] king
33 王对他们说:“要带领你们主的仆人,使我儿子所罗门骑我的骡子,送他下到基训;
and to say [the] king to/for them to take: take with you [obj] servant/slave lord your and to ride [obj] Solomon son: child my upon [the] female mule which to/for me and to go down [obj] him to(wards) Gihon
34 在那里,祭司撒督和先知拿单要膏他作以色列的王;你们也要吹角,说:‘愿所罗门王万岁!’
and to anoint [obj] him there Zadok [the] priest and Nathan [the] prophet to/for king upon Israel and to blow in/on/with trumpet and to say to live [the] king Solomon
35 然后要跟随他上来,使他坐在我的位上,接续我作王。我已立他作以色列和犹大的君。”
and to ascend: rise after him and to come (in): come and to dwell upon throne my and he/she/it to reign underneath: instead me and with him to command to/for to be leader upon Israel and upon Judah
36 耶何耶大的儿子比拿雅对王说:“阿们!愿耶和华—我主我王的 神也这样命定。
and to answer Benaiah son: child Jehoiada [obj] [the] king and to say amen so to say LORD God lord my [the] king
37 耶和华怎样与我主我王同在,愿他照样与所罗门同在,使他的国位比我主大卫王的国位更大。”
like/as as which to be LORD with lord my [the] king so (to be *Q(K)*) with Solomon and to magnify [obj] throne his from throne lord my [the] king David
38 于是,祭司撒督、先知拿单、耶何耶大的儿子比拿雅,和基利提人、比利提人都下去使所罗门骑大卫王的骡子,将他送到基训。
and to go down Zadok [the] priest and Nathan [the] prophet and Benaiah son: child Jehoiada and [the] Cherethite and [the] Pelethite and to ride [obj] Solomon upon female mule [the] king David and to go: take [obj] him upon Gihon
39 祭司撒督就从帐幕中取了盛膏油的角来,用膏膏所罗门。人就吹角,众民都说:“愿所罗门王万岁!”
and to take: take Zadok [the] priest [obj] horn [the] oil from [the] tent and to anoint [obj] Solomon and to blow in/on/with trumpet and to say all [the] people to live [the] king Solomon
40 众民跟随他上来,且吹笛,大大欢呼,声音震地。
and to ascend: rise all [the] people after him and [the] people to play flute in/on/with flute and glad joy great: large and to break up/open [the] land: country/planet in/on/with voice: sound their
41 亚多尼雅和所请的众客筵宴方毕,听见这声音;约押听见角声就说:“城中为何有这响声呢?”
and to hear: hear Adonijah and all [the] to call: call to which with him and they(masc.) to end: finish to/for to eat and to hear: hear Joab [obj] voice: sound [the] trumpet and to say why? voice: sound [the] town to roar
42 他正说话的时候,祭司亚比亚他的儿子约拿单来了。亚多尼雅对他说:“进来吧!你是个忠义的人,必是报好信息。”
still he to speak: speak and behold Jonathan son: child Abiathar [the] priest to come (in): come and to say Adonijah to come (in): come for man strength: worthy you(m. s.) and good to bear tidings
43 约拿单对亚多尼雅说:“我们的主大卫王诚然立所罗门为王了。
and to answer Jonathan and to say to/for Adonijah truly lord our [the] king David to reign [obj] Solomon
44 王差遣祭司撒督、先知拿单、耶何耶大的儿子比拿雅,和基利提人、比利提人都去使所罗门骑王的骡子。
and to send: depart with him [the] king [obj] Zadok [the] priest and [obj] Nathan [the] prophet and Benaiah son: child Jehoiada and [the] Cherethite and [the] Pelethite and to ride [obj] him upon female mule [the] king
45 祭司撒督和先知拿单在基训已经膏他作王。众人都从那里欢呼着上来,声音使城震动,这就是你们所听见的声音;
and to anoint [obj] him Zadok [the] priest and Nathan [the] prophet to/for king in/on/with Gihon and to ascend: rise from there glad and to make noise [the] town he/she/it [the] voice: sound which to hear: hear
46 并且所罗门登了国位。
and also to dwell Solomon upon throne [the] kingship
47 王的臣仆也来为我们的主大卫王祝福,说:‘愿王的 神使所罗门的名比王的名更尊荣;使他的国位比王的国位更大。’王就在床上屈身下拜。
and also to come (in): come servant/slave [the] king to/for to bless [obj] lord our [the] king David to/for to say be good (God *Q(K)*) [obj] name Solomon from name your and to magnify [obj] throne his from throne your and to bow [the] king upon [the] bed
48 王又说:‘耶和华—以色列的 神是应当称颂的;因他赐我一人今日坐在我的位上,我也亲眼看见了。’”
and also thus to say [the] king to bless LORD God Israel which to give: give [the] day: today to dwell upon throne my and eye my to see: see
49 亚多尼雅的众客听见这话就都惊惧,起来四散。
and to tremble and to arise: rise all [the] to call: call to which to/for Adonijah and to go: went man: anyone to/for way: journey his
50 亚多尼雅惧怕所罗门,就起来,去抓住祭坛的角。
and Adonijah to fear from face of Solomon and to arise: rise and to go: went and to strengthen: hold in/on/with horn [the] altar
51 有人告诉所罗门说:“亚多尼雅惧怕所罗门王,现在抓住祭坛的角,说:‘愿所罗门王今日向我起誓,必不用刀杀仆人。’”
and to tell to/for Solomon to/for to say behold Adonijah to fear [obj] [the] king Solomon and behold to grasp in/on/with horn [the] altar to/for to say to swear to/for me like/as day: today [the] king Solomon if: surely no to die [obj] servant/slave his in/on/with sword
52 所罗门说:“他若作忠义的人,连一根头发也不致落在地上;他若行恶,必要死亡。”
and to say Solomon if to be to/for son: descendant/people strength: worthy not to fall: fall from hair his land: soil [to] and if distress: evil to find in/on/with him and to die
53 于是所罗门王差遣人,使亚多尼雅从坛上下来,他就来,向所罗门王下拜;所罗门对他说:“你回家去吧!”
and to send: depart [the] king Solomon and to go down him from upon [the] altar and to come (in): come and to bow to/for king Solomon and to say to/for him Solomon to go: went to/for house: home your

< 列王纪上 1 >