< 哥林多前书 15 >
1 弟兄们,我如今把先前所传给你们的福音告诉你们知道;这福音你们也领受了,又靠着站立得住,
Now I want to remind you about the good news I announced to you. You accepted it, and you have stood firm for it.
2 并且你们若不是徒然相信,能以持守我所传给你们的,就必因这福音得救。
It is through this good news that you are saved if you hold on to the message that I gave you. Otherwise you trusted for nothing!
3 我当日所领受又传给你们的:第一,就是基督照圣经所说,为我们的罪死了,
I passed on to you what I myself had also received, a message of vital importance: that Christ died for our sins, according to Scripture;
he was buried and was raised from the dead on the third day, again in accordance with Scripture.
He appeared to Peter, then to the Twelve.
6 后来一时显给五百多弟兄看,其中一大半到如今还在,却也有已经睡了的。
After that he appeared to more than five hundred brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still alive today, though some have died.
He appeared to James, then all the apostles.
Last of all, he also appeared to me, someone born as it were at the wrong time.
9 我原是使徒中最小的,不配称为使徒,因为我从前逼迫 神的教会。
For I'm the least important apostle of all, not even fit to be called an apostle since I persecuted God's church.
10 然而,我今日成了何等人,是蒙 神的恩才成的,并且他所赐我的恩不是徒然的。我比众使徒格外劳苦;这原不是我,乃是 神的恩与我同在。
But by God's grace I am what I am, and his grace given to me wasn't wasted. On the contrary I've worked harder than all of them—though not me, but God's grace working through me.
11 不拘是我,是众使徒,我们如此传,你们也如此信了。
So whether it's I or them, this is the message we shared with you that brought you to trust in God.
12 既传基督是从死里复活了,怎么在你们中间有人说没有死人复活的事呢?
Now if the message declares that Christ has been raised from the dead, how is it that some of you say there's no resurrection of the dead?
If there's no resurrection of the dead then Christ hasn't been raised either.
14 若基督没有复活,我们所传的便是枉然,你们所信的也是枉然;
And if Christ isn't raised, then our message we shared with you is pointless, and your trust in God is pointless too.
15 并且明显我们是为 神妄作见证的,因我们见证 神是叫基督复活了。若死人真不复活, 神也就没有叫基督复活了。
In addition, we would be shown to be false witnesses of God when we testified that God raised Christ from the dead. But God didn't raise Christ from the dead if it's true that there's no resurrection.
If the dead are not raised, then Christ hasn't been raised either,
17 基督若没有复活,你们的信便是徒然,你们仍在罪里。
and if Christ hasn't been raised, then your trust in God is useless, and you are still in your sins.
This also means that those who died in Christ are lost.
19 我们若靠基督只在今生有指望,就算比众人更可怜。
If our hope in Christ is only for this life, we're the most pitiful people of all!
20 但基督已经从死里复活,成为睡了之人初熟的果子。
But Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of the harvest from those who have died.
Just as death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead came through a man.
22 在亚当里众人都死了;照样,在基督里众人也都要复活。
Just as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.
23 但各人是按着自己的次序复活:初熟的果子是基督;以后,在他来的时候,是那些属基督的。
But each in their own turn: Christ the firstfruits, then those who belong to Christ when he comes.
24 再后,末期到了,那时基督既将一切执政的、掌权的、有能的都毁灭了,就把国交与父 神。
After this comes the end, when Christ hands over the kingdom to God the Father, having destroyed all rulers, authorities, and powers.
25 因为基督必要作王,等 神把一切仇敌都放在他的脚下。
Christ has to rule until he has put all his enemies under his feet.
The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.
27 因为经上说:“神叫万物都服在他的脚下。”既说万物都服了他,明显那叫万物服他的,不在其内了。
As Scripture says, “He put everything under his feet.” (Of course when it says “everything” is put under him it's obvious this doesn't refer to God who placed everything under Christ's authority.)
28 万物既服了他,那时子也要自己服那叫万物服他的,叫 神在万物之上,为万物之主。
When everything has been placed under Christ's authority, then the Son will also place himself under God's authority, so that God who gave the Son authority over everything may be all in all.
29 不然,那些为死人受洗的,将来怎样呢?若死人总不复活,因何为他们受洗呢?
Otherwise what will those people do who are baptized for the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, why then would people be baptized for them?
As for us, why do we place ourselves in danger hour after hour?
31 弟兄们,我在我主基督耶稣里,指着你们所夸的口极力地说,我是天天冒死。
I die every day—let me say it bluntly, my brothers and sisters. This is just as sure as the pride I have for what Christ Jesus has done in you.
32 我若当日像寻常人,在以弗所同野兽战斗,那于我有什么益处呢?若死人不复活, 我们就吃吃喝喝吧! 因为明天要死了。
Humanly speaking, what would I gain by fighting with those people in Ephesus who were like wild animals, if the dead are not raised? If the dead are not raised, “let's eat and drink, for tomorrow we die”!
Don't be fooled: “bad company ruins good character.”
34 你们要醒悟为善,不要犯罪,因为有人不认识 神。我说这话是要叫你们羞愧。
Come to your senses as you should, and stop sinning! Some of you don't know God. I tell you this to shame you.
35 或有人问:“死人怎样复活,带着什么身体来呢?”
Of course somebody will ask, “How exactly are the dead raised? What kind of body will they have?”
What a foolish question! What you sow doesn't sprout into life unless it dies.
37 并且你所种的不是那将来的形体,不过是子粒,即如麦子,或是别样的谷。
When you sow, you don't sow the plant it will grow into, just the bare seed, whether wheat or whatever you're planting.
38 但 神随自己的意思给他一个形体,并叫各等子粒各有自己的形体。
God makes the plant grow into the form he has chosen, and different seeds produce different plants with different forms.
39 凡肉体各有不同:人是一样,兽又是一样,鸟又是一样,鱼又是一样。
What living things are made from is not the same. Human beings have one kind of body tissue, while animals have another, birds another, and fish another.
40 有天上的形体,也有地上的形体;但天上形体的荣光是一样,地上形体的荣光又是一样。
There are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. Heavenly bodies have one kind of beauty, earthly bodies another.
41 日有日的荣光,月有月的荣光,星有星的荣光;这星和那星的荣光也有分别。
The sun shines in one way, and the moon another, while the stars are different again, with each one shining in a different way.
42 死人复活也是这样:所种的是必朽坏的,复活的是不朽坏的;
It's the same with the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in decay; it is raised to last forever.
43 所种的是羞辱的,复活的是荣耀的;所种的是软弱的,复活的是强壮的;
It is sown in shame; it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power.
44 所种的是血气的身体,复活的是灵性的身体。若有血气的身体,也必有灵性的身体。
It is sown as a natural body; it is raised as a spiritual body. Just as there are natural bodies there are spiritual bodies.
45 经上也是这样记着说:“首先的人亚当成了有灵的活人”;末后的亚当成了叫人活的灵。
As Scripture says, “The first man, Adam, became a living being;” but the last Adam a life-giving spirit.
46 但属灵的不在先,属血气的在先,以后才有属灵的。
The spiritual did not come first, but the natural—the spiritual came after that.
47 头一个人是出于地,乃属土;第二个人是出于天。
The first man is from the dust of the earth; the second man is from heaven.
48 那属土的怎样,凡属土的也就怎样;属天的怎样,凡属天的也就怎样。
Earthly people are like the man made from the earth; heavenly people are like the man from heaven.
Just as we bore the likeness of the earthly man so we shall bear the likeness of the man from heaven.
50 弟兄们,我告诉你们说,血肉之体不能承受 神的国,必朽坏的不能承受不朽坏的。
However, I tell you this, my brothers and sisters: our present bodies cannot inherit the kingdom of God. These decaying bodies cannot inherit what lasts forever.
51 我如今把一件奥秘的事告诉你们:我们不是都要睡觉,乃是都要改变,
Listen, I'm going to reveal a mystery! Not all of us will die—but we will all be changed,
52 就在一霎时,眨眼之间,号筒末次吹响的时候。因号筒要响,死人要复活成为不朽坏的,我们也要改变。
in a moment, in the blink of an eye, at the sound of the last trumpet. The trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised never to die again, and we will be changed.
53 这必朽坏的总要变成不朽坏的,这必死的总要变成不死的。
For this perishable body must be clothed with a body that never perishes. This mortal life must be clothed with immortality.
54 这必朽坏的既变成不朽坏的,这必死的既变成不死的,那时经上所记“死被得胜吞灭”的话就应验了。
When this perishable body has been clothed with a body that never perishes, and this mortal life has been clothed with immortality, then the Scripture will come true that says, “Death has been totally conquered and destroyed.
55 死啊!你得胜的权势在哪里? 死啊!你的毒钩在哪里? (Hadēs )
Death—where's your victory? Death—where's your sting?” (Hadēs )
The sting that causes death is sin; and the power of sin is the law;
but praise God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
58 所以,我亲爱的弟兄们,你们务要坚固,不可摇动,常常竭力多做主工;因为知道,你们的劳苦在主里面不是徒然的。
So my dear brothers and sisters: be strong, stand firm, doing everything you can for the Lord's work, since you know that nothing you do in the Lord is wasted.