< 历代志上 25 >

1 大卫和众首领分派亚萨、希幔,并耶杜顿的子孙弹琴、鼓瑟、敲钹、唱歌。他们供职的人数记在下面:
and to separate David and ruler [the] army: duty to/for service: ministry to/for son: child Asaph and Heman and Jeduthun ([the] to prophesy *Q(K)*) in/on/with lyre in/on/with harp and in/on/with cymbal and to be number their human work to/for service: ministry their
2 亚萨的儿子撒刻、约瑟、尼探雅、亚萨利拉都归亚萨指教,遵王的旨意唱歌。
to/for son: child Asaph Zaccur and Joseph and Nethaniah and Asharelah son: child Asaph upon hand: power Asaph [the] to prophesy upon hand: power [the] king
3 耶杜顿的儿子基大利、西利、耶筛亚、哈沙比雅、玛他提雅、示每共六人,都归他们父亲耶杜顿指教,弹琴,唱歌,称谢,颂赞耶和华。
to/for Jeduthun son: child Jeduthun Gedaliah and Zeri and Jeshaiah Hashabiah and Mattithiah six upon hand: power father their Jeduthun in/on/with lyre [the] to prophesy upon to give thanks and to boast: praise to/for LORD
4 希幔的儿子布基雅、玛探雅、乌薛、细布业、耶利摩、哈拿尼雅、哈拿尼、以利亚他、基大利提、罗幔提·以谢、约施比加沙、玛罗提、何提、玛哈秀;
to/for Heman son: child Heman Bukkiah Mattaniah Uzziel Shebuel and Jerimoth Hananiah Hanani Eliathah Giddalti and Romamti-ezer Romamti-ezer Joshbekashah Mallothi Hothir Mahazioth
5 这都是希幔的儿子,吹角颂赞。希幔奉 神之命作王的先见。 神赐给希幔十四个儿子,三个女儿,
all these son: child to/for Heman seer [the] king in/on/with word: promised [the] God to/for to exalt horn and to give: give [the] God to/for Heman son: child four ten and daughter three
6 都归他们父亲指教,在耶和华的殿唱歌、敲钹、弹琴、鼓瑟,办 神殿的事务。亚萨、耶杜顿、希幔都是王所命定的。
all these upon hand: power father their in/on/with song house: temple LORD in/on/with cymbal harp and lyre to/for service: ministry house: temple [the] God upon hand: power [the] king Asaph and Jeduthun and Heman
7 他们和他们的弟兄学习颂赞耶和华;善于歌唱的共有二百八十八人。
and to be number their with brother: male-relative their to learn: teach song to/for LORD all [the] to understand hundred eighty and eight
8 这些人无论大小,为师的、为徒的,都一同掣签分了班次。
and to fall: allot allotted charge to/for close like/as small like/as great: large to understand with pupil
9 掣签的时候,第一掣出来的是亚萨的儿子约瑟。第二是基大利;他和他弟兄并儿子共十二人。
and to come out: casting(lot) [the] allotted [the] first to/for Asaph to/for Joseph (and brother: male-relative his and son: child his two ten *X*) Gedaliah [the] second he/she/it and brother: male-relative his and son: child his two ten
10 第三是撒刻;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
[the] third Zaccur son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
11 第四是伊洗利;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
[the] fourth to/for Izri son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
12 第五是尼探雅;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
[the] fifth Nethaniah son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
13 第六是布基雅;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
[the] sixth Bukkiah son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
14 第七是耶萨利拉;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
[the] seventh Jesharelah son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
15 第八是耶筛亚;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
[the] eighth Jeshaiah son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
16 第九是玛探雅;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
[the] ninth Mattaniah son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
17 第十是示每;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
[the] tenth Shimei son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
18 第十一是亚萨烈;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
eleven ten Azarel son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
19 第十二是哈沙比雅;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
[the] two ten to/for Hashabiah son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
20 第十三是书巴业;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
to/for three ten Shebuel son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
21 第十四是玛他提雅;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
to/for four ten Mattithiah son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
22 第十五是耶利摩;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
to/for five ten to/for Jerimoth son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
23 第十六是哈拿尼雅;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
to/for six ten to/for Hananiah son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
24 第十七是约施比加沙;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
to/for seven ten to/for Joshbekashah son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
25 第十八是哈拿尼;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
to/for eight ten to/for Hanani son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
26 第十九是玛罗提;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
to/for nine ten to/for Mallothi son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
27 第二十是以利亚他;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
to/for twenty to/for Eliathah son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
28 第二十一是何提;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
to/for one and twenty to/for Hothir son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
29 第二十二是基大利提;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
to/for two and twenty to/for Giddalti son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
30 第二十三是玛哈秀;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
to/for three and twenty to/for Mahazioth son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten
31 第二十四是罗幔提·以谢;他和他儿子并弟兄共十二人。
to/for four and twenty to/for Romamti-ezer Romamti-ezer son: child his and brother: male-relative his two ten

< 历代志上 25 >