< 历代志上 23 >

1 大卫年纪老迈,日子满足,就立他儿子所罗门作以色列的王。
and David be old and to satisfy day and to reign [obj] Solomon son: child his upon Israel
2 大卫招聚以色列的众首领和祭司利未人。
and to gather [obj] all ruler Israel and [the] priest and [the] Levi
3 利未人从三十岁以外的都被数点,他们男丁的数目共有三万八千;
and to recount [the] Levi from son: aged thirty year and above [to] and to be number their to/for head their to/for great man thirty and eight thousand
4 其中有二万四千人管理耶和华殿的事,有六千人作官长和士师,
from these to/for to conduct upon work house: temple LORD twenty and four thousand and official and to judge six thousand
5 有四千人作守门的,又有四千人用大卫所做的乐器颂赞耶和华。
and four thousand gatekeeper and four thousand to boast: praise to/for LORD in/on/with article/utensil which to make to/for to boast: praise
6 大卫将利未人革顺、哥辖、米拉利的子孙分了班次。
and to divide them David division to/for son: child Levi to/for Gershon Kohath and Merari
7 革顺的子孙有拉但和示每。
to/for Gershonite Ladan and Shimei
8 拉但的长子是耶歇,还有细坦和约珥,共三人。
son: child Ladan [the] head: leader Jehiel and Zetham and Joel three
9 示每的儿子是示罗密、哈薛、哈兰三人。这是拉但族的族长。
son: child Shimei (Shelomoth *Q(K)*) and Haziel and Haran three these head: leader [the] father to/for Ladan
10 示每的儿子是雅哈、细拿、耶乌施、比利亚共四人。
and son: child Shimei Jahath Zizah and Jeush and Beriah these son: child Shimei four
11 雅哈是长子,细撒是次子。但耶乌施和比利亚的子孙不多,所以算为一族。
and to be Jahath [the] head: leader and Zizah [the] second and Jeush and Beriah not to multiply son: child and to be to/for house: household father to/for punishment one
12 哥辖的儿子是暗兰、以斯哈、希伯伦、乌薛共四人。
son: child Kohath Amram Izhar Hebron and Uzziel four
13 暗兰的儿子是亚伦、摩西。亚伦和他的子孙分出来,好分别至圣的物,在耶和华面前烧香、事奉他,奉他的名祝福,直到永远。
son: descendant/people Amram Aaron and Moses and to separate Aaron to/for to consecrate: dedicate him holiness holiness he/she/it and son: descendant/people his till forever: enduring to/for to offer: offer to/for face: before LORD to/for to minister him and to/for to bless in/on/with name his till forever: enduring
14 至于神人摩西,他的子孙名字记在利未支派的册上。
and Moses man [the] God son: child his to call: call by upon tribe [the] Levi
15 摩西的儿子是革舜和以利以谢。
son: child Moses Gershom and Eliezer
16 革舜的长子是细布业;
son: descendant/people Gershom Shebuel [the] head: leader
17 以利以谢的儿子是利哈比雅。以利以谢没有别的儿子,但利哈比雅的子孙甚多。
and to be son: descendant/people Eliezer Rehabiah [the] head: leader and not to be to/for Eliezer son: child another and son: child Rehabiah to multiply to/for above [to]
18 以斯哈的长子是示罗密。
son: child Izhar Shelomith [the] head: leader
19 希伯伦的长子是耶利雅,次子是亚玛利亚,三子是雅哈悉,四子是耶加面。
son: child Hebron Jeriah [the] head: leader Amariah [the] second Jahaziel [the] third and Jekameam [the] fourth
20 乌薛的长子是米迦,次子是耶西雅。
son: child Uzziel Micah [the] head: leader and Isshiah [the] second
21 米拉利的儿子是抹利、母示。抹利的儿子是以利亚撒、基士。
son: child Merari Mahli and Mushi son: child Mahli Eleazar and Kish
22 以利亚撒死了,没有儿子,只有女儿,他们本族基士的儿子娶了她们为妻。
and to die Eleazar and not to be to/for him son: child that if: except if: except daughter and to lift: marry them son: child Kish brother: male-relative their
23 母示的儿子是末力、以得、耶利摩共三人。
son: child Mushi Mahli and Eder and Jerimoth three
24 以上利未子孙作族长的,照着男丁的数目,从二十岁以外,都办耶和华殿的事务。
these son: child Levi to/for house: household father their head: leader [the] father to/for to reckon: list their in/on/with number name to/for head their to make: do [the] work to/for service: ministry house: temple LORD from son: aged twenty year and above [to]
25 大卫说:“耶和华—以色列的 神已经使他的百姓平安,他永远住在耶路撒冷。
for to say David to rest LORD God Israel to/for people his and to dwell in/on/with Jerusalem till to/for forever: enduring
26 利未人不必再抬帐幕和其中所用的一切器皿了。”
and also to/for Levi nothing to/for to lift: bear [obj] [the] tabernacle and [obj] all article/utensil his to/for service: ministry his
27 照着大卫临终所吩咐的,利未人从二十岁以外的都被数点。
for in/on/with word David [the] last they(masc.) number son: aged Levi from son: aged twenty year and to/for above [to]
28 他们的职任是服事亚伦的子孙,在耶和华的殿和院子,并屋中办事,洁净一切圣物,就是办 神殿的事务,
for office their to/for hand: to son: descendant/people Aaron to/for service: ministry house: temple LORD upon [the] court and upon [the] chamber and upon purifying to/for all holiness and deed: work service: ministry house: temple [the] God
29 并管理陈设饼,素祭的细面,或无酵薄饼,或用盘烤,或用油调和的物,又管理各样的升斗尺度;
and to/for food: bread [the] row and to/for fine flour to/for offering and to/for flatbread [the] unleavened bread and to/for griddle and to/for to stir and to/for all capacity and measure
30 每日早晚,站立称谢赞美耶和华,
and to/for to stand: stand in/on/with morning in/on/with morning to/for to give thanks and to/for to boast: praise to/for LORD and so to/for evening
31 又在安息日、月朔,并节期,按数照例,将燔祭常常献给耶和华;
and to/for all to ascend: offer up burnt offering to/for LORD to/for Sabbath to/for month: new moon and to/for meeting: festival in/on/with number like/as justice: rule upon them continually to/for face: before LORD
32 又看守会幕和圣所,并守耶和华吩咐他们弟兄亚伦子孙的,办耶和华殿的事。
and to keep: obey [obj] charge tent meeting and [obj] charge [the] holiness and charge son: descendant/people Aaron brother: male-relative their to/for service: ministry house: temple LORD

< 历代志上 23 >