< 历代志上 16 >

1 众人将 神的约柜请进去,安放在大卫所搭的帐幕里,就在 神面前献燔祭和平安祭。
and to come (in): bring [obj] ark [the] God and to set [obj] him in/on/with midst [the] tent which to stretch to/for him David and to present: bring burnt offering and peace offering to/for face: before [the] God
2 大卫献完了燔祭和平安祭,就奉耶和华的名给民祝福,
and to end: finish David from to ascend: offer up [the] burnt offering and [the] peace offering and to bless [obj] [the] people in/on/with name LORD
3 并且分给以色列人,无论男女,每人一个饼,一块肉,一个葡萄饼。
and to divide to/for all man Israel from man and till woman to/for man: anyone talent food: bread and raisin bun and raisin bun
4 大卫派几个利未人在耶和华的约柜前事奉,颂扬,称谢,赞美耶和华—以色列的 神:
and to give: put to/for face: before ark LORD from [the] Levi to minister and to/for to remember and to/for to give thanks and to/for to boast: praise to/for LORD God Israel
5 为首的是亚萨,其次是撒迦利雅、雅薛、示米拉末、耶歇、玛他提雅、以利押、比拿雅、俄别·以东、耶利,鼓瑟弹琴;惟有亚萨敲钹,大发响声;
Asaph [the] head: leader and second his Zechariah Jeiel and Shemiramoth and Jehiel and Mattithiah and Eliab and Benaiah and Obed-edom Obed-edom and Jeiel in/on/with article/utensil harp and in/on/with lyre and Asaph in/on/with cymbal to hear: proclaim
6 祭司比拿雅和雅哈悉常在 神的约柜前吹号。
and Benaiah and Jahaziel [the] priest in/on/with trumpet continually to/for face: before ark covenant [the] God
7 那日,大卫初次借亚萨和他的弟兄以诗歌称颂耶和华,说:
in/on/with day [the] he/she/it then to give: put David in/on/with head: first to/for to give thanks to/for LORD in/on/with hand: by Asaph and brother: male-relative his
8 你们要称谢耶和华,求告他的名, 在万民中传扬他的作为!
to give thanks to/for LORD to call: call to in/on/with name his to know in/on/with people wantonness his
9 要向他唱诗、歌颂, 谈论他一切奇妙的作为。
to sing to/for him to sing to/for him to muse in/on/with all to wonder his
10 要以他的圣名夸耀; 寻求耶和华的人,心中应当欢喜。
to boast: boast in/on/with name holiness his to rejoice heart to seek LORD
11 要寻求耶和华与他的能力, 时常寻求他的面。
to seek LORD and strength his to seek face: before his continually
12 他仆人以色列的后裔, 他所拣选雅各的子孙哪, 你们要记念他奇妙的作为和他的奇事, 并他口中的判语。
to remember to wonder his which to make: do wonder his and justice: judgement lip: word his
seed: children Israel servant/slave his son: descendant/people Jacob chosen his
14 他是耶和华—我们的 神, 全地都有他的判断。
he/she/it LORD God our in/on/with all [the] land: country/planet justice: judgement his
15 你们要记念他的约,直到永远; 他所吩咐的话,直到千代,
to remember to/for forever: enduring covenant his word to command to/for thousand generation
16 就是与亚伯拉罕所立的约, 向以撒所起的誓。
which to cut: make(covenant) with Abraham and oath his to/for Isaac
17 他又将这约向雅各定为律例, 向以色列定为永远的约,
and to stand: appoint her to/for Jacob to/for statute: decree to/for Israel covenant forever: enduring
18 说:我必将迦南地赐给你, 作你产业的分。
to/for to say to/for you to give: give land: country/planet Canaan cord inheritance your
19 当时你们人丁有限,数目稀少, 并且在那地为寄居的;
in/on/with to be you man number like/as little and to sojourn in/on/with her
20 他们从这邦游到那邦, 从这国行到那国。
and to go: walk from nation to(wards) nation and from kingdom to(wards) people another
21 耶和华不容什么人欺负他们, 为他们的缘故责备君王,
not to rest to/for man: anyone to/for to oppress them and to rebuke upon them king
22 说:不可难为我受膏的人, 也不可恶待我的先知!
not to touch in/on/with anointed my and in/on/with prophet my not be evil
23 全地都要向耶和华歌唱! 天天传扬他的救恩,
to sing to/for LORD all [the] land: country/planet to bear tidings from day to(wards) day salvation his
24 在列邦中述说他的荣耀, 在万民中述说他的奇事。
to recount in/on/with nation [obj] glory his in/on/with all [the] people to wonder his
25 因耶和华为大,当受极大的赞美; 他在万神之上,当受敬畏。
for great: large LORD and to boast: praise much and to fear he/she/it upon all God
26 外邦的神都属虚无, 惟独耶和华创造诸天。
for all God [the] people idol and LORD heaven to make
27 有尊荣和威严在他面前, 有能力和喜乐在他圣所。
splendor and glory to/for face: before his strength and joy in/on/with place his
28 民中的万族啊, 你们要将荣耀能力归给耶和华,都归给耶和华!
to give to/for LORD family people to give to/for LORD glory and strength
29 要将耶和华的名所当得的荣耀归给他, 拿供物来奉到他面前; 当以圣洁的妆饰敬拜耶和华。
to give to/for LORD glory name his to lift: bear offering and to come (in): come to/for face: before his to bow to/for LORD in/on/with adornment holiness
30 全地要在他面前战抖, 世界也坚定不得动摇。
to twist: tremble from to/for face: before his all [the] land: country/planet also to establish: establish world not to shake
31 愿天欢喜,愿地快乐; 愿人在列邦中说: 耶和华作王了!
to rejoice [the] heaven and to rejoice [the] land: country/planet and to say in/on/with nation LORD to reign
32 愿海和其中所充满的澎湃; 愿田和其中所有的都欢乐。
to thunder [the] sea and fullness his to rejoice [the] land: country and all which in/on/with him
33 那时,林中的树木都要在耶和华面前欢呼, 因为他来要审判全地。
then to sing tree [the] wood from to/for face: before LORD for to come (in): come to/for to judge [obj] [the] land: country/planet
34 应当称谢耶和华; 因他本为善,他的慈爱永远长存!
to give thanks to/for LORD for pleasant for to/for forever: enduring kindness his
35 要说:拯救我们的 神啊,求你救我们, 聚集我们,使我们脱离外邦, 我们好称赞你的圣名,以赞美你为夸胜。
and to say to save us God salvation our and to gather us and to rescue us from [the] nation to/for to give thanks to/for name holiness your to/for to praise in/on/with praise your
36 耶和华—以色列的 神, 从亘古直到永远,是应当称颂的! 众民都说:“阿们!”并且赞美耶和华。
to bless LORD God Israel from [the] forever: enduring and till [the] forever: enduring and to say all [the] people amen and to boast: praise to/for LORD
37 大卫派亚萨和他的弟兄在约柜前常常事奉耶和华,一日尽一日的职分;
and to leave: forsake there to/for face: before ark covenant LORD to/for Asaph and to/for brother: male-relative his to/for to minister to/for face: before [the] ark continually to/for word: because day in/on/with day his
38 又派俄别·以东和他的弟兄六十八人,与耶杜顿的儿子俄别·以东,并何萨作守门的;
and Obed-edom Obed-edom and brother: male-relative their sixty and eight and Obed-edom Obed-edom son: child Jeduthun and Hosah to/for gatekeeper
39 且派祭司撒督和他弟兄众祭司在基遍的邱坛、耶和华的帐幕前燔祭坛上,每日早晚,照着耶和华律法书上所吩咐以色列人的,常给耶和华献燔祭。
and [obj] Zadok [the] priest and brother: male-relative his [the] priest to/for face: before tabernacle LORD in/on/with high place which in/on/with Gibeon
to/for to ascend: offer up burnt offering to/for LORD upon altar [the] burnt offering continually to/for morning and to/for evening and to/for all [the] to write in/on/with instruction LORD which to command upon Israel
41 与他们一同被派的有希幔、耶杜顿,和其余被选名字录在册上的,称谢耶和华,因他的慈爱永远长存。
and with them Heman and Jeduthun and remnant [the] to purify which to pierce in/on/with name to/for to give thanks to/for LORD for to/for forever: enduring kindness his
42 希幔、耶杜顿同着他们吹号、敲钹,大发响声,并用别的乐器随着歌颂 神。耶杜顿的子孙作守门的。
and with them Heman and Jeduthun trumpet and cymbal to/for to hear: proclaim and article/utensil song [the] God and son: child Jeduthun to/for gate
43 于是众民各归各家;大卫也回去为家眷祝福。
and to go: went all [the] people man: anyone to/for house: home his and to turn: turn David to/for to bless [obj] house: home his

< 历代志上 16 >