< 西番雅書 3 >

1 禍哉! 那叛逆、污穢,而殘暴的城市!
What disaster is coming to corrupted, rebellious Jerusalem, you who oppress people!
2 她從不聽呼聲,又不接受教訓;不依賴上主,也不親近她的天主。
You don't listen to anybody, you don't accept correction, you don't trust in the Lord, you don't ask for God's help.
3 她的王侯在她中間,是一些咆哮的獅子;她的判官是夜間的豺狼,什麼也不留到天明。
Your leaders are as greedy as roaring lions; your judges are ravenous wolves that leave nothing behind by morning.
4 她的先知都是些輕浮欺詐之徒,她火司祭褻瀆聖物,違犯法律。
Your prophets are arrogant, deceitful men who defile what is sacred and who openly break the law.
5 但上主在她中間是正義的,從不行不義;衪每天早晨施行審判,有如不消散的光明,衪全不認識可恥的邪惡。
But the Lord who does right is still among you, he does no wrong. Every morning he gives his judgment, every day without fail. But those who act unjustly have no shame.
6 我曾消滅了異民,他們的碉堡已化為廢墟;我使他們的街道荒涼得無人往來,他們的城市毀壞得不留一人,沒有一個遺。
I have destroyed nations. Their fortresses are deserted; their streets are empty; their cities are destroyed—there are no survivors, not one.
7 我原想:「她必要敬畏我,接受教訓;凡我加於她的懲罰,必不致由她眼前消失。」但他們反加速使自己一切的行為墮落。
I told myself, “Surely they will respect me now and accept my correction. Then their homes would not be destroyed to teach them a lesson.” But instead you're just as eager to go on doing evil.
8 為什麼你們等待我──上主的斷語──等到我起來作證的一天,因為我已決定聚集萬民,召集列國,在他們身上傾洩我的憤怒和我所有的怒火:全地必要為我的妒火所吞滅。
You just wait, declares the Lord. The day is coming when I will rise to give evidence. For I have decided to gather together all the nations and kingdoms and to pour out on them my anger, my fury and my rage. The whole earth will be burned up by the fire of my jealous anger.
9 那時,我要使萬民的口脣純潔好能稱叫上主的名號,同心協力服事上主。
For then I will give the nations pure speech so they can all pray and worship the Lord together.
10 欽崇我的人,[ 即我所分散的集團] 要從雇士河那邊給我貢獻祭品。
From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my scattered people, my worshipers, will come to bring their offerings to me.
11 在那一天,你決不再因你反抗我的一切作為而羞慚,因為那時我必由你中間驅逐你那些驕矜自誇的人,使你不再在我的聖山上自誇;
On that day you won't be ashamed because of what you did in rebelling against me, for I will remove from among you those who are proud and boastful. Never again will you be conceited on my holy mountain.
12 但我必在你中間留下謙遜和貧苦的百姓,他們必依賴上主的名號。
I will leave among you those who are meek and humble, those who trust in the name of the Lord.
13 以色列的遺民不再行邪惡,也不再說謊言;在他們的口裏再也找不到欺詐的吞頭;的確,他們或是牧放,或是休息,沒有人來恐嚇。
The people of Israel who remain will not act wickedly nor will they tell lies. They will not deceive one another. They will be able to eat in peace and sleep in safety for there will be nothing to frighten them.
14 熙雍女子,妳應歡樂! 以色列,你應歡呼! 耶路撒冷女子,妳應全心高興喜樂!
Sing out, Jerusalem! Shout aloud, Israel! Jerusalem, be happy and celebrate with all your heart!
15 上主已撤銷對妳的定案,掃除了妳的仇敵;以色列的君王──上主,在妳中間,妳再不會遇見災禍!
For the Lord has turned aside from punishing you, and he has turned back your enemies. The Lord, the king of Israel, is with you, and you will never again have to fear disaster.
16 在那一天,人必對耶路撒冷說:「熙雍,你不用害怕,不要雙手低垂!
On that day the message to the people of Jerusalem will be, “Don't be afraid; don't be discouraged!”
17 上主你的天主,在你中間,他是一位施救的勇士,衪為你喜自勝,對你重溫衪的愛情,且因你躍喜樂,
The Lord your God is among you as a mighty warrior who saves. He will be so happy with you. He will renew his love for you. He will celebrate over you with loud singing.
18 有如在慶節之日。我必消滅打搫你的人,使你不再受羞辱。
I will gather those of you who mourn for the religious festivals—you will no longer have to bear the disgrace.
19 看哪! 在那時,我必要了結一切迫害你的人,我必要拯救瘸腿的,聚集漂的;我必使他們在各地所受的羞辱,化為稱讚和榮譽。
Look at what I am going to do! At that time I am going to deal with all those who have oppressed you. I will save those who are helpless and bring back those who were scattered, and I will turn their shame into praise, and all the world will respect them.
20 那時,我我必要召你們回來;那時,我必要聚集你們;當我要在你們的面前轉變你們的命運時,我必使你們在普世萬民中,獲得榮譽和稱讚──上主說。
At that time I will bring you home, gathering you together. I will give you a good reputation, and you will be praised by all the peoples of the earth when I restore your status before your very eyes, says the Lord.

< 西番雅書 3 >