< 撒迦利亞書 9 >
1 神諭:上主的話臨於哈得辣客地,停在大馬士革,因為阿蘭的眼珠也像以色列的各支派一樣,是屬於上主的。
The birthun of the word of the Lord, in the lond of Adrach, and of Damask, the reste therof; for `of the Lord is the iye of man, and of alle lynagis of Israel.
And Emath in termes therof, and Tirus, and Sidon; for thei token to hem wisdom greetli.
3 提洛為自己建築了碉堡,堆積的銀子多如塵土,金子像街市上的泥土。
And Tirus bildide his strengthing, and gaderide siluer as erthe, and gold as fen of stretis.
4 看,吾主必要佔據她,把她的財富拋入海中;她必為火所吞滅。
Lo! the Lord schal welde it, and schal smyte in the see the strengthe therof, and it schal be deuourid bi fier.
5 阿市克隆見了,必要害怕;迦薩也要極度戰憟,厄龍隆也是如此,因為依賴的,遭受了羞辱。
Ascalon schal see, and schal drede; and Gasa, `and schal sorewe ful myche; and Accaron, for the hope therof is confoundid; and the kyng schal perische fro Gasa, and Ascalon schal not be enhabited;
6 迦薩的君王必要喪亡,阿市刻隆沒有人居住。當我這樣消除了培肋舍特人的傲慢,
and a departere schal sitte in Asotus, and Y schal distrie the pride of Filisteis.
7 由他的口中除去血的祭肉,從他的牙齒間除去可憎的祭肉之後,他的遺民也必要歸屬於我們的天主,有如猶大中的一個家族;厄刻龍也必像耶步斯人。
And Y schal take awei the blood therof fro the mouth of him, and abhomynaciouns of hym fro the myddil of teeth of hym, and he also schal be left to our God; and he schal be as a duyk in Juda, and Accaron as Jebusei.
8 我要我的自作營寨,防禦往來的人,不再讓殘暴者由他們中間經過,因為如今我要親眼防守。
And Y schal cumpasse myn hous of these that holden kniythod to me, and goen, and turnen ayen; and `an vniust axere schal no more passe on hem, for now Y siy with myn iyen.
9 熙雍女子,妳應盡量喜樂! 耶路撒冷女子,妳應該歡呼! 看,妳君王到妳這裏來,衪是正義的,勝利的,謙遜的,騎在驢上,騎在驢駒上。
Thou douyter of Sion, make ioie withoutforth ynow, synge, thou douyter of Jerusalem; lo! thi kyng schal come to thee, he iust, and sauyour; he pore, and stiynge on a sche asse, and on a fole, sone of a sche asse.
10 衪由厄弗辣因剷除戰車,從耶路撒冷除掉戰馬,作戰的弓箭也要被消滅;衪要向萬民宣佈和平,衪的權柄由這海到那海,從大河直到地極。
And Y schal leese foure horsid carte of Effraym, and an hors of Jerusalem, and the bouwe of batel schal be distried; and he schal speke pees to hethene men, and the power of him schal be fro see til to see, and fro floodis til to the endis of erthe.
11 妳,熙雍女子! 因了妳盟約的血,我要從無水的地牢中釋放好的俘虜。
And thou in blood of thi testament sentist out thi boundun men fro lake, in which is not water.
12 懷著希望的俘虜,必要回到妳這裏。熙雍女子! 我必雙倍償還妳在充軍之日所遭受的一切,
Ye boundun of hope, be conuertid to strengthing; and to dai Y schewynge schal yelde to thee double thingis,
13 因為我要以3作我張開的弓,以厄弗辣因作我弓上的箭。熙雍! 我要鼓勵妳的子民,使妳有如勇士的劍,為攻擊雅汪子民。
for Y schal stretche forthe to me Juda as a bowe, Y fillide `the lond of Effraym. And Y schal reise thi sones, thou Sion, on thi sones, thou lond of Grekis, and Y schal sette thee as the swerd of stronge men.
14 上主必要在他們上面出現,像閃電一般射出衪的箭;吾主上主必要吹起號角,乘著南方的旋風前來。
And the Lord God schal be seyn on hem, and the dart of him schal go out as leit.
15 萬軍的上主必保衛他們,使他們前進,踐踏石的人;他們必要喝他們的血,有如喝酒;飽享鮮血,有如祭壇的四角。
And the Lord God schal synge in a trumpe, and schal go in whirlwynd of the south; the Lord of oostis schal defende hem, and thei schulen deuoure, and make suget with stoonys of a slynge; and thei drynkynge schulen be fillid as with wyn, and schulen be fillid as viols, and as hornes of the auter.
16 到那一天,上主他們的天主,必要拯救他們,要牧放衪的百姓,有如牧羊群;他們將如王冠上的寶石,在衪的地上閃爍。
And the Lord God `of hem schal saue hem in that dai, as a floc of his puple, for hooli stoonus schulen be reisid on the lond of hym.
17 那時,此地是多麼幸福,多麼美麗! 五榖滋養少男;新酒培育少處女。
For what is the good of hym, and what is the faire of hym, no but whete of chosun men, and wyn buriownynge virgyns?