< 雅歌 3 >

1 夜間我在床上,尋覓我心愛的;我尋覓,卻沒有找著。
In my bed by night I sought him that my soule loued: I sought him, but I found him not.
2 我遂起來,環城巡行.在市街上,在廣場,尋覓我心愛的;我尋覓,卻沒有找著。
I will rise therefore nowe, and goe about in the citie, by the streetes and by the open places, and wil seeke him that my soule loueth: I sought him, but I found him not.
3 城裏巡夜的衛兵,遇見了我,我便問道:「你們看見我心愛的嗎﹖」
The watchmen that went about the citie, found mee: to whome I said, Haue you seene him, whome my soule loueth?
4 我剛離開他們,就找到了我人愛的;我拉住他不放,領他到我母親家中,到懷孕我者的內室。◆新郎:
When I had past a litle from them, then I found him whom my soule loued: I tooke holde on him and left him not, till I had brought him vnto my mothers house into the chamber of her that conceiued me.
5 耶路撒冷女郎! 我指著田野間的羚羊或牝鹿,懇求你們,不要驚醒,不要喚醒的的愛,讓她自便吧![第三幕:愛情的成熟]◆耶京女郎:
I charge you, O daughters of Ierusalem, by the roes and by the hindes of the fielde, that ye stirre not vp, nor waken my loue vntill she please.
6 那從曠野上來,狀如煙柱,發放沒藥、乳香以及各種舶來香料香氣的,是什麼﹖
Who is shee that commeth vp out of the wildernes like pillars of smoke perfumed with myrrhe and incense, and with all the spices of the marchant?
7 撒羅滿的御轎,有六十勇士環繞,全是以色列的精旅,
Beholde his bed, which is Salomons: threescore strong men are round about it, of the valiant men of Israel.
8 個個手持利刃,善於戰鬥,腰間各配刀劍,以防夜襲。
They all handle the sworde, and are expert in warre, euery one hath his sword vpon his thigh for the feare by night.
9 撒羅滿王用黎巴嫩香柏製造了一個寶座,
King Salomon made himselfe a palace of the trees of Lebanon.
10 銀柱金頂,紫錦墊褥,中間繡花,是耶路撒冷女子愛情的結晶。
Hee made the pillars thereof of siluer, and the pauement thereof of gold, the hangings thereof of purple, whose middes was paued with the loue of the daughters of Ierusalem.
11 熙雍女郎! 出來觀看撒羅滿王,他頭帶王冠,是他母親在他新婚歡樂之日,給他帶上的。
Come forth, ye daughters of Zion, and behold the King Salomon with the crowne, wherewith his mother crowned him in ye day of his mariage, and in the day of the gladnes of his heart.

< 雅歌 3 >