< 羅馬書 5 >
1 我們既因信德成義,便是藉我們的主耶穌基督,與天主和好了。
Therefore, having been pronounced righteous as the result of faith, let us enjoy peace with God through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
2 藉著耶穌我們得因信德進入了現今所站立的這恩寵中,並因希望分天主的光榮而歡躍。
It is through him that, by reason of our faith, we have obtained admission to that place in God’s favor in which we now stand. So let us exult in our hope of attaining God’s glorious ideal.
3 不但如此,我們連在磨難中也歡躍,因為我們知道:磨難生忍耐,
And not only that, but let us also exult in our troubles;
for we know that trouble develops endurance, and endurance strength of character, and strength of character hope,
5 望德不叫人蒙羞,因為天主的愛,藉著所賜與我們的聖神,已傾注在我們心中了。
and that hope never disappoints. For the love of God has filled our hearts through the Holy Spirit which was given us;
6 當我們還在軟弱的時候,基督就在指定的時期為不虔敬的人死了。
seeing that, while we were still powerless, Christ, in God’s good time, died on behalf of the godless.
Even for an upright person scarcely anyone will die. For a really good person perhaps someone might even dare to die.
8 但是,基督在我們還是罪人的時候,就為我們死了,這證明了天主怎樣愛我們。
But God puts his love for us beyond all doubt by the fact that Christ died on our behalf while we were still sinners.
9 現在,我們既因祂的血而成義,我們更要藉著祂脫免天主的義怒,
Much more, then, now that we have been pronounced righteous by virtue of the shedding of his blood, will we be saved through him from the wrath of God.
10 因為,假如我們還在為仇敵的時候,因著祂聖子的死得與天主和好了;那麼,在和好之後,我們一定更要因著祂的生命得救了。
For if, when we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, much more, now that we have become reconciled, will we be saved by virtue of Christ’s life.
11 不但如此,我們現今既藉著我們的主耶穌基督獲得了和好,也必藉著祂而歡躍於天主。
And not only that, but we exult in God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, through whom we have now obtained this reconciliation.
12 故此,就如罪惡藉著一人進入了世界,死亡藉著罪惡也進入了世界;這樣死亡就殃及了眾人,因為眾人都犯了罪,成義也是如此──
Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and through sin came death; so, also, death spread to all humanity, because every person has sinned.
13 沒有法律之前,罪惡已經在世界上;但因沒有法律,罪惡本不應算為罪惡。
Even before the time of the Law there was sin in the world; but sin cannot be charged against someone where no Law exists.
14 但從亞當起,直到梅瑟,死亡卻作了王,連那些沒有像亞當一樣違法犯罪的人,也屬它權下:這亞當原是那未來亞當的預像。
Yet, from Adam to Moses, death reigned even over those whose sin was not a breach of a law, as Adam’s was. And Adam foreshadows the one to come.
15 但恩寵決不是過犯所能比的,因為如果因一人的過犯大眾都死了;那麼,天主的恩寵和那因耶穌基督一人的恩寵所施與的恩惠,更要豐富地洋溢到大眾身上。
But there is a contrast between Adam’s offense and God’s gracious gift. For, if by reason of the offense of the one man the whole human race died, far more were the loving kindness of God, and the gift given in the loving kindness of the one man, Jesus Christ, lavished on the whole human race.
16 這恩惠的效果也不是那因人犯罪的結果所能比的,因為審判固然由於一人的過犯而來,被定罪;但恩賜卻使人在犯了許多過犯之後,獲得成義。
There is a contrast, too, between the gift and the results of the one man’s sin. The judgment, which followed on the one man’s sin, resulted in condemnation, but God’s gracious gift, which followed on many offenses, resulted in a decree of righteousness.
17 如果因一人的過犯,死亡就因那一人作了王;那麼,那些豐富地蒙受了恩寵和正義恩惠的人,更要藉著耶穌基督一人在生命中為王了。
For if, by reason of the offense of the one man, death reigned through that one man, far more will those, on whom God’s loving kindness and his gift of righteousness are lavished, find life, and reign through the one man, Jesus Christ.
18 這樣看來:就如因一人的過犯,眾人都被定了罪;同樣也一人的正義行為,眾人也都獲得了正義和生命。
Briefly then, just as a single offense resulted for all humanity in condemnation, so, too, a single decree of righteousness resulted for all humanity in that declaration of righteousness which brings life.
19 正如因一人的悖逆,大家都成了罪人;同樣,因一人的服從,大眾都成了義人。
For, as through the disobedience of the one man the whole human race was rendered sinful, so, too, through the obedience of the one, the whole human race will be rendered righteous.
20 法律本是後加的,是為增多過犯;但是罪惡在那裡越多,恩寵在那裡也越格外豐富,
Law was introduced in order that offenses might be multiplied. But, where sins were multiplied, the loving kindness of God was lavished the more,
21 以致罪惡怎樣藉死亡為王,恩寵也怎樣藉正義而為王,使人藉著我們的主耶穌基督獲得永生。 (aiōnios )
in order that, just as sin had reigned in the realm of death, so, too, might loving-kindness reign through righteousness, and result in eternal life, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. (aiōnios )