< 詩篇 97 >

1 上主為王,願大地踴躍,無數島嶼,也都要歡樂!
The Lord reigneth: let the earth reioyce: let the multitude of the yles be glad.
2 雲彩和黑暗包圍在祂的四週,正義與公道支持祂的座位。
Cloudes and darkenes are round about him: righteousnesse and iudgement are the foundation of his throne.
3 烈火在祂前面先行,焚燒祂四周的敵人。
There shall goe a fire before him, and burne vp his enemies round about.
4 祂的閃電照亮塵寰,大地一見就戰慄搖搣。
His lightnings gaue light vnto the worlde: the earth sawe it and was afraide.
5 面對上主普世的主宰,大山要像蠟燭一般溶解。
The mountaines melted like waxe at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.
6 蒼天宣揚祂的公道,萬民目睹祂的光耀。
The heauens declare his righteousnes, and all the people see his glory.
7 願所有拜偶像,以邪神自誇人受辱,願所有的神祗,都俯伏在祂面前叩首。
Confounded be all they that serue grauen images, and that glory in idoles: worship him all ye gods.
8 上主,因您的宣判,熙雍聽見了便笑,猶大各城高興歡躍。
Zion heard of it, and was glad: and the daughters of Iudah reioyced, because of thy iudgements, O Lord.
9 上主,您在普天下是最尊貴的,您在眾神中是最崇高的。
For thou, Lord, art most High aboue all the earth: thou art much exalted aboue all gods.
10 上主喜愛那惱恨罪惡的人,保護虔誠人們的生命,從惡人手中拯救他們。
Ye that loue the Lord, hate euill: he preserueth the soules of his Saints: hee will deliuer them from the hand of the wicked.
11 光明已升起照耀義人,賜喜樂於人地正直的人。
Light is sowen for the righteous, and ioy for the vpright in heart.
12 義人,請因上主而歡欣,請您們讚美祂的聖名。
Reioyce ye righteous in the Lord, and giue thankes for his holy remembrance.

< 詩篇 97 >