< 詩篇 96 >

1 請眾齊向上主歌唱新歌,普世大地請向上主謳歌!
Sing to Yahweh a new song! [You people] throughout the earth, sing to Yahweh!
2 請向上主歌唱,讚美祂的聖名,一日復一日地宣揚祂的救恩。
Sing to Yahweh and praise him [MTY]! Every day proclaim [to others] that he has saved/rescued us.
3 請在列邦中傳述上主的光榮,請在萬民中宣揚祂的奇功。
Tell about his glory/greatness to all people-groups; tell all people-groups the marvelous [things that he has done].
4 因為上主偉大,應受讚美,惟祂超越眾神,可敬可畏。
Yahweh is great, and he deserves to be praised very much; he should be revered more than for all the gods,
5 萬邦的眾神盡屬虛幻,但上主卻造成了蒼天;
because all the gods that other people-groups [worship] are [only] idols, but Yahweh [is truly great]; he created the skies!
6 威嚴與尊榮,常在祂的面前,權能與光耀,圍繞在祂的聖壇。
Those who are in his presence honor him and can see that he is a great king. They can see in his temple that he is very powerful and is very beautiful.
7 各民各族,請將光榮歸於上主,各家各戶,請將威能歸於上主。
You people in nations all over the earth, praise Yahweh! Praise Yahweh for his glorious power [HEN]!
8 請將光榮歸於上主!請進入祂的庭院奉獻祭物。
Praise Yahweh like he deserves to be praised, Bring an offering and come to his temple.
9 請穿聖潔的禮服,叩拜上主;普世大地,要在祂面前顫抖!
Bow down before Yahweh [when he appears] in his holy/sacred temple; everyone on the earth should tremble in front of him, because he is majestic and holy.
10 請在萬民中高呼:上主為王!穩定寰宇,使它不再動盪,祂以正義公道治理萬邦。
Say to all the people-groups, “Yahweh is the king! He put the world in its place, and nothing will ever be able to move/shake it. He will judge [all] the people-groups fairly.”
11 願諸天歡樂,願大地踴躍,願海洋及其中的一切怒號!
[All the beings that are in] [MTY] the heavens should be glad, and all [the people on the] earth should rejoice. The oceans and all the creatures that are in the oceans should roar [to praise Yahweh].
12 原野及其中的一切都要舞蹈,森林中的一切樹木各顯歡樂,
The fields and everything that grows in them should rejoice. When they do that, [it will be as though] all the trees in the forests will sing joyfully
13 在上主面前歡樂,因為祂己駕臨,因為祂己駕臨,要統治大地乾坤;祂要以正義審判普世人群,以祂的忠信治理天下萬民。
in front of Yahweh. That will happen when he comes to judge [everyone on] [MTY] the earth. He will judge all the people fairly/justly, according to [what he knows is] true.

< 詩篇 96 >