< 詩篇 92 >
1 安息日的詩歌。 至高者!最幸福的事情,是讚美上主,歌頌主名,
“A psalm for the Sabbath-day.” It is a good thing to give thanks to the LORD, And to sing praises to thy name, O Most High!
To show forth thy loving-kindness in the morning, And thy faithfulness every night,
Upon the ten-stringed instrument and the lute, Upon the harp with a solemn sound.
4 上主,你既以你的化工使我喜悅,我就因你雙手的一切工程歡樂。
For thou, LORD, hast made me glad by thy doings; In the works of thy hands I greatly rejoice!
5 上主,您的工程是多麼偉大,您的計劃是多麼奧妙!
How great are thy works, O LORD! How deep thy purposes!
6 無理性的人,不會明白這事;愚昧的人,也不會領悟這事。
But the unwise man knoweth not this, And the fool understandeth it not.
7 歹徒雖然一時茂盛有如青草,作奸犯科的人雖然一時顯耀,然而他們終終必滅亡,永遠沉消,
When the wicked spring up like grass, And all who practise iniquity flourish, It is but to be destroyed for ever!
Thou, O LORD! art for ever exalted!
9 上主,請看您的仇人,您的仇人必要沉淪;作惡的人無處棲身。
For, lo! thine enemies, O LORD! For, lo! thine enemies perish, And dispersed are all who do iniquity!
10 您高舉我的角似野牛的角,用極新鮮的油膏傳抹了我,
But my horn thou exaltest like the buffalo's; I am anointed with fresh oil.
11 因而我的眼目才輕視我的仇人,我耳朵歡樂聽見制服我的惡人。
Mine eye hath gazed with joy upon mine enemies; Mine ears have heard with joy of my wicked adversaries.
The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree; They shall grow up like the cedars of Lebanon;
13 他們被栽植在上主的殿中,在我們天主的庭院裏繁榮。
Planted in the house of the LORD, They shall flourish in the courts of our God.
Even in old age they bring forth fruit; They are green, and full of sap;
15 為宣揚上主是多麼正直:我的磐石祂毫沒有不義。
To show that the LORD, my rock, is upright, That there is no unrighteousness in him.