< 詩篇 86 >
A prayer of David. Incline thine eare, O Lord, and heare me: for I am poore and needy.
Preserue thou my soule, for I am mercifull: my God, saue thou thy seruant, that trusteth in thee.
3 求您保護我的靈魂,因為我熱愛您,求您保佑您的僕人,因為我仰望您。
Be mercifull vnto me, O Lord: for I crie vpon thee continually.
4 您是我的天主,求您憐憫我;上主,因為我時常向您禱告。
Reioyce the soule of thy seruant: for vnto thee, O Lord, doe I lift vp my soule.
5 求您使您的僕人的心靈歡欣。上主,我向您舉起我的心神。
For thou, Lord, art good and mercifull, and of great kindenes vnto all them, that call vpon thee.
6 我主,因為您又良善又寬仁,凡呼求您的人,您必對他寬仁;
Giue eare, Lord, vnto my prayer, and hearken to the voyce of my supplication.
7 上主,求您俯聽我的祈禱,求您細聽我懇求的禱告。
In the day of my trouble I will call vpon thee: for thou hearest me.
Among the gods there is none like thee, O Lord, and there is none that can doe like thy workes.
9 上主,沒有任何一個神能與您相似,沒有誰的作為能與您的作為相比。
All nations, whome thou hast made, shall come and worship before thee, O Lord, and shall glorifie thy Name.
10 上主,您所造的萬民一齊來到,他們崇拜您,並宣揚您的名號。
For thou art great and doest wonderous things: thou art God alone.
11 因為您是偉大的,獨行奇謀,只是您是惟一無二的天主。
Teach me thy way, O Lord, and I will walke in thy trueth: knit mine heart vnto thee, that I may feare thy Name.
12 上主,求您教訓我您的途徑,使我照您的真理去行;求您指引我心,敬愛您的名;我的天主,我要全心向您讚頌,上主,我要光榮您的聖名。
I wil prayse thee, O Lord my God, with all mine heart: yea, I wil glorifie thy Name for euer.
13 因為您對我的仁愛浩大無邊,救援我的靈魂,免陷極深陰間。 (Sheol )
For great is thy mercie toward me, and thou hast deliuered my soule from the lowest graue. (Sheol )
14 天主,驕傲的人起來將我欺凌,蠻橫的一群人想害我的性命,也沒有將您放在他們的眼中。
O God, the proude are risen against me, and the assemblies of violent men haue sought my soule, and haue not set thee before them.
15 但是上主,您是良善又慈悲的天主,您緩於發怒,極其寬仁又極其忠恕。
But thou, O Lord, art a pitifull God and mercifull, slowe to anger and great in kindenes and trueth.
16 求您回顧我,求您憐憫我,將您的能力賜給您的僕役,救拔您婢女所生的兒子!
Turne vnto me, and haue mercy vpon me: giue thy strength vnto thy seruant, and saue the sonne of thine handmayd.
17 求您將您愛護的記號指示給我,使惱恨我的人看到羞愧難過。因為您緩助了我。
Shew a token of thy goodnes towarde me, that they which hate me, may see it, and be ashamed, because thou, O Lord, hast holpen me and comforted me.