< 詩篇 77 >
1 阿撒夫的詩歌,交與樂官耶杜通。 我呼號,我的呼聲上達天主前,我向天主高呼,求他俯聽矜憐。
I cry out to God; I cry aloud to him, and he hears me.
2 我在患難之日,尋求上主,雖整夜伸手,亦不覺辛苦,我的心靈且不接受安撫。
Whenever have trouble, I pray to the Lord; all during the night I lift up my hands while I pray, [but] nothing causes me to be comforted.
3 我一懷念天主,即咨嗟哀歎,我一沉思考慮,即心灰意懶。
When I think about God, I (despair/think that he will never help me); when I meditate about him, I am discouraged.
4 您使我的眼睛徹夜不眠,我實煩燥難安,苦不堪言。
[All during the night] he prevents me from sleeping; I am very worried, with the result that I do not know what to say.
I think about days that have passed; I remember [what happened in] previous years.
I spend the whole night thinking [about things]; I meditate, and this is what I ask myself:
“Will the Lord always reject us? Will he never again be pleased with us?
Has he stopped faithfully loving us? Will he not do for us what he promised to do?
God promised to be merciful to us; has he forgotten that? Because he is angry [with us], has he decided to not be kind to us?”
10 因此我說:這是我的苦難:至高者的右手已經改變。
Then I said, “What causes me to be [very] sad is that [it seems that] God, who is greater than any other god, is no longer powerful.”
11 我現今追念上主的作為,回想您往昔所行的奇蹟;
[But then], Yahweh, I recall/remember your great deeds; I remember the wonderful things that you did in the past.
12 沉思您的一切所作所為,更要默想您的一切異事。
I meditate on all that you have done, and I think about your mighty acts.
13 天主,您的行徑完全在於聖化,何神像我們的天主如此偉大?
God, everything that you do is holy; there is certainly no god [RHQ] who is great like you are!
14 只有您是施行奇蹟的天主!在萬民中彰顯了您的威武。
You are God, the one who performs miracles; you showed to people of many people-groups that you are powerful.
15 您以臂力拯救了您的人民,就是雅各伯和若瑟的子孫。
By your power [MTY] you rescued your people [from Egypt]; you saved those who were descendants of Jacob and [his son] Joseph.
16 大水一旦看見您,天主,大水一見您就都恐怖,連深淵汪洋也都顫抖。
[It was as though] the waters [of the Red Sea] saw you and became very afraid, and even the deepest part of the water shook.
Rain poured down from the clouds [PRS]; it thundered [very loudly] [PRS], and lightning flashed in all directions.
18 您的雷霆在旋風中發響,閃電也將整個世界照亮,大地驚慌失措而又搖盪。
Thunder crashed in the whirlwind, and lightning (lit up/flashed across) the entire sky [HYP]; the earth shook violently [DOU].
19 您的道路雖然經過海底,您的途徑雖然穿越大水,卻沒有顯露出您的足跡。
[Then] you walked through the sea on a path that you made through the deep water, but your footprints could not be seen.
20 您曾藉著梅瑟和亞郎的手掌,領導您的子民有如領導群羊。
You led your people like [a shepherd leads his] flock [of sheep], while Moses and Aaron were the leaders [of your people].