< 詩篇 74 >

1 阿撒夫的訓誨詩。 天主,您為何常久棄捨不管,對您牧場的羊群怒火炎炎?
A Maskil of Asaph. Why have You rejected us forever, O God? Why does Your anger smolder against the sheep of Your pasture?
2 求您懷念您自古所佔有的會伴,您所贖回給您作產業的族團,及您在那裏設置寶座的熙雍山,
Remember Your congregation, which You purchased long ago and redeemed as the tribe of Your inheritance— Mount Zion where You dwell.
3 求您舉步踏向久存的荒野:敵人在聖所中摧毀了一切。
Turn Your steps to the everlasting ruins, to everything in the sanctuary the enemy has destroyed.
4 您的仇人在您的會場上咆哮狂謾,豎立起自己的旗幟作為凱旋紀念。
Your foes have roared within Your meeting place; they have unfurled their banners as signs,
5 他們相似高舉斧子的樵夫,在森林中砍伐堅硬的樹木。
like men wielding axes in a thicket of trees
6 他們竟用斧頭鐵鎚,搗毀了聖殿的門扉;
and smashing all the carvings with hatchets and picks.
7 他們又縱火焚燒了您的聖殿,把您聖名的居所褻瀆於地面。
They have burned Your sanctuary to the ground; they have defiled the dwelling place of Your Name.
8 心裏說:我們把它們全部摧毀,燒盡天主在地上所有的殿宇。
They said in their hearts, “We will crush them completely.” They burned down every place where God met us in the land.
9 我們的標幟,已再不見,一個先知也不復出現,我們都不知幾時纔完。
There are no signs for us to see. There is no longer any prophet. And none of us knows how long this will last.
10 天主,仇人欺凌辱罵要到何時﹖敵人豈能永遠褻瀆您的名字?
How long, O God, will the enemy taunt You? Will the foe revile Your name forever?
11 為何您把您的手收回,將您的右手插入懷裏?
Why do You withdraw Your strong right hand? Stretch it out to destroy them!
12 天主,從古以來是我的君主,是他在人世間實行了救助。
Yet God is my King from ancient times, working salvation on the earth.
13 您以您的權能分開了大海,在水中擊破了毒龍的頭蓋。
You divided the sea by Your strength; You smashed the heads of the dragons of the sea;
14 打碎了里外雅堂的頭顱,且將牠作為海怪的食物。
You crushed the heads of Leviathan; You fed him to the creatures of the desert.
15 您引源泉溪水流滾涓涓,卻使洶湧江河涸竭枯乾,
You broke open the fountain and the flood; You dried up the ever-flowing rivers.
16 白日屬於您,黑夜也屬於您,月亮和太陽都是由您佈置。
The day is Yours, and also the night; You established the moon and the sun.
17 您劃出了大地的界限,您制定了冬夏的時間。
You set all the boundaries of the earth; You made the summer and winter.
18 上主求您切記:仇人褻瀆了您,無知的百姓侮辱了您的名字。
Remember how the enemy has mocked You, O LORD, how a foolish people has spurned Your name.
19 求您不要將您斑鳩的性命交給野鷹,永遠也不要忘記您的窮苦人的性命。
Do not deliver the soul of Your dove to beasts; do not forget the lives of Your afflicted forever.
20 求您回顧您所立的誓盟,因各地暗處充滿了強橫。
Consider Your covenant, for haunts of violence fill the dark places of the land.
21 願受壓迫的人不要含羞回程,願貧苦窮乏的人歌頌您的名。
Do not let the oppressed retreat in shame; may the poor and needy praise Your name.
22 天主,求您速來處理您的案件,切記糊塗人天天對您的侮慢。
Rise up, O God; defend Your cause! Remember how the fool mocks You all day long.
23 千萬不要忘了您敵人的喧囂,和反抗您的人們不斷的狂叫。
Do not disregard the clamor of Your adversaries, the uproar of Your enemies that ascends continually.

< 詩篇 74 >