< 詩篇 73 >

1 阿撒夫的詩歌。
A PSALM OF ASAPH. Surely God [is] good to Israel, to the clean of heart. And I—as a little thing, My feet have been turned aside,
2 天主待正直的人多麼美善,上主對心裏潔淨的人亦然!
As nothing, my steps have slipped, For I have been envious of the boastful,
3 我的腳幾乎要跌跤,我的腳險些要滑倒,
I see the peace of the wicked, That there are no bands at their death,
4 因我看見惡人安寧幸福,就對驕橫的人心生嫉妒。
And their might [is] firm.
5 原來他們總沒有受過重創,所以他們的身體健康肥胖;
They are not in the misery of mortals, And they are not plagued with common men.
6 他們沒有別人所受的憂傷,也沒有常人所遭遇的災殃。
Therefore pride has encircled them, Violence covers them as a dress.
7 故此,驕傲纏繞他們相似項鍊,殘暴遮蔽他們有如衣衫。
Their eye has come out from fat. The imaginations of the heart transgressed;
8 他們的邪惡,出自肥胖的心田,讓他們自己的惡念,肆意氾濫。
They do corruptly, And they speak in the wickedness of oppression, They speak from on high.
9 他們譏諷嘲弄,言惡語狂,他們欺壓恐嚇蠻橫倔強;
They have set their mouth in the heavens, And their tongue walks in the earth.
10 用自己的口褻瀆上天,以自己的舌詆毀塵寰。
Therefore His people return here, And waters of fullness are wrung out to them.
11 因此我的百姓向他們依歸,滿口啜飲由他們供給的水,
And they have said, “How has God known? And is there knowledge in the Most High?”
12 且說:天主豈能知悉,難道至高者能理會?
Behold, these [are] the wicked and easy ones of the age, They have increased strength.
13 看,這些人為非作歹,常享平安,積存錢財,
Only—a vain thing! I have purified my heart, And I wash my hands in innocence,
14 的確,我白白清心寡欲,我徒然洗手表白無辜。
And I am plagued all the day, And my reproof—every morning.
15 我時時遭受鞭擊,也天天遇到責斥。
If I have said, “I recount thus,” Behold, I have deceived a generation of Your sons.
16 我若想:我說話若與他們相同,就等於放棄與您子民為同宗。
And I think to know this, It [is] perverseness in my eyes,
17 我愈設法了解這事,我愈覺得神妙莫測。
Until I come into the sanctuaries of God, I attend to their latter end.
18 直到我接近天主的奧妙,直到我注意他們的結果。
Surely You set them in slippery places, You have caused them to fall to desolations.
19 您的確將他們置於坡路,讓他們滑倒於消滅之途。
How they have become a desolation as in a moment, They have been ended—consumed from terrors.
20 他們瞬息之間變得如此悽涼,他們因受驚過度而從此滅亡。
As a dream from awakening, O Lord, In awaking, You despise their image.
21 上主,世人睡醒,怎樣了解夢境;您醒時,也怎樣看他們的幻影。
For my heart shows itself violent, And my reins prick themselves,
22 幾時我的心靈遭受酸苦,刺痛也會進入我的肺腑。
And I am brutish, and do not know. I have been a beast with You.
23 原來是我愚昧毫無理性,在您面前竟燃好像畜牲。
And I [am] continually with You, You have laid hold on my right hand.
24 但以後,我要常與您同處,您已經握住了我的右手。
You lead me with Your counsel, And after, receive me [to] glory.
25 您要以您的聖訓來領導我,最後引我進入您的榮耀。
Whom do I have in the heavens? And none have I desired in earth [besides] You.
26 在天上除您以外,為我還能有誰﹖在地上除您以外,為我一無所喜。
My flesh and my heart have been consumed, God [is] the rock of my heart and my portion for all time.
27 我的肉身和我的心靈,雖以憔瘁;天主卻永是我心的福分和磐石。
For behold, those far from You perish, You have cut off everyone, Who is going whoring from You.
28 看,遠離您的人必將趨於沉淪。您必消滅一切背棄您的人民。 親近天主對我是多麼的美好:只有上主天主是我的避難所。我要在熙雍女子門前,把您一切的工程宣傳。
And [the] nearness of God to me [is] good, I have placed my refuge in Lord YHWH, To recount all Your works!

< 詩篇 73 >