< 詩篇 73 >
A Psalm for Asaph. How good is God to Israel, to the upright in heart!
2 天主待正直的人多麼美善,上主對心裏潔淨的人亦然!
But my feet were almost overthrown; my goings very nearly slipped.
For I was jealous of the transgressors, beholding the tranquility of sinners.
For there is no sign of reluctance in their death: and [they have] firmness under their affliction.
5 原來他們總沒有受過重創,所以他們的身體健康肥胖;
They are not in the troubles of [other] men; and they shall not be scourged with [other] men.
6 他們沒有別人所受的憂傷,也沒有常人所遭遇的災殃。
Therefore pride has possessed them; they have clothed themselves with their injustice and ungodliness.
7 故此,驕傲纏繞他們相似項鍊,殘暴遮蔽他們有如衣衫。
Their injustice shall go forth as out of fatness: they have fulfilled their intention.
8 他們的邪惡,出自肥胖的心田,讓他們自己的惡念,肆意氾濫。
They have taken counsel and spoken in wickedness: they have uttered unrighteousness loftily.
9 他們譏諷嘲弄,言惡語狂,他們欺壓恐嚇蠻橫倔強;
They have set their mouth against heaven, and their tongue has gone through upon the earth.
Therefore shall my people return hither: and full days shall be found with them.
11 因此我的百姓向他們依歸,滿口啜飲由他們供給的水,
And they said, How does God know? and is there knowledge in the Most High?
Behold, these [are] the sinners, and they that prosper always: they have possessed wealth.
And I said, Verily in vain have I justified my heart, and washed my hands in innocency.
For I was plagued all the day, and my reproof [was] every morning.
If I said, I will speak thus; behold, I [should] have broken covenant with the generation of your children.
16 我若想:我說話若與他們相同,就等於放棄與您子民為同宗。
And I undertook to understand this, [but] it is too hard for me,
until I go into the sanctuary of God; [and so] understand the latter end.
18 直到我接近天主的奧妙,直到我注意他們的結果。
Surely you have appointed [judgments] to them because of their crafty dealings: you have cast them down when they were lifted up.
19 您的確將他們置於坡路,讓他們滑倒於消滅之途。
How have they become desolate! suddenly they have failed: they have perished because of their iniquity.
20 他們瞬息之間變得如此悽涼,他們因受驚過度而從此滅亡。
As the dream of one awakening, O Lord, in your city you will despise their image.
21 上主,世人睡醒,怎樣了解夢境;您醒時,也怎樣看他們的幻影。
For my heart has rejoiced, and my reins have been gladdened.
22 幾時我的心靈遭受酸苦,刺痛也會進入我的肺腑。
But I [was] vile and knew not: I became brutish before you.
23 原來是我愚昧毫無理性,在您面前竟燃好像畜牲。
Yet I am continually with you: you have holden my right hand.
24 但以後,我要常與您同處,您已經握住了我的右手。
You have guided me by your counsel, and you have taken me to yourself with glory.
25 您要以您的聖訓來領導我,最後引我進入您的榮耀。
For what have I in heaven [but you]? and what have I desired upon the earth beside you?
26 在天上除您以外,為我還能有誰﹖在地上除您以外,為我一無所喜。
My heart and my flesh have failed: [but] God [is the strength] of my heart, and God is my portion for ever.
27 我的肉身和我的心靈,雖以憔瘁;天主卻永是我心的福分和磐石。
For, behold, they that remove themselves far from you shall perish: you have destroyed every one that goes a whoring from you.
28 看,遠離您的人必將趨於沉淪。您必消滅一切背棄您的人民。 親近天主對我是多麼的美好:只有上主天主是我的避難所。我要在熙雍女子門前,把您一切的工程宣傳。
But it is good for me to cleave close to God, to put my trust in the Lord; that I may proclaim all your praises in the gates of the daughter of Sion.