< 詩篇 68 >
1 達味詩歌,交與樂官。 願天主興起,使他的仇敵四散,願仇恨他的人,由他面前逃竄!
For the leader. Of David. A psalm. A song. God arises, his enemies scatter: they who hate him flee before him.
2 願惡人在天主面前,滅亡消散,就像煙被風吹蠟被火化一般。
As smoke before wind is driven, as wax melts before fire, so before God vanish the wicked.
3 義人要在天主面前踴躍歡樂,我們也要在愉快中加倍喜悅。
But the righteous rejoice in God’s presence, they exult with exceeding joy.
Sing to God, make music to his name, his name is the Lord, praise him who rides on the clouds, and exult in his presence.
5 為那乘車經過曠野者修平道路;祂的名叫雅威,應在他面前喜氣盈盈。
Father of orphans, defender of widows, is God in his holy abode.
6 天主常在自己的聖所居住;天主是孤兒的慈父;天主是寡婦的保護,
God brings home the lonely, he leads forth the prisoner to comfort, so that none but the rebel lives cheerless.
7 天主給無靠的人備妥房屋,引領被擄的人重獲自由;叛逆者仍在乾旱居留。
God, when you went in front of your people in your march through the desert, (Selah)
8 天主,當您領導您的百姓出走,就在您踏入曠野的時候:
earth shook, the heavens poured rain at the presence of God, Sinai’s God at the presence of God, Israel’s God.
9 大地在天主面前震動,高天也滴下細雨,西乃在天主,以色列天主前也顫慄不休。
Rain in abundance, God, you did sprinkle, restoring the languishing land of your heritage.
10 天主,您給您的產業降下甘霖,因而復蘇了疲倦的人民。
A dwelling therein your people found: in your goodness, O God, you did care for the poor.
11 於是,您的羊群便在那裏安住,天主,以您的慈愛照顧了貧苦。
The Lord spoke the glad tidings of victory, a great army of women proclaim it:
“Kings of armies they flee, they flee, and the housewife divides the spoil:
13 「領兵的君王已經逃走遠遁,家中的閨秀分得了戰利品。
dove’s wings covered with silver and pinions with shimmer of gold,
14 正當您們在羊棧中尋夢,鴿子的翅翼塗上了白銀,翎毛閃爍著火紅的黃金,
set with stones, like snow upon Zalmon.”
15 當全能者驅逐列王的時間,飄飄的雪花落向匝耳孟山。
A mountain of God is the mountain of Bashan, a mountain of peaks is the mountain of Bashan.
You high-peaked mountains, why look you askance at the mountain which God has desired for his home whereon the Lord will live forever?
17 多峰的青山,您為何嫉視天主愛住的聖山?嫉視上主要永久居住的聖山?
The chariots of God are twice ten thousand: the Lord came from Sinai, his holy place.
You did mount the height with trains of your captives, and gifts that you had received from the people. The rebels shall live with the Lord God.
19 您帶領俘虜升上高天,接受眾人作為貢品,不願住在上主天主前的人,也當貢品。
Blest be the Lord who sustains us daily, the God who is also our savior. (Selah)
20 唯願上主受讚美!祂承擔了我們的重負,因祂是救助我們的天主。
Our God is a God who is savior. The ways of escape from death are known to the Lord God.
21 我們的天主實在是拯救人的天主,上主天主使我們擺脫死亡的關口。
Yes, God will shatter the head of his foes the rough scalp of those who strut on in their sins.
22 天主必要把他的頭顱擊穿,必要把固執於惡者的腦袋打爛。
The Lord said: “I will bring you home from Bashan, home from the depths of the sea,
23 我主說:「縱使他們逃至巴商,我也要把他們捉回來,縱使他們躲在海底,我也要把他們逮回來,
that your feet you may bathe in blood, and your dogs lick their share of the foe.”
24 為使您在鮮血中洗滌您的腳,您的狗以舌頭舔食敵人的血。
In the temple appear God’s triumphal processions, processions in praise of my king and my God,
25 天主,人都看見您的御輦,看見我主我王,光臨聖殿:
with singers in front, and minstrels behind, and maidens with timbrels between them, singing,
26 歌詠的人在前,奏樂的人在後,在中間還有一隊鳴鼓的少女。
“You of the well-spring of Israel, bless the Lord God in the dance.”
27 您們應在盛會中讚美天主,以色列的子孫應讚美上主。
There, in front, is Benjamin the little, the princes of Judah beside them, the princes of Zebulon, princes of Naphtali.
28 最幼小的本雅明領導在前,隨後有猶大的首領和隨員,則步隆和納斐塔里的長官。天主,求您顯示出您的威能,天主,顯出為我們行的大能。
God, show your strength, your godlike might, as you did in the past,
29 為了您在耶路撒冷的聖殿,眾君王必要向您奉上祭獻,
from your temple that crowns Jerusalem. Kings shall bring tribute to you.
30 懇求您怒叱蘆葦中的野獸,成群的公牛和列國的牛犢;願他們帶著銀塊前來降服,願您驅散喜愛戰爭的民族!
Rebuke the beast of the reed, the herd of bulls, with the calves of the peoples. Trample down the lovers of lies. Scatter the nations whose joy is in war.
May they come from Egypt with gifts of oil, Ethiopia haste with full hands to God.
Sing to God, O you kingdoms of earth, make melody to the Lord. (Selah)
33 他自永遠就是駕御高天穹蒼的大主,聽!他的聲音發出,巨大的聲音已發出。
Praise him who rides on the ancient heavens. See! He utters his voice, his mighty voice.
34 您們應承認天主的大能!他的榮耀光照以色列人,他的神威已發現在天雲。
Ascribe strength to the God over Israel, whose strength and majesty live in the skies.
35 天主,以色列的天主,在聖所中顯得可敬可畏,他曾將力量和權能賜於百姓。 願天主永受讚美!
Awe-inspiring is God in his holy place, it is Israel’s God who gives strength and might to his people. Blessed be God.