< 詩篇 62 >
1 達味詩歌,交與樂官耶杜通。 我的靈魂只安息在天主內,因為我的救援是由天主而來。
TO THE OVERSEER. FOR JEDUTHUN. A PSALM OF DAVID. Toward God alone [is] my soul silent, My salvation [is] from Him.
2 只有天主是我的磐石,我的救星;天主是我的堡壘,我決不搖傾。
He alone [is] my rock, and my salvation, My tower, I am not much moved.
3 你們不斷侵犯一人,並向他一人衝擊,如衝擊將倒的牆,將坍的壁,要到幾時?
Until when do you devise mischief against a man? All of you are destroyed, As a wall inclined, a hedge that is cast down.
4 實在,他們企圖要將我由我高位上推下;他們喜愛謊言,口雖祝福,心卻辱罵。
Only—from his excellence They have consulted to drive away, They enjoy a lie, they bless with their mouth, And revile with their heart. (Selah)
5 我的靈魂,你只安息在天主內,因為我的期望全是由祂而來。
For God alone, be silent, O my soul, For my hope [is] from Him.
6 只有天主是我的磐石,我的救星;天主是我的堡壘,我決不搖傾。
He alone [is] my rock and my salvation, My tower, I am not moved.
7 我的救恩,我的光榮全在於天主,我的堡壘,我的護衛全基於天主。
On God [is] my salvation, and my glory, The rock of my strength, my refuge [is] in God.
8 百姓,你們該常向他表示依靠,該在他面前吐露你們的心竅:因為天主確是我們的避難所。
Trust in Him at all times, O people, Pour forth your heart before Him, God [is] a refuge for us. (Selah)
9 庶民不過是口氣,顯貴也無非是幻影;放在天秤上必然浮起,合計還比氣輕。
Surely vanity the low, a lie the high. In balances to go up They [are] lighter than a breath.
10 莫依勢凌人,不要以劫掠驕矜;如財寶日增,也不要掛念在心。
Do not trust in oppression, And do not become vain in robbery, Do not set the heart [on] wealth when it increases.
Once has God spoken, twice I heard this, That “strength [is] with God.”
12 威能屬於天主;慈愛也非你莫屬,因你按照各人的行為給予酬報。
And with You, O Lord, [is] kindness, For You repay to each, According to his work!