< 詩篇 51 >
1 達味詩歌,交與樂官。 作於納堂先知前來指責他與巴特舍巴犯姦之後。 天主,求你按照你的仁慈憐憫我,依你豐厚的慈愛,消滅我的罪惡。
For the leader. A psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet come to him after he had been with Bathsheba. In your kindness, O God, be gracious to me, in your own great pity blot out my transgressions.
Wash me clean of my guilt, make me pure of my sin.
For well I know my transgressions, my sin is ever before me.
4 我得罪了你,惟獨得罪了你,因為我作了你視為惡的事;因此,在你的判決上顯出你公義,在你的斷案上,顯出你的正直。
Against you, only you, have I sinned, and done that which is wrong in your sight: you therefore are just when you speak, and clear when you utter judgment.
5 是的,我自出世便染上了罪惡,我的母親在罪惡中懷孕了我。
See! In guilt was I brought to the birth, and in sin did my mother conceive me.
6 你既然喜愛那出自內心的誠實,求在我心的深處教我認識智慧。
It’s the innermost truth you desire, give me therefore true wisdom of heart.
7 求你以牛膝草灑我,使我皎潔,求你洗滌我,使我比雪還要白。
Purge me clean with hyssop, wash me whiter than snow.
8 求你賜我聽見快慰和喜樂,使你粉碎的骨骸重新歡躍。
Fill me with joy and gladness, let the bones you have broken rejoice.
Hide your face from my sins, and blot out my guilt altogether.
10 天主,求你給我再造一顆純潔的心,使我重獲堅固的精神。
Create me a clean heart, O God, put a new steadfast spirit within me.
11 求你不要從你面前把我拋棄,不要從我身上收回你的聖神。
Cast me not forth from your presence, withdraw not your holy spirit.
12 求你使我重獲你救恩的喜樂,求你以慷慨的精神來扶持我。
Give me back the joy of your help, with a willing spirit sustain me.
13 我要教導你的道路給作惡者,罪人們都要回頭,向你奔赴。
I will teach your ways to transgressors, and sinners shall turn to you.
14 天主,我的救主,求你免我血債,我的舌頭必要歌頌你的慈愛。
Save me from blood, O God, and my tongue shall ring out your faithfulness.
15 我主,求你開啟我的口唇,我要親口宣揚你的光榮。
Open my lips, O Lord, and my mouth shall declare your praise.
16 因為你既然不喜悅祭獻,我獻全燔祭,你也不喜歡。
For in sacrifice you have no pleasure, in gifts of burnt-offering no delight.
17 天主,我的祭獻就是這痛悔的精神,天主,你不輕看痛悔和謙卑的赤心。
The sacrifice pleasing to God is a spirit that is broken; a heart that is crushed, O God, you will not despise.
18 上主,求你以慈愛恩待熙雍,求你重修耶路撒冷城。
Do good in your pleasure to Zion, build the walls of Jerusalem.
19 那時你必悅納合法之祭,犧牲和全燔祭獻;那時,人必要把牛犢奉獻於你的祭壇。
Then will you welcome the due forms of sacrifice, then on your altars shall bullocks be offered.