< 詩篇 41 >
1 達味詩歌,交與樂官。 眷顧貧窮人的人,真是有福,患難時日,他必蒙上主救助。
For the leader; for Jeduthun. A psalm of David. Happy are those who consider the weak; in the day of misfortune the Lord will deliver them.
2 上主必保護他,賜他生存,在世上蒙福,決不將他交給他的仇敵而任敵所欲。
He will keep them safe, happy, and long in the land, and not give them up to the rage of their foes.
3 他呻吟床榻,上主給他支援,他患病時,必使他轉危為安。
The Lord will sustain them on bed of languishing; tending their sickness, as long as they lie.
4 我曾哀求你:上主,求你憐憫我」,求你治癒我,因為我得罪了你。
For this cause I say, ‘Lord, show me your favour; heal me, because I have sinned against you.’
5 我的仇敵反而惡言辱罵我說:「他何時死,他的名字幾時泯滅?
My enemies speak of me nothing but evil, ‘When will he die, and his name pass away?’
6 前來訪我的人,只以虛言相待,其實是心懷惡意,出去便說出來。
When one comes to see me, their words ring hollow; their heart keeps gathering mischief the while; and when they go out, they give it speech.
In secret they whisper together against me, all those who hate me plot evil against me.
‘Some fatal disease has fastened upon him; and now that he lies, he will rise up no more.’
9 連我素來信賴的知心友好,吃過我飯的人,也舉腳踢我。
My most trusted friend, on whom I relied, who ate of my bread, has turned against me.
10 上主,求你可憐我,使我病除,為使我能對他們加以復仇。
But do you, Lord, graciously raise me up, that I may pay them their due reward.
11 我以此作為你真愛我的記號:就是不讓我的敵人向我誇耀;
By this will I know you delight in me: if my foes may not shout over me in triumph.
12 你時常保持我無災無難,使我永遠站在你的面前。
For my innocence you uphold me, and set me forever before your face.
13 願上主,以色列天主,受讚頌,自永遠直到永遠,阿們,阿們
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting, Amen and Amen.