< 詩篇 40 >
1 達味詩歌,交與樂官。 我慹切誠懇地期待了上主,祂便垂顧俯聽了我的哀訴。
To the chief music-maker. Of David. A Psalm. When I was waiting quietly for the Lord, his heart was turned to me, and he gave ear to my cry.
2 祂把我從禍坑與污泥中救出,放我在磐石上,穩定我的腳步。
He took me up out of a deep waste place, out of the soft and sticky earth; he put my feet on a rock, and made my steps certain.
3 祂將新歌置於我口,為讚美我們的天主!眾人見了起敬起畏,都將全心信賴上主。
And he put a new song in my mouth, even praise to our God; numbers have seen it with fear, and put their faith in the Lord.
4 凡全依靠上主,不對傲慢傾慕,且又不依附虛偽的,這人真有福!
Happy is the man who has faith in the Lord, and does not give honour to the men of pride or to those who are turned away to deceit.
5 上主,我的天主! 你行的奇蹟異事,真令人不知幾許!你對我們的計畫,無人能與你相輔,我縱願宣揚伸述,也多得不可勝數。
O Lord my God, great are the wonders which you have done in your thought for us; it is not possible to put them out in order before you; when I would give an account of them, their number is greater than I may say.
6 犧牲與素祭已非你所喜,就開了我的耳朵;全燔之祭以及贖罪之祭,也非你所要。
You had no desire for offerings of beasts or fruits of the earth; ears you made for me: for burned offerings and sin offerings you made no request.
7 於是我說:你看,我已到來!關於我,書卷上已有記載:
Then I said, See, I come; it is recorded of me in the roll of the book,
8 我的天主,承行你的旨意為我所喜愛,你的法律常於我的心懷。
My delight is to do your pleasure, O my God; truly, your law is in my heart.
9 在盛大的集會中,我宣揚了你的正義,看,我並沒有閉口不言,上主,你全知悉。
I have given news of righteousness in the great meeting; O Lord, you have knowledge that I have not kept back my words.
10 我從沒有將你的義隱蔽在心間,對你的忠厚和救援時時各處宣傳;對於你的慈愛和忠義,在盛會中我沒有隱蔽,
Your righteousness has not been folded away in my heart; I have made clear your true word and your salvation; I have not kept secret your mercy or your faith from the great meeting.
11 上主,求你對我不要撤回你的憐憫,願你的慈愛和忠誠對我時加保存。
Take not away your gentle mercies from me, O Lord; let your mercy and your faith keep me safe for ever.
12 因為,四周困迫我的災禍,實不可勝數;我的罪過緊握著我,使我無法目睹;數目比我頭髮還多,真使我心痛苦。
For unnumbered evils are round about me; my sins have overtaken me, so that I am bent down with their weight; they are more than the hairs of my head, my strength is gone because of them.
Be pleased, O Lord, to take me out of danger; O Lord, come quickly and give me help.
14 願那些圖謀害我的人,一同蒙恥受辱,願那些喜歡我遭難的人,一起含羞退走!
Let those who go after my soul for its destruction have shame and trouble together; let them be turned back and made foolish who take pleasure in my trouble.
15 願那些哈哈戲笑我的人,都滿面羞慚地驚惶失神!
Let those who say to me, Aha, aha! be surprised because of their shame.
16 願那些尋求你的人,都因你而歡欣彭舞,願戀慕你的人,都常說:大哉上主!
Let all those who are looking for you be glad and have joy in you; let the lovers of your salvation ever say, May the Lord be great.
17 我既然卑微貧苦,我主卻對我眷顧;你是我的助佑,我的救援,我的天主,求你不要遲延。
Though I am poor and in need, the Lord has me in mind; you are my help and my saviour; let there be no waiting, O my God.