< 詩篇 31 >

1 達味詩歌,交與樂官。 上主,我投靠你,總不會受辱,求你憑你的公義將我救出;
To the chief music-maker. A Psalm. Of David. In you, O Lord, have I put my hope; let me never be shamed; keep me safe in your righteousness.
2 求你側你的耳聽我,速來救我:作我避難的磐石,獲救的城堡。
Let your ear be turned to me; take me quickly out of danger; be my strong Rock, my place of strength where I may be safe.
3 因為因為你是我的磐石,我的城堡,為你的名,求你引導我指教我。
For you are my Rock and my strong tower; go in front of me and be my guide, because of your name.
4 求你救我脫免暗布的網羅,因為唯有你是我的避難所。
Take me out of the net which they have put ready for me secretly; for you are my strength.
5 我將我的靈魂託於你的掌握,上主,忠實的天主,你必拯救我。
Into your hands I give my spirit; you are my saviour, O Lord God for ever true.
6 拜虛無偶像的人,你深惡痛絕。上主,然而我卻對你全心信賴。
I am full of hate for those who go after false gods; but my hope is in the Lord.
7 我要因你的慈愛喜樂歡暢,因為你曾俯視我的慘狀,體會我心靈所受的悲傷;
I will be glad and have delight in your mercy; because you have seen my trouble; you have had pity on my soul in its sorrows;
8 你沒有將我交於敵之手,反而使我穩立於廣闊之處。
And you have not given me into the hand of my hater; you have put my feet in a wide place.
9 上主,求你可憐我,因為我陷入困苦,我的眼、心靈和肺腑,全因憂傷而頹喪。
Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am in trouble; my eyes are wasted with grief, I am wasted in soul and body.
10 我的生命因憂傷而耗盡,我的歲月在哭泣中消逝,我的精力因悲傷衰退,我的骸骨也已枯槁腐蝕。
My life goes on in sorrow, and my years in weeping; my strength is almost gone because of my sin, and my bones are wasted away.
11 我的仇敵都辱罵我,我的四鄰都恥笑我,我的知己憎恨我,路上的行人都遠避我。
Because of all those who are against me, I have become a word of shame to my neighbours; a cause of shaking the head and a fear to my friends: those who saw me in the street went in flight from me.
12 我被人全心忘掉,有如死人,活像一個破舊拋棄的瓦盆。
I have gone from men's minds and memory like a dead man; I am like a broken vessel.
13 當我聽到許多人在嘯,恐怖瀰漫四境,他們在群集商議攻擊我,謀奪我的性命;
False statements against me have come to my ears; fear was on every side: they were talking together against me, designing to take away my life.
14 我仍舊依靠你,上主,我說:你是我的天主!
But I had faith in you, O Lord; I said, You are my God.
15 我的命運全掌握於你手,求你救我脫離我的敵手,擺脫一切迫害我的仇讎。
The chances of my life are in your hand; take me out of the hands of my haters, and of those who go after me.
16 求以你的慈容,光照你僕,求以你的仁慈把我救出。
Let your servant see the light of your face; in your mercy be my saviour.
17 上主,因為我呼號了你,求你莫讓我蒙羞;願惡人備受恥辱,默默然歸入陰府! (Sheol h7585)
Let me not be shamed, O Lord, for I have made my prayer to you; let the sinners be shamed, and let their mouths be shut in the underworld. (Sheol h7585)
18 願那些驕傲自大,口出妄言,說謊攻擊義人的唇舌啞瘖!
Let the false lips be shut, which say evil against the upright, looking down on him in their pride.
19 上主,你為敬愛你的人所保留的恩澤,是何等的豐盛!你在人前施予投奔於你者的慈惠,又是何等寬宏!
O how great is your grace, which you have put in store for your worshippers, and which you have made clear to those who had faith in you, before the sons of men!
20 你將他們掩護在你儀容的影下,免遭世人的重創;又將他們隱藏在你帳幕的裏面,免遭口舌的中傷。
You will keep them safe in your house from the designs of man; in the secret of your tent will you keep them from angry tongues.
21 願上主受讚美,因為他在堅固的城內,向我特別顯出祂那奇妙無比的慈愛,
May the Lord be praised, because he has made clear to me the wonder of his grace in a strong town.
22 我雖在惶恐中說:「我已被驅逐離開你前。」但我一呼求你,你即刻俯允我的呼聲哀嘆。
And as for me, I said in my fear, I am cut off from before your eyes; but you gave ear to the voice of my prayer, when my cry went up to you.
23 眾聖徒!你們應愛慕上主,因祂保祐信徒,但祂對蠻橫的人,必加以嚴厲的報復。
O have love for the Lord, all you his saints; for the Lord keeps safe from danger all those who are true to him, and gives the workers of pride their right reward.
24 凡一切信賴上主的人們,請勇敢鼓起你們的心神。
Put away fear and let your heart be strong, all you whose hope is in the Lord.

< 詩篇 31 >