< 詩篇 27 >
1 上主是我的光明,我的救援,我還畏懼何人﹖ 上主是我生命穩固的保障,我還害怕何人﹖
“Of David.” The Lord is my light and my salvation; of whom shall I be afraid? the Lord is the fortress of my life; of whom shall I have dread?
2 當惡人前來攻擊我,要吃我的肉時,我的對手,我的仇敵,反而跌倒斷氣。
When evil-doers come near against me to eat up my flesh, my assailants and my enemies at me: then do they stumble and fall.
3 雖有大軍向我進攻,我的心毫不戰慄;雖然戰爭向我迫近,我依然滿懷依恃。
If an army should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: if war should arise against me, even then will I have trust.
4 我有一事祈求上主,我要懇切請求此事:使我一生的歲月,常居住在上主的殿裏,欣賞上主的甘飴慈祥,瞻仰上主聖所的堂皇。
One thing have I asked of the Lord, that I will seek for: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the loveliness of the Lord, and to be every morning early in his temple.
5 因為在我困難的時他日,祂將我藏在祂的帳棚裏;將我藏在祂帳幕的深處,並將我高舉放在磐石。
For he will hide me in his pavilion on the day of evil; he will conceal me in the secret of his tabernacle; upon a rock will he place me high.
6 現在我可昂首抬頭,卑視我周圍的仇人;我要在上主的帳幕裏,奉獻歡樂之祭,要向上主歡唱讚美的詩詞。
And now will my head be lifted up above my enemies all round about me; and I will sacrifice in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy: I will sing, and I will triumphantly play unto the Lord.
7 上主,求你俯聽我的呼號,上主,求你憐憫我,垂允我。
Hear, O Lord, my voice, [when] I call, and be gracious unto me, and answer me.
Of thee, said my heart, “Seek ye my presence”: thy presence, Lord, will I seek.
9 求你不要向我掩住你的臉,你發怒時不要趕散你僕人。你向來就是我唯一的救援;救我的天主,不要棄我不管。
Hide [then] not thy face from me; reject not in anger thy servant, thou [who] hast been my help: cast me not off, nor forsake me, O God of my salvation.
For my father and my mother have forsaken me; but the Lord will take me up.
11 上主,求你給我指示你的正路,為了我的仇敵,我踏上了坦途。
Point me out thy way, O Lord! and guide me on a level path, because of those that regard me enviously.
12 求你不要將我交於仇人的私慾,因為殘暴的假見證來向我攻擊。
Give me not up to the [revengeful] desire of my assailants; for there are risen up against me false witnesses, and such as utter violence.
13 我深信在此活人的地區,必定會享見上主的幸福。
Unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of life—
14 你要鼓起勇氣,期望上主!你要振作精神,期望上主!
Wait on the Lord; be strong, and let thy heart be of good courage; and only wait on the Lord.