< 詩篇 149 >

1 亞肋路亞!請您們向上主謳唱新歌,在聖者集會中向他祝賀!
Praise ye Jah! Sing ye to Jehovah a new song, His praise in an assembly of saints.
2 願以色列因自己的創造者而踴躍,願熙雍子民因自己的君王而歡樂!
Israel doth rejoice in his Maker, Sons of Zion do joy in their king.
3 願他們以舞蹈讚美上主的名,願他們敲鼓彈琴向上主歌詠!
They praise His name in a dance, With timbrel and harp sing praise to Him.
4 因為上主喜愛自己的百姓,賞賜謙虛的人凱旋而得勝。
For Jehovah is pleased with His people, He beautifieth the humble with salvation.
5 願聖徒因所受的光榮而喜慶,在自己的床榻上歡呼而歌頌。
Exult do saints in honour, They sing aloud on their beds.
6 願讚美天主的歌辭在他們的口中,願雙刃的寶劍掌握在他們的手中,
The exaltation of God [is] in their throat, And a two-edged sword in their hand.
7 為向異邦報仇雪恥,為向列國進攻襲擊,
To do vengeance among nations, Punishments among the peoples.
8 要用鎖鍊捆住他們的國君,要用銬鐐鎖住他們的縉紳,
To bind their kings with chains, And their honoured ones with fetters of iron,
9 為向他們施行經上的審訊。這也就是一切聖徒的光榮。
To do among them the judgment written, An honour it [is] for all his saints. Praise ye Jah!

< 詩篇 149 >