< 詩篇 148 >
1 亞肋路亞!請您們在天上讚美上主,請您們在高處讚美上主!
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the heights.
2 上主的眾天使,請讚美上主;上主的一切聖者,請讚美上主!
Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his hosts.
3 太陽和月亮,請讚美上主;燦爛的諸星,請讚美上主!
Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all stars of light.
4 天上的諸天,請讚美上主;天上的雨水,請讚美上主!
Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens.
5 願它們齊來讚美上主的名號!因為上主一命令,它們立刻受造。
Let them praise the name of the Lord, for at his command they were made.
6 他確定的位置,留至永恒,他頒部的規律,永不變更。
And he fixed them for ever and ever by a law which they dare not transgress.
Praise the Lord from the earth: you depths, with your monsters, all.
8 還有電火與冰雹,白雪和雲霧,以及遵行他命令的狂風暴雨。
Fire, hail, snow and ice, and stormy wind doing his word.
All you mountains and hills, all you fruit trees and cedars,
all you wild beasts and tame, creeping things, birds on the wing.
All you kings and nations of earth; all you princes and judges of earth:
young men and maidens together, old men and children together.
13 請您們讚美上主的名字,因為只有他的名字高貴,他的尊嚴遠遠超越天地,
Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted. Over heaven and earth is his glory.
14 上主使自己百姓的頭角高聳,他是他自己一切聖徒的讚頌,即接近他的以色列民的光榮。
He has lifted his people to honor. Wherefore this chorus of praise from his saints, from Israel, the people who stand in his fellowship. Hallelujah.