< 詩篇 143 >

1 達味聖詠。上主,求你俯聽我的祈禱,因你忠誠,俯允我的哀號,我求你俯允,因你的公道!
A psalm of David. Listen, O Lord, to my prayer; attend to my plea. In your faithfulness give me answer, and in your righteousness.
2 千萬不要傳喚你的僕人前去受審,因為活人在你面前不能稱為義人;
With your servant O enter you not into judgment, for in your sight can no one alive be justified.
3 仇人迫害我,將我的生命壓倒在地,置我於黑暗之中,視我與死人無異;
For the enemy persecutes me, crushing my life to the ground, making me live in the darkness, as those who have long been dead.
4 我的精神在我內萎靡不振,我的心靈在我內漸形殭硬。
My spirit is faint within me, my heart is bewildered within me.
5 我回憶以往的時日,默想你的各種奇事,思量你手中的作為。
I remember the days of old, and brood over all you have done, musing on all that your hands have wrought.
6 向著你我常伸開我的雙手,渴慕你我的靈魂有如乾土。(休止)
I spread out my hands to you: I thirst for you, like parched earth. (Selah)
7 上主,求你快來俯聽我,因我的精神萎靡坎坷;莫要對我遮掩你的慈顏,莫讓我像陷入深坑者然。
Answer me soon, Lord, because my spirit is spent. Hide not your face from me, else become I like those who go down to the pit.
8 賜我清晨得聞你的仁慈,因我完全信賴你;讓我認識我應走的道路,因我舉心嚮往你。
Let me learn of your love in the morning, for my trust is in you. Teach me the way I should go: for my heart longs for you.
9 求你救我擺脫我的仇敵!上主因為我時常投奔你!
Save me, O Lord, from my foes: for to you I have fled for refuge.
10 求您教我承行您的旨意,因您是我的天主。願您的善神時常引我導我,走上平坦的樂土。
Teach me to do your will, for you yourself are my God. Guide me by your good spirit, O Lord, on a way that is smooth.
11 上主,為了您的聖名,讓我得以生存,為了您的慈愛,領我走出苦津,
Be true to your name Lord, spare me, bring me out of distress in your faithfulness.
12 為您恩佑,滅我仇人,剷除磨難我的諸人,因為我是您的僕人。
In your kindness extinguish my enemies, and all those who vex me destroy; for I am your servant.

< 詩篇 143 >