< 詩篇 141 >

1 上主,我呼求您,請求速來救助我;上主,我呼求您,請您聽我的呼號。
Yahweh, I call out to you; [please] help me quickly! Listen to me when I am calling to you.
2 願我向您的祈禱,像馨香上升;願我的手高舉,如同晚祭的高騰。
Accept my prayer as though it were incense [being burned as an offering] [SIM] to you. And accept me while I lift up my hands [to pray] to you like you accept sacrifices [that I offer to you each] evening [SIM].
3 上主,求您在我的口邊派守衛,求您在我的唇前派警備。
Yahweh, do not allow me to say [MTY] things that are wrong; guard my lips.
4 莫讓我的心傾向邪道,免得我再去犯罪作惡;莫讓我與惡人同作壞事,免得我嚐食他們的美味。
Prevent me from wanting to do anything that is wrong, and from joining with wicked men when they want to do evil deeds [DOU]. Do not [even] allow me to share in eating delightful food with them!
5 義人責打我,算是我的恩遇,他責斥我,是給我頭的傅油。我的頭也決不會加以抗拒,我仍然為迫害我的人祈求。
It is all right if righteous people strike/hit me or rebuke me because they are trying to act kindly toward me [to teach me to do what is right], but I do not want wicked [people] to [honor me by] anointing my head with [olive] oil; I am always praying [that you will punish them because of] the wicked deeds [that they do].
6 當他們的首領被拋於巖石時,纔感覺到我的話是如何甘飴。
When their rulers are thrown down from the top of rocky cliffs, people will know that what you, Yahweh, said [about them] is true.
7 他們的骨頭被棄置在陰府門旁,像人耕地掘田,將土塊任意拋放。 (Sheol h7585)
Like a log that is split and cut into small pieces [SIM], their shattered bones will be scattered [on the ground] near [other] graves. (Sheol h7585)
8 上主天主,我的雙目一直仰望你,我信賴你,不要將我的靈魂拋棄。
But Yahweh God, I [continue to] ask you [to help me]. I ask you to protect me; do not allow me to (die/be killed) [now]!
9 求你保護我免陷於他們為我設的網羅,求你使我能夠脫離為非作歹者的圈套。
[It is as though] people have set traps for me; protect me from falling into those traps, [It is as though] they have spread nets to catch me; keep me from being caught in those nets.
10 願惡人一起墮入自設的網羅,而我卻得以安然無恙地脫逃。
I desire that wicked [people] will fall into the traps they have set [to catch me] while I escape [from them].

< 詩篇 141 >