< 詩篇 127 >

1 若不是上主興工建屋,建築的人是徒然勞苦;若不是上主護守城堡,守城的人白白驚醒護守。
A song of ascents. Of Solomon. Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain; unless the LORD protects the city, its watchmen stand guard in vain.
2 您們很早起床盡屬徒然,每夜坐到深更圖謀打算,為了求食經過多少辛酸;唯獨天主賜所愛者安眠。
In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for bread to eat— for He gives sleep to His beloved.
3 的確子女全是上主的賜予,胎兒也全是他的報酬。
Children are indeed a heritage from the LORD, and the fruit of the womb is His reward.
4 年青少壯所生的子嗣,有如勇士手中的箭矢。
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are children born in one’s youth.
5 裝滿自己箭囊的人,真有福氣,城門前爭辯,不受羞恥。
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. He will not be put to shame when he confronts the enemies at the gate.

< 詩篇 127 >