< 詩篇 124 >

1 若不是上主保佑我們,唯願以色列子民再說:
A SONG OF THE ASCENTS. BY DAVID. If YHWH had not been for us (Pray, let Israel say),
2 若不是上主保佑我們,當世人起來攻擊我們,
If YHWH had not been for us, In the rising up of man against us,
3 並向我們發洩怒火時,必會活活將我們舌食。
Then they had swallowed us alive, In the burning of their anger against us,
4 就像淹沒我們的水禍,流過我們頭頸的洪波。
Then the waters had overflowed us, The stream passed over our soul,
5 又像洶湧澎湃的狂浪,早已將我們淹沒滅亡。
Then proud waters had passed over our soul.
6 讚美上主,他沒有將我們拋出,使我們做成他爪牙的獵物;
Blessed [is] YHWH who has not given us, [As] prey to their teeth.
7 我們像掙脫獵人羅網的小鳥,羅網扯破了,我們自然逃掉。
Our soul has escaped as a bird from a snare of fowlers, The snare was broken, and we have escaped.
8 我們的救助是仰賴上主的名,上天和下地都是由他所造成。
Our help [is] in the Name of YHWH, Maker of the heavens and earth!

< 詩篇 124 >