< 詩篇 113 >
1 阿肋路亞!上主的僕人,請一齊讚頌,請一齊讚頌上主聖名!
Alleluya. Children, preise ye the Lord; preise ye the name of the Lord.
The name of the Lord be blessid; fro this tyme now and til in to the world.
Fro the risyng of the sunne til to the goyng doun; the name of the Lord is worthi to be preisid.
The Lord is hiy aboue alle folkis; and his glorie is aboue heuenes.
5 誰能相似上主我們的天主?祂坐在蒼天之上的最高處。
Who is as oure Lord God, that dwellith in hiye thingis;
and biholdith meke thingis in heuene and in erthe?
7 上主從塵埃裏提拔弱小的人;上主由糞土中舉揚窮苦的人,
Reisynge a nedi man fro the erthe; and enhaunsinge a pore man fro drit.
That he sette hym with princes; with the princes of his puple.
9 使那不孕的婦女坐鎮家中,成為多子的母親快樂無窮。
Which makith a bareyn womman dwelle in the hous; a glad modir of sones.