< 詩篇 111 >
1 阿肋路亞。在義人的集會和團聚中,我要全心讚頌上主。
Praise the Lord! I will thank the Lord with all my heart in the congregation of the faithful.
All the wonderful things the Lord has done are studied by everyone who loves them.
His majesty and honor are revealed by what he does; his goodness lasts forever.
He wants the wonderful things he has done to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and kind.
5 上主賜給敬愛祂的人食物,上主永遠懷念自己的盟約。
He feeds those who respect him; he always remembers the agreement he made.
6 祂將偉業的異能啟示給選民,把外邦人的產業賞賜給他們。
He demonstrated to his people the powerful things he could do by giving them the lands of other nations.
7 上主所行的是真誠正義;上主的一切規誡堅定不移。
Everything he does can be depended on, and is right; all his commandments are trustworthy.
They remain rock-solid forever. He was true and right in saying what should be done.
9 祂速來救贖祂的百姓,永遠立定了祂的約盟;祂的名是神聖而可敬。
He delivered his people. He commanded that his agreement would continue forever. How holy and awesome is his reputation!
10 敬愛上主,是智慧的開始:實行敬愛的人,算有智慧;他的榮譽,必定存留永世。
The beginning of wisdom is honoring the Lord. Those who follow what he says do well. He is to be praised forever!