< 詩篇 108 >
1 【我要在萬民中讚美上主】達味的詩歌。 天主,我的心已準備妥當,我的心已準備妥當,我歌彈詠唱。
A song. A psalm of David. My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast. I would sing, I would make music; awake, my soul.
2 我的心靈要醒起來!七絃和豎琴要奏起來!我要喚起曙光。
Awake, harp and lyre; I would wake the dawn.
3 上主,我要在萬民中讚美您;上主,我要在列邦中歌頌您。
I would praise you among the peoples, O Lord; make music among the nations to you.
4 上主,您的慈愛高越諸天;上主,您的忠信直達霄漢。
For great to heaven is your love, and your faithfulness to the clouds.
5 上主,您在天上備受舉揚;上主,您在地上彰顯榮光。
Be exalted, O God, o’er the heavens, and your glory o’er all the earth.
6 上主,您給我們獲得救恩;上主,您以右手協助我們。
So those you love may be rescued, save by your right hand and answer us.
7 天主在自己的聖所說:我要凱旋,將舍根分離,將穌苛特的平原測量。
God did solemnly swear: ‘As victor will I divide Shechem, portion out the valley of Succoth.
8 基勒阿得地屬於我,默納協地也屬於我,我的頭盔就是厄法辣因,猶大成為我手中的權棍。
Mine is Gilead, mine is Manasseh, Ephraim is my helmet, Judah my sceptre of rule,
9 摩阿布是我的沐浴池,我向厄東投我的鞋隻,我還要戰勝培勒舍特。
Moab the pot that I wash in, on Edom I hurl my sandal, I shout o’er Philistia in triumph.’
O to be brought to the fortified city! O to be led into Edom!
11 天主,莫非您已將我們拋棄,天主,難道不率領我們出擊?
Have you not spurned us, O God? You do not march forth with our armies.
12 求您援助我們抵抗仇敵,因為人的援助盡屬虛無。
Grant us help from the foe, for human help is worthless.
13 我們倚靠天主,奮勇行事。祂必要踏踐我們的仇敵。
With God we shall yet do bravely, he himself will tread down our foes.