< 詩篇 107 >
1 請您們向上主讚頌,因為祂是美善寬仁,祂的仁慈永遠常存。
Thank the Lord, for he is good! His trustworthy love continues forever!
2 歌詠此曲的人們是:上主親身所救贖的,由敵人手中救出的,
Let those the Lord has saved say that they are saved; those he has rescued from the power of the enemy.
He has gathered them together from distant lands, from the east and the west, the north and the south.
4 他們在曠野和沙漠中漂流,找不到安居之城的道路。
They wandered in the desert wilderness, unable to find a way to a city where they could live.
Hungry and thirsty, they became very discouraged.
6 他們於急難中一哀救上主,上主即拯救他們脫離困苦,
Then they cried out to the Lord to help them in their troubles, and he saved them from their suffering.
He led them along a straight way to a city where they could live.
Let them praise the Lord for his trustworthy love, and for all the wonderful things he does for people.
9 因為祂使饑渴的人得到飽飫,祂使肚餓人享盡美物。
For he gives drink to those who are thirsty, and food to those who are hungry.
10 他們坐在黑暗與死影裏,盡為痛苦與鐵鍊所縛繫,
Some sat in complete darkness, prisoners of misery and bound with iron chains,
11 因為背棄了天主的命令,又輕視了至高者的叮嚀。
for they had rebelled against what God had said; they had rejected the guidance of the Most High.
12 因此,祂以苦難折磨了他們的心神,他們跌倒了,卻沒有人來扶持他們。
So he humbled their pride with the troubles of life; they tripped over and no one was there to stop them falling.
13 他們在急難中哀求上主,上主即救他們脫離困苦,
Then they called out to the Lord for help in their troubles, and he saved them from their suffering.
14 領他們擺脫死影與黑暗,把他們的銬鐐完全弄斷。
He brought them out of complete darkness, he broke their chains to pieces.
15 願他們感謝上主的仁慈,稱頌祂給人子顯的奇蹟。
Let them praise the Lord for his trustworthy love, and for all the wonderful things he does for people.
For he breaks down the bronze doors, and cuts through the iron bars.
They were stupid because they rebelled; they suffered for their sins.
They didn't want to eat; they were at death's door.
19 他們於急難中一哀求主,上主即拯救他們脫離困苦。
Then they called out to the Lord for help in their troubles, and he saved them from their suffering.
20 主發一言就將他們病除,且拯救他們脫離了陰府。
He gave the command and he healed them; he saved them from the grave.
21 願他們感謝上主[的仁慈,稱頌祂給人子顯的奇蹟。
Let them praise the Lord for his trustworthy love, and for all the wonderful things he does for people.
22 願他們獻上感恩的祭獻,將祂的工程歡樂地宣傳。
Let them present thank offerings and sing with joy about what he has done.
Those who set sail in ships, crossing the seas to earn their living,
24 他們看見過上主的奇異作為,遇到過祂行於汪洋中的奇跡:
they have seen the Lord's incredible power at work—the wonderful things he did in the deepest oceans.
He only had to speak to cause a stormy wind that stirred up towering waves,
26 時而忽躍沖天,時而忽墜棎淵;此危急之中,他們膽戰心寒,
lifting the ships high in the air and then plunging them down. The sailors were so terrified that their courage melted away.
They staggered around, falling from side to side like drunks—all their seamanship skills were useless.
28 他們於急難中一哀求上主,上主即拯救他們脫離困苦。
Then they cried out to the Lord to help them in their troubles, and he saved them from their suffering.
He calmed the storm, the waves were quiet.
30 祂使風平浪靜,大家個個歡忭,祂領他們登上了渴薶的海岸。
The sailors were so happy when it all calmed down, and he brought them to the harbor they wanted.
Let them praise the Lord for his trustworthy love, and for all the wonderful things he does for people.
Let them say how wonderful he is in front of the whole congregation and the elders.
He dries up rivers and turns the land into a desert; the water springs stop flowing and the earth turns dry and dusty.
Fruitful ground becomes a salty wasteland because of the wickedness of those living there.
But he also turns around and makes pools of water in the desert, and makes water springs flow in a dry and dusty land.
36 把饑餓的人徒置在那地,使他們與興建者安居的城邑;
He brings hungry people to live there—a place they can build their cities.
37 耕田種地,開懇了葡萄園,因此收穫果實,豐富出產。
They sow their fields and plant their vineyards, producing a good harvest.
38 上主祝福了他們人口繁衍,賞賜他們的牲畜有增無減。
He takes care of them, and their numbers increase dramatically—their cattle too!
When they become few, brought low by oppression, misery, and sorrow,
40 但上主卻使權貴遭受恥辱,任他們徘徊歧途無路可走。
He pours out his contempt on their leaders, making them wander, lost in the wilderness.
41 但拯救貧窮人脫離災難,使他們家屬多如羊群一般。
But he lifts the poor out of their troubles, and makes their families as big as flocks.
42 正直的人見到必然歡忭,但邪惡的人卻啞口無言。
Those who live right will observe what is happening and be glad, but the wicked will be silenced.
Those who are wise will pay attention to all this, and thoughtfully reflect on the Lord's trustworthy love.