< 詩篇 104 >
1 【讚美造物的大主】我的靈魂請向上主讚頌!上主我的天主,您偉大無限,您以尊貴威嚴作您的衣冠:身披光明,好像外氅,展開蒼天,相似棚帳,
To David himself. Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are exceedingly great. You have clothed yourself with confession and beauty;
2 在水上建築您的宮殿,造了雲彩,作您的車輦,駕御著風翼,馳騁直前;
you are dressed with light like a garment, while you stretch out heaven like a tent.
You cover its heights with water. You set the clouds as your stairs. You walk upon the wings of the winds.
You make your Angels a breath of life, and your ministers a burning fire.
5 以汪洋作氅衣把大地遮蓋,又以大水把群山峻嶺掩埋。
You founded the earth upon its stable base. It will not be bent from age to age.
The abyss, like a garment, is its clothing. The waters will remain standing above the mountains.
7 峻嶺血上突出,山谷向下沉落,各個都停在您指定的處所。
At your rebuke, they will flee. At the voice of your thunder, they will dread.
8 您劃定了界限,都不越過,免得大水再把大地淹沒。
The mountains ascend, and the plains descend, to the place which you have founded for them.
You have set a limit that they will not cross. And they will not return to cover the earth.
You spring forth fountains in steep valleys. The waters will cross through the midst of the mountains.
11 天上飛鳥,在水邊宿臥,在枝葉痋叢中不斸鳴叫。
All the wild beasts of the field will drink. The wild donkeys will anticipate in their thirst.
12 您從高樓宮殿上,灌溉山地,以出產的果實,飽飫普世;
Above them, the flying things of the air will dwell. From the midst of the rocks, they will utter voices.
13 您使青草和植物生出,餵養牲畜,為給人服務。又使土地產生出五穀,
You irrigate the mountains from your heights. The earth will be satiated from the fruit of your works,
14 美酒,人飲了舒暢人神,膏油,人用來塗面潤身,麵餅,人吃了增強人神。
producing grass for cattle and herbs for the service of men. So may you draw bread from the earth,
15 上主的木喬木飽餐水澤,黎巴嫩香柏,主手所植。
and wine, in order to cheer the heart of man. Then he may gladden his face with oil, and bread will confirm the heart of man.
The trees of the field will be saturated, along with the cedars of Lebanon, which he planted.
17 高山崚嶺作羚羊的洞府,絕壁岩石作野兔的居處。
There, the sparrows will make their nests. The leader of them is the house of the heron.
The heights of the hills are for the deer; the rock is a refuge for the hedgehog.
19 您造了黑暗,便有了夜晚,林中的野獸遂四出狂竄。
He has made the moon for seasons; the sun knows its setting.
You appointed darkness, and it has become night; all the beasts of the forest will cross through it.
21 太陽升起的時候,牠們各自逃避,回到自己的洞穴,安然臥下休息;
The young lions will roar, while searching for and seizing their meal from God.
The sun arose, and they were gathered together; and in their dens, they will lie down together.
23 上主,您的化工,何其浩繁,全是您以智慧所創辦,您的受造物遍地充滿。
Man will go forth to his work and to his activities, until the evening.
24 看,汪洋大海,一望無際,其中水族,不可計數,大小生物,浮游不息。
How great are your works, O Lord! You have made all things in wisdom. The earth has been filled with your possessions.
25 在那裏有舟有船,往來航行,還有您造的鱷魚,遊戲其中。
This sea is great and its hands are spacious. There are creeping things without number: the small animals with the great.
26 這一切生物都瞻仰著您,希望您按時給它們飲食。
There, the ships will pass by this sea-serpent that you have formed to mock them.
27 您一賜給它們,它們便會收集,您一伸您的手,它們便得飽食。
All these expect you to give them food in due time.
28 您若隱藏您的面容,它們便要恐懼,您若停止它們的呼吸,它們就要死去,再回
What you give to them, they will gather. When you open your hand, they will all be filled with goodness.
But if you turn your face away, they will be disturbed. You will take away their breath, and they will fail, and they will return to their dust.
You will send forth your Spirit, and they will be created. And you will renew the face of the earth.
31 願上主的光榮,永世無窮;願上主喜樂,自己的化工!
May the glory of the Lord be for all ages. The Lord will rejoice in his works.
32 祂一垂視大地,大地抖顫;祂一觸摸群山,群山冒煙。
He considers the earth, and he makes it tremble. He touches the mountains, and they smoke.
33 只要我活著,我要歌頌上主,只要我存在.我要詠讚上主。
I will sing to the Lord with my life. I will sing psalms to my God, as long as I am.
May my speech be pleasing to him. Truly, I will take delight in the Lord.
35 願罪人由地面上滅跡,惡人不再存留於人世!我的靈魂,頌讚上主!阿肋路亞。
Let sinners fade away from the earth, along with the unjust, so that they may not be. Bless the Lord, O my soul.