< 詩篇 103 >
1 達味作。我的靈魂,請向上主讚頌,我的五內,請向主名讚頌。
A psalm of David. I give praise to Yahweh with all my life, and with all that is within me, I give praise to his holy name.
2 我的靈魂,請向上主讚頌,請你不要忘記他的恩寵。
I give praise to Yahweh with all my life, and I remember all of his good deeds.
3 是他赦免了你的各種愆尤,是他治愈了你的一切病苦,
He forgives all your sins; he heals all your diseases.
4 是他叫你的性命在死亡中得到保全,是他用仁慈以及愛情給你作了冠冕,
He redeems your life from destruction; he crowns you with covenant faithfulness and acts of tender mercy.
5 是他賞賜你一生幸福滿盈,是他使你的青春更新如鷹。
He satisfies your life with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle.
Yahweh does what is fair and does acts of justice for all who are oppressed.
7 上主曾將自己的道路告知梅瑟,給以色列子民彰顯自己的功績。
He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the descendants of Israel.
Yahweh is merciful and gracious; he is patient; he has great covenant loyalty.
He will not always discipline; he is not always angry.
10 他沒有按我們的罪惡對待我們,也沒有照我們的過犯報復我們。
He does not deal with us as our sins deserve or repay us for what our sins demand.
11 就如上天距離下地有多麼高,他待敬畏他者的慈愛也多高;
For as the skies are high above the earth, so great is his covenant faithfulness toward those who honor him.
12 就如東方距離西方有多麼遠,他使我們的罪離我們也多遠;
As far as the east is from the west, this is how far he has removed the guilt of our sins from us.
13 就如父親怎樣憐愛自己兒女們,上主也怎樣憐愛敬畏自己的人們。
As a father has compassion on his children, so Yahweh has compassion on those who honor him.
14 他原知道我們怎樣形成,也記得我們不過是灰塵。
For he knows how we are formed; he knows that we are dust.
15 世人的歲月與青草無異,又像田野的花,茂盛一時,
As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower in a field.
16 只要輕風吹過,他就不復存在,沒有人認得出他原有的所在。
The wind blows over it, and it disappears, and no one can even tell where it once grew.
17 但上主的慈愛永遠臨於敬畏他的人,他的正義永遠臨於他們的子子孫孫:
But the covenant faithfulness of Yahweh is from everlasting to everlasting on those who honor him. His righteousness extends to their descendants.
18 就是臨於那些遵守他盟約的人,和那些懷念並履行他誡命的人。
They keep his covenant and remember to obey his instructions.
19 上主在天上立定了自己的寶位,天下的萬物都屬他的王權統治。
Yahweh has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over everyone.
20 上主的眾天使,請你們讚美上主,你們是執行他命令的大能臣僕,又是服從上主聖言的聽命公侯;
Give praise to Yahweh, you his angels, you mighty ones who are strong and do his word, and obey the sound of his word.
21 上主的眾天使,請讚美上主,您們是奉行祂旨意的忠僕,
Give praise to Yahweh, all his hosts, you are his servants who carry out his will.
22 上主所有的一切受造物,在祂權限所達的各處,請您們大家都讚美上主。我的靈魂請您讚美上主!
Give praise to Yahweh, all his creatures, in all the places where he reigns. I will give praise to Yahweh with all my life.