< 詩篇 101 >

1 達味的詩歌。
“By David, a psalm.” Of kindness and justice will I sing: unto thee, O Lord, will I sing praises.
2 我要歌頌仁愛與公正,上主,我還要向您吟詠。
I will carefully regard the way of the perfect: oh when will thou come unto me? I will walk in the integrity of my heart in the midst of my house.
3 我要走齊全的路,您何時來我這裏?我要在我的家中,以純潔的心度日。
I will not set before my eyes a godless thing; to commit a departure [from righteousness] do I hate; it shall not cleave to me.
4 我決不把邪僻的事情放置在我的眼前;我痛恨為非作歹的人,不讓他與我相聯。
A perverse heart shall depart from me: evil will I not know.
5 敗壞的心,我要達離;邪惡我不認識。
Whoso slandereth in secret his neighbor, him will I destroy: whoso hath proud eyes and a haughty heart, him will I not suffer.
6 暗中設計毀謗同僚的人,我要消滅他;高視闊步,心高氣傲的人,我不容忍他。
My eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may abide with me: he that walketh in the way of the perfect, he it is that shall serve me.
7 我眼注視國內忠誠的人,讓他們與我同住,在齊全道路行走的人才可作我的忠僕。7. 詭詐欺騙的人,不得住在我的宮內,說謊不實的人,不得在我眼前存在。
He that practiseth deceit shall not dwell within my house: he that speaketh falsehoods shall not succeed before my eyes.
8 我每日清早要滅絕在國所有罪人,我要由上主的城內剷除所有作惡的人。
Every morning will I destroy all the wicked of the land, cutting off from the city of the Lord all the wrong-doers.

< 詩篇 101 >