< 箴言 6 >

1 我兒,你如果為你的朋友作保,或為外人擊掌;
[My] son, if you become surety for your friend, you shall deliver your hand to an enemy.
2 你如果為你口中說的話所連累,為你口中的言詞所束縛,
For a man's own lips become a strong snare to him, and he is caught with the lips of his own mouth.
3 那麼,我兒,你既然已陷在你友人的手中,你就該逃脫,該這樣做:火速前去,央求你的友人,
[My] son, do what I command you, and deliver yourself; for on your friend's account you are come into the power of evil [men]: faint not, but stir up even your friend for whom you are become surety.
4 不要合上眼睛睡覺,也不要垂下眼瞼假寐,
Give not sleep to your eyes, nor slumber with your eyelids;
5 應急速解救自己,如羚羊掙脫羅網,飛鳥逃脫獵人的圈套。
that you may deliver yourself as a doe out of the toils, and as a bird out of a snare.
6 懶漢,你去看看螞蟻,觀察牠的作風,便可得些智識:
Go to the ant, O sluggard; and see, and emulate his ways, and become wiser than he.
7 牠沒有領袖,沒有監督,沒有君王,
For whereas he has no husbandry, nor any one to compel him, and is under no master,
8 但在夏天卻知準備食糧,在秋收時積貯養料。
he prepares food for himself in the summer, and lays by abundant store in harvest. Or go to the bee, and learn how diligent she is, and how earnestly she is engaged in her work; whose labours kings and private men use for health, and she is desired and respected by all: though weak in body, she is advanced by honouring wisdom.
9 懶漢,你要睡到幾時,你幾時纔睡醒﹖「
How long will you lie, O sluggard? and when will you awake out of sleep?
10 再睡片刻,再假寐片刻,再抱臂躺臥片刻! 」
You sleep a little, and you rest a little, and you slumber a short [time], and you fold your arms over your breast a little.
11 這樣貧窮就要如同竊賊,困乏也要如同武士,向你侵襲。
Then poverty comes upon you as an evil traveller, and lack as a swift courier: but if you be diligent, your harvest shall arrive as a fountain, and poverty shall flee away as a bad courier.
12 無賴與惡徒,行事滿口欺詐;
A foolish man and a transgressor goes in ways that are not good.
13 他以眼傳神,以腳示意,以手指東畫西。
And the same winks with the eye, and makes a sign with his foot, and teaches with the beckonings of his fingers.
14 他存心不良,常蓄意惹事生非。
[His] perverse heart devises evils: at all times such a one causes troubles to a city.
15 為此,他的喪亡必突然來臨,霎時間全被毀滅,無法挽救。
Therefore his destruction shall come suddenly; overthrow and irretrievable ruin.
16 上主憎恨的事,共有六件,連他心裏最厭惡的事,共有七件:
For he rejoices in all things which God hates, and he is ruined by reason of impurity of soul.
17 傲慢的眼睛,撒謊的舌頭,流無i辜者血的手,
The eye of the haughty, a tongue unjust, hands shedding the blood of the just;
18 策劃陰謀的心,疾趨行惡的腳,
and a heart devising evil thoughts, and feet hastening to do evil, —[are hateful to God].
19 說謊的假見證,和在兄弟間搬弄事非的人。
An unjust witness kindles falsehoods, and brings on quarrels between brethren.
20 我兒,應堅守你父親的命令,不要放棄你母親的教訓;
[My] son, keep the laws of your father, and reject not the ordinances of your mother:
21 應將二者常刻在你心中,繫在你的頸項上。
but bind them upon your soul continually, and hang them as a chain about your neck.
22 她們在你行路時引領你,在你躺臥時看護你;在你醒來時與你交談。
Whenever you walk, lead this along and let it be with you; that it may talk with you when you wake.
23 因為父命是盞燈,母教是光明,嚴格的勸告是生命的道路,
For the commandment of the law is a lamp and a light; a way of life; reproof also and correction:
24 使你遠避惡意的女人,離開淫婦阿諛的言詞,
to keep you continually from a married woman, and from the calumny of a strange tongue.
25 不讓你的心貪戀她的美色,不讓她的秋波迷惑你,
Let not the desire of beauty overcome you, neither be you caught by your eyes, neither be captivated with her eyelids.
26 因為娼妓所求的只是一塊餅,有夫之婦卻獵取寶貴的生命。
For the value of a harlot is as much as of one loaf; and a woman hunts for the precious souls of men.
27 人豈能懷中藏火,而不燒毀自己的衣服﹖
Shall any one bind fire in his bosom, and not burn his garments?
28 人豈能在火炭上行走,而不灼傷自己的腳﹖
or will any one walk on coals of fire, and not burn his feet?
29 與他人妻子通姦的人就是這樣:凡接近她的,必難免受罰。
So is he that goes in to a married woman; he shall not be held guiltless, neither any one that touches her.
30 盜賊若因饑餓行竊以果腹,人都不鄙視他;
It is not to be wondered at if one should be taken stealing, for he steals that when hungry he may satisfy his soul:
31 但若被擒獲了,他仍須七倍償還,交出家中所有的財物。
but if he should be taken, he shall repay sevenfold, and shall deliver himself by giving all his goods.
32 與婦人通姦的人,實屬愚眛,他這樣做,卻是毀滅自己。
But the adulterer through lack of sense procures destruction to his soul.
33 他必遭受可恥的打擊,並且他的恥辱,永不得拭去,
He endures both pain and disgrace, and his reproach shall never be wiped off.
34 因為妒火能激怒男人,使他在報復時,決不留情;
For the soul of her husband is full of jealousy: he will not spare in the day of vengeance.
35 任何的賠償,他都不理睬;即便你多送禮品,他也不肯罷休。
He will not forego [his] enmity for any ransom: neither will he be reconciled for many gifts.

< 箴言 6 >