< 箴言 31 >

1 瑪薩的君王肋慕耳的格言,是他母親教給他的:
The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy with which his mother instructed him.
2 我兒! 我的親生兒! 我的長子肋慕耳! 我許願所得的孩子! 我可給你說些什麼﹖
What [hast thou done], O my son: and what, O son of my body? and what, O son of my vows?
3 你不要將你的精力,為女人而消耗;也不要為君王的宮女,白費你的血氣。
Give not unto women thy vigor, nor thy ways to those that ruin kings.
4 肋慕耳! 清酒不宜於君王,醇酒不宜於公侯,
Not for kings, O Lemoel, not for kings [it is fitting] to drink wine, nor for princes, strong drink:
5 免得在酒興之餘,輕易將法律忘掉,顛倒窮人的是非。
Lest either might drink, and forget what is written in the law, and pervert the cause of all the afflicted.
6 應將醇酒給與哀慟欲絕的人,應將清酒給與心靈痛楚的人,
Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those who have an embittered soul.
7 好叫他們喝了,完全忘掉自己的貧乏,不再記憶自己的憂苦。
Let such a one drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his trouble no more.
8 你應為啞吧開口,為被棄的人辯護;
Open thy mouth for the dumb, for the cause of all fatherless children.
9 你應開口秉公行審,應為貧苦弱小辯護。
Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and decide the cause of the poor and needy.
10 賢淑的婦女,有誰能找到﹖她本身價值,遠勝過珠寶。
Who can find a virtuous woman: for far above pearls is her value.
11 她的丈夫對她衷心信賴,一切所需從來不會缺少。
The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, and he will not see his gain diminish.
12 她一生歲月,只叫他幸福,不給他煩惱。
She treateth him well and not ill, all the days of her life.
13 她弄來羊毛細麻,愉快地親手勞作。
She seeketh for wool and flax, and worketh with her willing hands.
14 她宛如一隻商船,由遠處運來食糧。
She is become like the merchant's ships: from afar doth she bring her food.
15 天還未明,她已起身,為給家人分配食物,給婢女們分派家務。
And she riseth while it is yet night, and giveth provision to her household, and a task to her maidens.
16 她看中一塊田地,就將它買了來,以雙手所得的收入,栽植了葡萄園。
She thinketh of a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
17 她以勇力束腰,增強自己臂力。
She girdeth with strength her loins, and giveth vigor to her arms.
18 她發覺自己經營生利,她的燈盞夜間仍不熄滅。
She perceiveth that her profit is good: [therefore] her lamp goeth not out by night.
19 她手執紡錘,手指旋轉紗錠。
She stretcheth out her hands to the spindle, and her palms hold fast the distaff.
20 對貧苦的人,她隨手賙濟;對無靠的人,她伸手扶助。
She spreadeth out wide her open palm to the poor: yea, her hands she stretcheth forth to the needy.
21 為自己的家人,她不害怕風雪,因為全家上下,都穿雙料衣裳。
She hath no fear for her household of the snow: for all her household are clothed in scarlet.
22 她為自己做了華麗的舖蓋,身穿的是細麻和紫錦的衣裳。
Tapestry-covering she maketh for herself: of linen and purple is her attire.
23 她的丈夫與當地長老同席,在城門口深為眾人所認識。
Well known is in the gates her husband, when he sitteth with the elders of the land.
24 她紡織紗布予以出售,又製造腰帶賣與商賈。
Fine tunics she maketh, and selleth them, and girdles she furnisheth unto the merchant.
25 剛毅和尊嚴是她的服飾,一念及將來便笑容滿面。
Strength and dignity are her clothing: and she smileth at the coming of the last day.
26 她一開口即傾吐智慧,舌上常有仁慈的訓誨。
She openeth her mouth with wisdom, and the law of kindness is on her tongue.
27 她不斷督察家務,從不白吃閒飯。
She looketh well to the ways of her household, and the bread of idleness she doth not eat.
28 她的子女起來向她祝福,她的丈夫對她讚不絕口:「
Her children rise up, and call her blessed; her husband, also, and he praiseth her:
29 賢淑的女子很多,唯有你超群群出眾。」
“Many daughters have done virtuously; but thou excellest them all.”
30 姿色是虛幻,美麗是泡影;敬畏上主的女人,纔堪當受人讚美。
False is grace, and vain is beauty: a woman only that feareth the Lord shall indeed be praised.
31 願她享受她雙手操勞的成果! 願她的事業在城門口使她受讚揚!
Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates.

< 箴言 31 >